facebook original notes We cannot keep speaking out of both sides of our mouths—declaring that we are for the restoration of the LGBT community (2 Peter 3:9; John 3:16), but then, when God tests our spirit to see if we truly mean what we are professing, we, as the Body of Christ are displaying a completely different attitude in public.
In the same manner, we must examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). We need to test and examine our hearts to determine whether we are genuinely serving God in all respects. We do not get to pick and choose which verses of the Bible we will follow. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that ALL Scripture is inspired by God. Therefore, ALL Scripture is profitable for teaching us right from wrong, for reproof (correcting us when we have erred), for correction (when we are not following God's standards), and for training in righteousness (the transformation of our hearts and minds). We cannot have one set of standards or practices of acceptance for people who commit adultery, fornication, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, abuse, etc., while categorizing the LGBT community differently. THAT IS NOT OF GOD. I have often heard people in the Body of Christ say that they want better for the LGBT community. They express a desire to help members of the LGBT community restore their relationship with God. But then God sends someone like me into their midst (within their congregation)—someone with past experience in that community—and suddenly, their actions no longer align with what they have been saying. GOD WILL TEST YOUR SPIRIT, especially His leaders, regarding your claims about the LGBT community. He desires restoration for the LGBT community, but the Church needs to stop lying about its true intentions. Your heart will reveal the truth every single time. God will expose your true self. Every time a leader stands up in their pulpit or declares on social media that they want to help the LGBT community, God will send someone like me before you and observe your genuine reaction to the one He has sent or placed in your path. If you cannot properly engage with or interact with someone like me, as your sister in the faith—whom God Himself has restored and is using for His glory—how can you claim to be an instrument of help for the LGBT community? That is called a lying spirit. We need to align ourselves with God's will for all people and stop pretending we seek restoration for everyone. Remember, our heart posture and actions are things we will have to answer for on the day of judgment (Matthew 12:36-37). I’ve finally finished writing the second edition of my book, Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life - Overcoming Sexual Sin.
Now, I have three read-throughs to complete before our Senior Editor, Holly, adds her touch of perfection to the project. The final stage will involve a few Beta Readers critiquing the content, and then we’ll be ready for the official release. Click the images below for more information. I can't emphasize this enough: GOD is in the business of transforming lives (2 Corinthians 5:17). I'll be sharing more of these incredible testimonies on my blog.
The church failure to accept what Christ has done in someone's life. To watch, you can click the video below. As I finished ministerial school and in preparation for taking my final exam, I had to complete a spiritual gift test to assess and determine my top 5 spiritual gifts and turn in an essay sharing my testimony. I recently completed these tasks and thought it would be useful to some to share my testimony essay. How do I know I am calledI believe we are all called to ministry based on the principle stated at Matthew 28:19-20. No one is excluded from this responsibility. The challenge for many Christians is finding where in the scope of ministry they best fit. For most of us, it takes us a lifetime (approximately 30-plus years) to discover where we best fit, and I am no different from most. called to ministry I’m trying to think of the shortest way to share my journey since I am known to be long-winded. The easiest way to answer your question, “How do you know that you are called,” is by sharing two significant points in my life. There are other events that are more significant than these two, but I believe these two events in my life answer your question more effectively. As far as sharing my personal testimony, well, it is too long to share here. In fact, my testimony is such a valuable testimony to the Bible of Christ that the LORD had me put it in a book on which I have received some great positive feedback from pastors, laymen in the Body, and others. A major part of my ministry has become a spill-off from this testimony I revealed in my first book. However, my testimony is best shared in a group setting, one-on-one with individuals and or families who can relate to my testimony, in Bible study groups, and or training for leaders. I also have a blog as well as a Vlog where I have talked about my testimony as GOD leads me. major events The two events took place on April 2, 2016, and January 8, 2019. april 2, 2016 Encounter with christ That morning, I was worshiping in my bedroom, when I felt a shift in my room – the Spirit of GOD filled the space. As I sat still, the LORD took me to Romans 1:1 and had me read it. The word ‘apostle’ leaped off the page and appeared to hoover in front of me. Then I heard the voice of GOD say the following to me.
To be honest, at that time, I didn’t know what an apostle was, yet along, I wasn’t familiar with the term fivefold ministry. I was quite ignorant of church lango back in those days. At any rate, this took me on a journey of spiritual growth and understanding the principle stated at 1 Corinthians chapter 12. I came to realize that GOD was calling me to a unique office in the Body of Christ. And it would take me another three years to fully understand it. This leads me to the encounter I had with Christ on January 8, 2019. january 8, 2019 I was lying in bed communing with GOD when, suddenly, I had an out-of-body experience. I won’t go into the details of that experience and what I saw. But I will share that it involved a golden scepter, the earth, and a hammer (a sledgehammer in particular). During this encounter, I was given three instructions. (By the way, the number 3 seems to play a significant role in my ministry).
There are a lot of takeaway points I learned from my research about the scepter and hammer and their proper use. But what I came to understand was what GOD was saying specifically to me concerning my calling.
I AM GOO’S HAMMER. Just as it says at Jeremiah 1:10, GOD has brought me here for the sole purpose of uprooting some things, to destroy some major misconceptions in the Body of Christ, and then rebuild what was torn down on a better foundation – that is, the heart of GOD concerning a matter that the church has missed and mismanaged. This is the usefulness of a hammer. It is used to both tear things down or apart as well as to build things. I often find this part of my ministry extremely difficult and painful at times, and too often I want to quit because it is a difficult assignment. In fact, there are times I can truly relate to the words the prophet Jeremiah spoke at Jeremiah 20:7-9. “… You are stronger than I and have prevailed. I am in derision daily; everyone mocks me. For when I spoke, I cried out… Because the word of the LORD was made in me a reproach and a derision daily. Then I said, ‘I will not make mention of Him, nor speak anymore in His name….’” I don’t know how many times I have felt like that because of this ministry that the LORD has given to me. But Jeremiah continues in verse 9. “… But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not.” Despite the difficulty of my calling, this ministry the LORD has given me, I find that I can only be truthful to what the LORD has given me to care for. This has helped me to better understand and appreciate that scripture God’s prophetess spoke over me some years ago – Jeremiah 23:29. Now, I understand its significance to my ministry success and my endurance whenever I want to give up. Is not My word like a fire?” says the LORD, “And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?
Book excerpt taken from my upcoming book release, Surrendering: A Blueprint Of My Life - Overcoming Sexual Sin, Chapter 13, titled, Healing My Open Wounds.
"... Then why am I still broken? ... At some point, I had to come to realize that it was because I was choosing to remain broken although the people who were the cause of my past pain no longer had any influence over my life or how I live.... Releasing coming in 2024. |
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