facebook original notes We cannot keep speaking out of both sides of our mouths—declaring that we are for the restoration of the LGBT community (2 Peter 3:9; John 3:16), but then, when God tests our spirit to see if we truly mean what we are professing, we, as the Body of Christ are displaying a completely different attitude in public.
In the same manner, we must examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5). We need to test and examine our hearts to determine whether we are genuinely serving God in all respects. We do not get to pick and choose which verses of the Bible we will follow. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that ALL Scripture is inspired by God. Therefore, ALL Scripture is profitable for teaching us right from wrong, for reproof (correcting us when we have erred), for correction (when we are not following God's standards), and for training in righteousness (the transformation of our hearts and minds). We cannot have one set of standards or practices of acceptance for people who commit adultery, fornication, lying, cheating, stealing, murder, abuse, etc., while categorizing the LGBT community differently. THAT IS NOT OF GOD. I have often heard people in the Body of Christ say that they want better for the LGBT community. They express a desire to help members of the LGBT community restore their relationship with God. But then God sends someone like me into their midst (within their congregation)—someone with past experience in that community—and suddenly, their actions no longer align with what they have been saying. GOD WILL TEST YOUR SPIRIT, especially His leaders, regarding your claims about the LGBT community. He desires restoration for the LGBT community, but the Church needs to stop lying about its true intentions. Your heart will reveal the truth every single time. God will expose your true self. Every time a leader stands up in their pulpit or declares on social media that they want to help the LGBT community, God will send someone like me before you and observe your genuine reaction to the one He has sent or placed in your path. If you cannot properly engage with or interact with someone like me, as your sister in the faith—whom God Himself has restored and is using for His glory—how can you claim to be an instrument of help for the LGBT community? That is called a lying spirit. We need to align ourselves with God's will for all people and stop pretending we seek restoration for everyone. Remember, our heart posture and actions are things we will have to answer for on the day of judgment (Matthew 12:36-37). I’ve finally finished writing the second edition of my book, Surrendering: A Blueprint of My Life - Overcoming Sexual Sin.
Now, I have three read-throughs to complete before our Senior Editor, Holly, adds her touch of perfection to the project. The final stage will involve a few Beta Readers critiquing the content, and then we’ll be ready for the official release. Click the images below for more information. |
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