Sukkot is meant to be a joyous occasion between GOD and HIS people. It is a time for all of us to reflect on HIS goodness, how HE has provided for and protected us. It is a time to remember how HE delivered HIS people from slavery in Egypt, which eventually led to HIS Son, Jesus, delivering all of mankind from sin and death. In addition, Sukkot is a time to meditate on how GOD continues to protect and provide for us, not only in the past but also in the present and the future. This is why times like these are so important for Christians to observe. Leviticus 23:4 says, “These are the appointed times of the LORD, holy convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times.” This is certainly a holy time to dedicate to the LORD. IT IS TIME TO ENTER INTO THE LORD’S REST Sukkot is a time of remembrance, restoration, and renewal. It is GOD’s desire that we enter into HIS rest and be rejuvenated. As a result, we will make HIM the center of our attention. This should realign us to HIS heart's desire and help eliminate any distractions or obstacles that may prevent us from fulfilling HIS purpose in this season.
We must remember that our bodies are the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit, but sometimes life can cause us to get off course. The Feast of Sukkot is a special annual event that allows us to regain our focus and realign ourselves with GOD’s purpose. HAPPY SUKKOT!
• The Purpose of Celebrating Sukkot • Why Do We Dwell in Booths During the Feast of Sukkot, God's people are required to dwell in booths or huts. Leviticus 23:43 reads, “‘… that your generations may know that I made the children of Israel dwell in booths when I brought them out of the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God’” (NKJV). The purpose of celebrating Sukkot is to place our full focus on God by remembering what He has done for us through His provisions and protections over the years. The annual feast of Sukkot is one awesome way to do this. Therefore, all Christians should honor their Creator by celebrating this Holy Day each year. One of the three-fold significances of commemorating the annual Feast of Sukkot is remembering God's mighty redemptive works and His guiding hand in earthly events, specifically in rescuing His people from the destructive hands of Pharaoh. Exodus 10:2 reads, “… that you may recount and explain in the hearing of your son and your grandson what I have done [repeatedly] to make a mockery of the Egyptians—My signs [of divine power] which I have done among them—so that you may know [without any doubt] and recognize [clearly] that I am the Lord” (AMP). We have a duty, a responsibility, to inform our children of God's goodness (Deuteronomy 11:19), how He brought the Israelites out of slavery, how He has brought you out of your own sinful bondage, how He rescued the Israelites from the cruel hands of Pharaoh, and how God rescued you from yourself. We must speak about the past from a biblical standpoint. We must also speak about our personal pasts from a relational standpoint to confirm to our children that they can believe, without any doubt, that they can trust God’s divine power to rescue them not only from those who rise up against them but also from sin and death. By sharing with our children biblical and our personal history with GOD will provide them the evidence of God’s miraculous ability and power that will make it clear that He is the Lord of lords. There is none like Him in power, authority, or ability. Why Do We Dwell in Booths |
descriptionAll Christians should keep the annual Holy Day celebrations that are dedicated to honoring the LORD. ArchivesCategories |