“Then they will know that I am the LORD.” The sad reality of this statement by God is this statement must come to pass before many will realize; or should I say, accept their grave mistake. “Then they will know that I am the LORD.” What Am I talking about here? Broad and easy versUs narrow and difficulTIn the book of Matthew, chapter 7, verses 13 and 14, Jesus talks about two distinct roads that people will choose to travel. One road is “broad and spacious,” - easy to travel. We can perceive that people who choose to travel along this path in life, will find life’s many pleasures. The kind of pleasures that would satisfy anything one may desire to have without any restrictions or accountability for your choices. This is why most love the market and culture exchanges that exist along this path. For just like Eve was deceived in the Garden of Eden by Satan’s tricky and lies that the fruit that God forbid them to eat was good for them to eat. (See Genesis 3:1-6). So too, is Satan deceiving many today who have opted for this broad path and all of its luxuries and pleasures of life. Satan is confident in the things this broad road has to offer in entertainment, comforts, and pleasures. That he even told Christ Jesus, “… all these things I will give to you if…” (Matthew 4:9). It's important we understand what's behind the "if." You see, Satan can offer lifestyles and pleasures of any kind to anyone who is willing to sell their soul in exchange for full access to the pleasures that exist along this path. But you have to be mindful of that catch 22 that grants you access to this path. For full access to this broad and spacious road has its conditions. For Satan boldly says to Jesus in extending a personal invitation to him to this exclusive path. “IF.” That’s the catch or key password that grants you full access to the broad and spacious road - that "IF". IF simply means “on the condition that”. The condition that you give Satan something he wants. In turn, he will grant you access to everything the broad and spacious life has to offer with no penalties, restrictions, or limitations. So to satisfy that "IF" or the condition, one must “… fall down and worship..." Satan (Matthew 4:9). Simply put. Satan was asking Jesus at Matthew chapter 4 verse 9 for Jesus' soul and livelihood, in exchange for full access to Satan’s broad and spacious path. The narrow and cramp road of life is the path that Jesus highly recommends. But many choose to avoid this path because this way requires one to make many personal sacrifices, to do away with all forms of sinful pleasures, and to get rid of all forms of idol worship. To add, this path often time demands a lot from the one who opts this journey. The Scriptures say, “… who has been given much, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). As a result, far too many may choose the life of the broad and spacious road because it allows them to freely lie, cheat, steal, murder in word or deed, gossip, commit orgies of all kinds. There is no accountability. There is a constant lack of faithfulness and kindness. And deception is rampant for one’s own selfish benefit and gain. But the highlight of Satan’s preferred broad and easy path is that one is allowed to eliminate God or better yet. Create your own demi-gods that best suits your preferred pleasure and entertainment. Buddha, Ra, The Universe, Muhammad, Baal, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Mardak, Satan and other false deities are fashioned to exalt and please the person that created and serves (worships) them without any resistance, restrictions, or accountability for how one lives. They can do as they will. Or as Aleister Crowley has coined it – do what thou wilt. THERE WILL BE INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL BATTLES God’s Word tells us that there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). This is why God’s Word is so beneficial to us today. Because it was written as an example, warning for us as to how we should live (1 Corinthians 10:11). Meaning, if we, as God’s people, are living according to the prescription of the Holy Writings. We are being purposefully about living on the narrow and straight path that requires us to be accountable for all we say and do and how we live. We know, at times, this life is not easy. It should be expected for our King, Jesus the Christ. His life was not always easy. He had his share of challenges too. (Compare to Hebrews 4:15). Therefore, it should be expected that we will have our share of internal as well as external battles in our faith. For one, we are constantly contending with our own flesh. This flesh of ours wants what it wants. For some of you, that is same-sex attraction. For others, it may be drugs (yes, this includes weed), alcohol, and other unrulily sexual pleasures like sex outside of marriage, sex with multiple partners, sex with an individual that is not your spouse, etc. The list of sinful pleasure is far too long. Therefore, I cannot list them all here. The point is, whatever IT IS for you, your flesh wants it. BUT! If you are faithful about staying on the narrow and cramped road of life. Paul urges us, whenever your flesh starts to demand what it wants. You have to take two courses of action.
This is no different when we are trying to walk right for and with Christ. As Paul said, we must “fight the good fight of faith…” if we want to finish our race of life in the safe mighty hands of Christ, we must fight for it! (1 Timothy 6:12). But as you know, it is just not your flesh that you have to contend with. Satan is always throwing personal trials and tests before you to see if you are really serious about serving God FAITHFULLY. He is also constantly bringing up legal charges against us in order to force God to hold us in contempt and guilty in the courts of heaven. (Compare to Job chapter 1; Revelation 12:10). And then there are people. People are instruments of Satan (inside and outside of church) that he will use to test your loyalty to God. And then there are people on the broad and spacious road that is within your scope of view. As we watch them live out their lives, it may seem, they got it not only easy. But they got it all. And this can be discouraging to us. Especially if we are really trying to live right. But here is Susan over here with all her satanic rituals and living well. I mean really well. But you got to remember. She too was brought at a price. For everything God does for His people to prosper and bless them, Satan does times two with a distorted twist to it. Hence, why Matthew describes the two roads this way.
god is lord!Here’s the point. For those who choose the broad and spacious road and their life seems like it is more fruitful and an easier path to live, we must understand that there are no long-term benefits for those on this path. Only short-term gratifications (luxurious cars, more money maybe than they ever had in their life, nice home, clothes, etc.). But the conclusion of their life, whenever that time frame comes is no different from yours or mine. They must come to know and face God. Not Buddha, Ra, The Universe, Muhammad, Baal, Ashtoreth, Chemosh, Mardak, or any other false deities like these. These gods have no power or authority. They are useless gods, which the Scriptures say concerning them and those who choose to follow them.
Everyone who follows and puts their trust in them will become just like these false deities. BUT! Not before they all, each one of them, come to know the LORD. This is what this means. Between chapters 7 and 15 of the book Ezekiel, Ezekiel states at least eight times. “Then you” (referring to those who chosen to worship idols, false gods, and take the broad and spacious road instead of serving and following God with their whole soul, heart, and mind). (Jeremiah 29:13; Mark 12:30). Eight times God says to Him, “Then you will know that I AM the LORD!” Why did the LORD of the universe repeat this statement so frequently to Ezekiel? Because these peoples' end was approaching. God was about to cast His final judgment upon these people for their evil ways (Ezekiel chapter 7). He declared that in doing so, He was not going to feel sorrow for them because the people had plenty of warnings and time to change their ways and to get right with the LORD. (Compare to 2 Peter 3:9). But these people did not care about what they were doing nor how they were living. As a result, God showed Ezekiel all the secret things the people were doing in the dark, behind closed doors (Ezekiel 8:6-18). It was because of the peoples’ lack of faithfulness and disobedience toward LORD God. It was because of all the abomination they were doing in secrecy. It was because of their dark secrets that they refused to repent and turn away from, that God declared to Ezekiel. “They will know that God is the LORD.” Now, God knew, that some of them will contend and contest such judgment by declaring such things that we even hear today. “Touch not God’s anointed.” Now, we are not talking about faithful anointed, legit servants of God. And let’s make this clear – God knows who they are. We are talking about those men and women today who is doing some of the same things God was showing Ezekiel in the book of Ezekiel. This is how God responded to Ezekiel concerning any and everyone that fit this category. God instructed them to go and slay every person for their sins but “don’t touch any man on whom is the mark” (God’s remnant). And then He tells them when they go and slay the people for their disobedience, they must “… start from MY Sanctuary. So, they started with the elders” (Ezekiel 9:5-6; 6:8-9). God always starts His judgment inside His House first. He removes wicked, false, and disobedient leaders by means of the
(Compare to Ezekiel 6:11-14).
So, we must be aware that those who look like they are prospering, it is not to their benefit or advantage in the long run. For as Matthew 7:13-14 declares concerning them, this life they have chosen will eventually lead to their destruction. And as Psalms 115 declares, they all will become nothing. BUT! For those who stay on the path that God has carved out for all mankind, no matter how difficult it gets (hence the narrow and cramp road). The end results will lead to eternal life (John 3:16). As well as a peaceful and comforted heart when considering Jesus’ words – “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1-2).
I'm going to make this very simple but thorough. Whenever it is absolutely necessary. And I am certain, whenever God has done everything possible to reach a person’s heart and this includes and does not exclude Christians. And when we leave God absolutely no choice. In some cases, God uses the DEATH PENALTY to enforce His judgment. Anyone who tells you that God does not or will not ever use such a method of judgment if He chooses is a liar and twisting the Scriptures for their own personal gain. back it with the scriptureSNow, many of y'all know, I back what I say with the Scriptures. God knows before I post anything He puts in my spirit to share. I always ask Him for Scriptures to support what He wants me to share if He doesn't volunteer it. So, let's back my previous post that I posted yesterday (October 20) after 9 p.m., titled, “if you read it, I will reveal it.” I think it's important that I do a follow up concerning that blog post because it seemed to break the internet after we posted it. It caused quite a few people too, how can I say it? Forget certain aspects that exist in the Bible. So, let’s revisit the Scriptures. Here's the Scriptural support we want to give to this question. Does God exercise His right to use the death penalty against people, particularly against Christians, when He sees it justifiable? Biblical Account The first example that comes to my mind involves Korah who came up against God's chosen vessel Moses. God anointed and hand-picked Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, through the wilderness, and into the Promised Land. Korah didn't agree with nor like God's choice and so he challenged Moses for the right to lead and direct God's people. What a foolish mistake. The account is given to us at Numbers chapter 16. But the verses I want us to zoom our attention to are verses 3, 5, 11, 16, and 19 through 21. (You must read that on your own time). At verse 21, it sets the stage for us. Here, God does not speak directly to the people, the congregation, Christians who have rebelled against Him. Nor does He speak directly to Korah, who wants Moses’ divinely given position. God speaks directly to Moses and Aaron to set the stage up concerning what He was about to do. What was the LORD about to do? He said, "Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment (Numbers 16:21). Okay, wait a minute. What was God about to do? Let's find out. At verse 24, God gives the people another warning – another opportunity to switch their disposition and loyalty. He's told them THROUGH MOSES that He was about to destroy them for their rebellion. ["Separate yourselves from among this congregation, that I may consume them in a moment (Numbers 16:21)]. And then God warns them again before He actually follows through. Did he follow through? We see at verse 26, He warns all the people once more through Moses. God is still only speaking through Moses, not Korah. At this point, some people heed Moses' warning in verse 27 and take immediate action. In verse 28, Moses confirms His apostolic authority and anointing. And then in verses 29 through 35, we see the final blow. God acts against these rebellious people, whom some, if not the majority were Christians, by enacting His right to administrate the death penalty. Some died because God opened up the ground under them, while others were consumed by God's fire. Another example can be found at 1 Kings chapter 18. Noticed what God’s prophet said to the people at 1 Kings chapter 18, verse 21. "Elijah came near to all the people and said, How long will you halt and limp between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him! But if Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word.” Among the 850 false prophets and King Ahab, who came up against God's chosen, where an assembly of God's people - Christians. As you read the account, you see a confrontation that took place between Elijah and these 850 false prophets in order to prove whose god is the true and Almighty God. The 850 prophets lose and were killed by God's mighty hand. (Read the entire chapter). What spared the people, the other Christians who had also assembled there and didn’t say anything in God’s defense against the 850 prophets and the governmental authority that was backing them, is stated in verse 39. Verse 39 tells us. "When all the people saw it, (saw Elijah’s God proved to be the Almighty God through a miraculous act). They fell on their faces and they said, The Lord, He is God! The Lord, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:39) Why in this case were the people spared and not killed along with all the other prophets whom throughout the book of 1 Kings, the people seemed to support in some way? It is because they did finally relent and repented. Here’s another example. Do I really need to recount The Flood during Noah's day? (See Genesis chapters 6 and 7). Many of those individuals who drown professed to be Christians. And what about the many accounts that have occurred in the book of Jeremiah? My goodness. If you take the time and read and study that entire book, there are quite a few incidents where God enacted the death penalty, which is clearly stated. To name a few, Pashhur the priest at Jeremiah 20:6. Hananiah the prophet at Jeremiah 28:15-17. Please note, these were leaders in God’s house. And yes, the death penalty does not have to be enacted immediately. God reserves the right to set it for a future date if He chooses. We also have to be mindful that there are occurrences in both the New Testament and the Old Testament where men, women, and children lost their lives because they choose to follow behind poor or bad Christian leadership. As a result, when judgment fell upon that leader or the house he oversaw, the people were destroyed right along with that leader. When leaders choose to lie, manIPULate, and misleaDSo, don't lie to the people and act as if this is not an option that God does have and won't choose to use. Does He want to? Certainly not! This is why He states what He does at 2 Peter 3:9. (Paraphrasing) – I AM patient with you because I do not desire any of you to die. None. But God is not passive. As in unresponsive to the mismanagement of our lives. He calls all of us to be Holy because He is holy. And when we don't measure up to His expectations. And this may be a little different for each one of us, although moral laws are always consistent for everyone. God does reach a point where He is known to say concerning man. I regret making man.
If we the people, do not have men and women, leaders, like Abraham to intercede on our behalf, God has THE RIGHT not only to judge. But to enact the death penalty IF HE SEES FIT. And if you think you have the right to say that God won't consider that as an option if He chooses. Then you are a liar. And there is a prescription for that in His word. We never want to declare something God won't do when the Scriptures support such possibility. None of us should never lie on God, especially about what He can, cannot, or will, will not do. None of us have the authority to decide for God or what He can or cannot, or will or will not do. All we can do is speak thus saith the LORD, on His behalf, if He really called us to speak on His behalf. To learn more, watch the video below. Someone saw a Facebook post I submitted and asked. Why did I post the following statement, "... right before God snatched me out of the world..."? I responded to the inquiry in another Facebook post as follows.
Let me briefly start off by addressing those who regularly visit my webpage so you will understand why I am writing this blog. A friend who follows my Facebook page, recently saw me post my views about the Church's mindset today, which I included a comment about Donald Trump. Click here to read my post. After my friend read my post, he commented the following, hence why I am writing this blog – in response to his inquiry. Here's my response to his comment.As always bruh, you asked excellent questions and keep me on my toes. And that’s great! Because one, we should hold each other accountable for what we say. And two, we need to be able to prove what we say with facts instead of just repeating things we hear others say about a person, especially our major network news media who mostly only reports propaganda and not factual news. And that’s where most of us get ourselves into trouble and slander the names of people unjustifiably because we repeat what we hear without accurately “fact checking” what is said, especially from our news media outlets who are biased to the deep state, Big Tech, and crooked politicians. So, I am honored, again. That you are holding me accountable. I greatly respect that. Before I answer your main inquiry. Let me address something you said in your comment. You asked, “… should we ignore Trump's blatant history of hostility towards blacks and people of color?” I think you already know my answer to this question. You follow my content close enough to know my stance on such matters. If Trump is guilty of such things, like anyone else, he should be held accountable for his words as well as deeds – that’s Scriptural. But don’t give me sound bites or partial quoted content or facts from the media that can be easily twisted to fit a specific narrative. Provide me with the entire content from an unbiased, reputable, and trustworthy source. And then we can seriously talk about it. Otherwise, all we will do is assert our own opinions about a person that neither one of us can prove because neither one of us know or have a personal relationship with Trump. We both are basing our information about him on secondary sources that we hope are not biased and faulty in the information they provide. So, we need to be careful about what we both are repeating without strong evidence and facts to support our claims. I'm just saying. But you know what man, you got to dig for yourself and I know you already know this. But to be honest, as easy as it is to find negative reports about Trump. If you really want to, you can find plenty of positive things that are said about Trump or what he has done. Like everyone else, including you and me, Trump has his issues. But the man ain’t evil. So now, with that out of the way, let's get to the main question you have asked. Inquiry: “What things did donald trump do for black people that was so great Please keep in mind, I am not trying to put Trump on no pedestal. I feel like I always have to say a disclaimer every time I speak about Trump, which is not right. But I know how people quickly will not only twist the facts but twist your intent, especially when you speak publicly. Sound bites and even written content are probably one of the greatest disservice to man. Because people are quick to insert their own interpretation without inquiring of the original speaker what did they mean when they said XYZ. Again, this is another reason why I respect you and Corey Baker bruh. Alright, let’s answer the question. Now, your question is a difficult one to address because it basically depends upon what is politically, socially, financially, and culturally important to you. My value system may vary from yours. So, keep that in mind as I attempt to respond to your inquiry. The few things I may list in this response are what I felt were a good look for Trump. Also, keep in mind, Trump did far more things that directly (meaning we were his target audience) and indirectly benefited the black community. But you have to dig for it man. Big Tech and the major outlets like NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, PBS, etc. WILL NOT REPORT FAIR, AND RIGHTEOUS, FACTUAL NEWS. They left that agenda a long time ago. So, if your agenda does not align with socialist views, the deep state, the 1%, and the suppression and oppression of specific groups, your agenda will be distorted for the sake of PROPAGANDA 101. For years, they have been spinning us lies for the sake of their political agenda for their one-world system, which will not benefit any of us that do not have ties to the deep state, the 1%, or whatever name you want to call them nowadays. I will provide some links to some resources you can read later. But I hope they will be available by the time you read this. Google, Facebook, and YouTube are deleting almost everything that states real facts from the internet, especially if it is a positive representation of Trump and how he has really improved the lives of the American people OF ALL RACES AND GENDER. 6 things trump has done that benefited the black communityNow, I have to say this because if we are going to play ball, we must play it fair. Now, the 8 years Obama, our first black president was in office. Out of the countless core issues he addressed or pushed or passed. NONE OF HIS ISSUES (polices) had no real effect on our community. If any of us or a group of us sat down with Obama today and asked him to name one strong policy he passed that directly or indirectly improved our lives. That really made waves and changes of growth and empowerment in our community, Obama could not name one. But he probably will give us a lot of fluff – hot air. Instead, what he feels has been a success for the black community that he has done was his boasting about giving our community “more food stamps.” And don’t get me started on his betrayal of the Church and Biblical moral standards when he successfully pushed and enacted into laws his LGBT agenda. These are his legacies. That is to make us more dependent upon a broken and corrupted system than to create better opportunities for entrepreneurship, education, wealth, home ownership, independence, etc. Wait a minute, let me add one more. Then there is his successful passing of immoral social behaviors that has opened the gateway to what we see today. We now cannot use gender pronouns. You are no longer a man, nor am I no longer a woman by their stands. And they (our government and educational system) cannot implement in our schools a curriculum that focuses on black history and or religion as an option for our children. But our children are mandatory subjected to an LGBT agenda and must tolerate a transgender in their classroom to be read to them in order to normalize and desensitize their minds. And it is sad to say that too many of us will buy into that. But he is not our focus. But I feel that needed to be said. So, what sets Trump from most presidents and how has the black community benefited from it as it relates to the different spheres in their lives? 1. Trump immediately enforced religious freedoms by reversing many of Obama's policies that challenged Christian beliefs and moral convictions. And we saw, as soon as Trump left the office, Christians are in more danger than ever before to lose all our religious rights, freedoms, and privileges. And if something ever happens to Biden and Harris takes over as president. Christians can forget it. Persecution will begin sooner than later. That’s my opinion. I have yet to speak to God concerning this matter. But some things you don’t really need to ask God about because it is too obvious. 2. Then there is the 1994 crime bill, which Biden was a lead proponent of in passing that resulted in the locking up of more black men in ridiculous droves for a nonviolent crime for over 2 decades. How did Trump respond? He fired lifelong appointed Jeff Sessions, the Attorney General at that time, who was known for his racist views. I have never verified or researched this fact on my own – just repeating what I heard or read about. But to be honest, I would not discredit it at all. At any rate, Trump then pushed for criminal justice reform by passing the First Step Act that undoes the unfair and unjust sentencing laws instituted for the Bill Clinton 1994 Crime Bill that again was successful because of Biden. The First Step Act gives former inmates a fair chance to live a crime free life and to find meaningful employment. This Act has allowed for numerous individuals to be granted a presidential pardon, long awaited clemency by Trump, while Obama denied far too many of these individuals' request during both of his terms. Black American issues were never really a priority for Obama. But Trump made it a priority. 3. The US military has a high number of people of color that serves this country. Not because this was these young men and women's first choice. But because this was their best option to earn a living. Presidents have come and gone and many of our servicemen and women and their families have not been fairly compensated for their service or sacrifice. But under Trump’s presidency, he provided the largest pay raise in a decade for our troops and their families. 4. Here’s probably one of my favorites. Trump was recorded saying, “Established by visionary leaders, America’s HBCUs have long played an integral role in our Nation’s history, providing Black Americans opportunities to learn and achieve their dreams.” –President Donald J. Trump To back his words, he signed an executive order to push HBCU funding in programs, which gave HBCU a 25% increase annual budget and it improved the much needed work-study program for these schools. He passed HBCU legislation faster than any other President in AMERICA HISTORY. To me, it is programs like this that step in the right direction when you speak of reparations for the black community to bridge the gap caused by slavery. 5. Now, I want to quote Jack Brewer, a Newsmax contributor. “… Now let’s give Trump credit where credit is due. African American unemployment has reached its lowest rate in modern HISTORY FOR BOTH BLACK MEN AND WOMEN. This is actually the case for almost all ethnic groups in America. The most impressive number of them all is the fact that almost 70% of working black women currently hold a white-collar job, compared to just over 40% of black men. Trump’s Tax Plan and Jobs Act have helped to stimulate this….” 6. This one will be my last one, but there are many other things Trump has done that directly or indirectly benefited the black community. Really, all you have to do is Google your initial question if you really want to be fair, in the know, knowledgeable about what is and what is not, and if you want to be a just man. So, here is my last one. The welfare and food stamp program was supposed to be a safety net for many Americans that need temporary help to get through a financial hardship. But when such programs are being promoted to healthy, able-bodied individuals as an alternative to work – this is a problem. This is one of many major conflicts I had with Obama’s policies. Obama is known as the “Food Stamp President”. For he administrated policies that made it easier for states to sign up able-bodied residents to obtain food stamps. This is a dangerous ideology that has negatively impacted the black community because it made our young bright minds lazy and depended on government assistance versus seeking employment or creating business or career opportunities for themselves. Trump came along and pushed able-bodied food stamp recipients back into the workforce. As a result, nearly 5 million people came off of food stamps. I agree with something Brewer said. “Black America deserves a safety net when needed but we don’t deserve institutionalized oppression through promoting a dependency on government aid.” Many of Trump’s policies and reforms have worked in favor of the black community. But ABC, NBC, CNN, PBS, CBS, and the countless major newspaper outlets’ PROPAGANDA agenda will never show or tell you this. Instead, they provided the general public half-truths and often time lies they called truths wrapped up in a narrative and soundbites that too many of us were quick to believe than simply Googling for truth. Judging and comparing their narrative for accuracy. Better yet, praying to God for clarity. Most of my clarity started right there. I one day simply asked God to show me who Donald Trump really is and how He saw him. I was shortly able to see a side of Trump I never hear in the news. God changes everything when we truly want to be just people. ResourcesI wanted to use resources you could go and verify the entire content yourself and even dig deeper by using other sources connected to the resources listed below. For this post, and to make this less about my opinion of Trump, I pulled most of the content above from one of these blog links below.
Newsmax by Jack Brewer MSN by Michael Starr Hopkins Politico by NOLAN D. MCCASKILL The Kevin Jackson Network Eye Opener with Michael Lewis |
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