On Wednesday, December 1, Felicia, my minister partner, reviewed our prophetic section of our ministry's archive and read several of the written visions and dreams. At that moment, she pointed out a few of the prophetic words written. We prayed over them, and then we moved on. But the next day, Thursday, December 2, we had a casual conversation concerning one of the prophetic visions I had back on Friday, April 24, 2020. Below is the prophetic vision I had, and its prophetic interpretation Felicia received on Thursday, December 2, 2021. unusual visionI was drifting off to sleep. But right before I fall asleep, I had a vision. The VisionI saw myself in a chaotic environment. At first, not everything was clear. But I could feel the disorder, the mayhem that was present everywhere. Then, I turned to my right and what I saw horrified me. There were little children everywhere and they all were crying. You could see the fear and confusion on their faces. There were no adults anywhere. Just small children around the ages of 4 or 5. Their skin complexion was all the same – light in color. They looked like they were mixed – maybe half white and half black. I took a few steps from the porch where I was standing and walked into the streets. My heart was torn apart by all the things I saw, and the smell was awful. I turned to my left and I saw a dark figure standing just a few feet from me. This figure had a human shape with no arms or legs. It was not human. It had a head with what looked like a hat on it, and an oval-shaped body, and two holes where the eyes were. This dark figure looked directly at me and stared at me for a minute or so. As it stood there, its body was hovering while these black spark like stuff was falling off it in all different directions. Then, it looked away to its right and disappeared. When it disappeared, right behind it, I saw a white baby laying on the ground not moving with its mouth wide opened, and eyes closed. It was a boy with pretty brown hair in a white printed onesie just lying in the middle of the streets in a fetal position on his back. I was horrified and angry by what I saw. As I began to scream, I tried to wake myself up from the vision, but instead, fell asleep. And I don’t recall anything after that. An interpretation providedThe following interpretation was provided through Felicia on Thursday, December 2, 2021.
After Felicia gave this interpretation, we proceeded to discuss some specific cases we both were aware of, dealing with children of varying ages, through this current pandemic, where this prophetic vision probably is already silently playing itself out. For example, in May 2020, some news outlets started reporting children hospitalized in NYC with a mysterious syndrome possibly linked to COVID19. Three children in that same state, in May, were reported dying with connections to a rare syndrome tied to COVID19. Since then, there have been reports of children losing their mobility and having heart complications, to name a few problems that have occurred since I have had this vision. The purpose for sharing nowThe reason I am sharing this vision now is one and foremost, this vision has been lingering in my spirit for two, maybe three weeks now. And I really did not know why because this was the first time I thought about this vision since I wrote it. I really did not know what God wanted me to do with it. And maybe, there was a part of me that was dragging my feet about sharing it. Either way, what finally made me shared it was because (1) yesterday, the way Felicia came acrossed this old vision. First, Felicia never, I mean never, go through our printed version prophetic archive logs. And I rarely pulled these volumes out of our filing system. But it just so happened, earlier that morning, I felt compelled to pull one of the volumes out the filing system and I decided to lay it on our conference table. Later that day, Felicia called an impromptu meeting, to which she eventually saw our Newford Archive notebook seating on the conference table. She looked at the tabs and turned to the prophetic section. She skimmed a few pages and then started to read out loud, which shortly led to this particular vision listed above.
After this occurred, I knew God was speaking to us about this particular vision but I just still was not sure about what to do with it. But then this happened. #2 - While Felicia and I were talking on the phone today, I brought up the vision again, which eventually led Felicia to receive and give me an interpretation of my vision. I knew then that I needed to share it with the Body of Christ and request for prayer to cover our children.
VisionsActs 2:17 states, "... it shall be in the last days, God says, 'that I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.'" Archives
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