This dream was originally posted on my Facebook Notes blog on October 8, 2020. I had an unusual dream last night with various scenes and players. There were five distinct areas: a backstage, the stage itself, a church audience representing the Body of Christ, a skybox, and a private soft count room. Each area was compartmentalized, symbolizing something specific that God was revealing to me. What made the dream particularly strange was that I recognized many of the main people, but they didn't look exactly as they do today. Instead, they embodied the spirit of certain groups or organizations. Despite their different appearances, there were clear signs in the dream indicating who they were. screen 1 To be honest, I was really nervous about how this part of the dream would be interpreted. In the dream, I saw George Soros standing off to the side of the backstage, in a position where he could clearly see and control everything. What was strange was that, instead of seeing his face and physical body, I became him and could feel and experience everything about his spirit, thoughts, and attitude. In screen 1, George Soros is at a mega church event. The church and its senior pastor are very well known, liked, and famous, based out of North Carolina. This is a real megachurch that I have had dreams and visions about for the past two years. In the dream, George is standing backstage, watching everything that's happening. What he sees involves all the other compartments or screens that occur simultaneously in the dream. screen 2 In screen 2, George is intermittently observing the church audience. He watches their reactions to what's happening on stage and to the senior pastor, who stands in a stiff position with his arms crossed up in the skybox. The pastor is also observing the audience and occasionally the performance on the stage. screen 3 Every now and then, I noticed George would look up at the skybox to observe the senior pastor and his entourage of men. The men were constantly running in circles around the pastor, busy with various tasks. Despite this activity, the senior pastor remained in a stiff position with his arms crossed, occasionally moving his head to the left or right to observe the church audience and the stage performance. Here's the strange part: I knew exactly who the senior pastor was, and the dream setting was in one of his churches. I recognized him by his spirit, but in the dream, he looked nothing like his real-life self. In reality, the senior pastor of this local megachurch is white, but in the dream, he appeared as a black man with a high-top fade, similar to the one Kid from Kid 'n Play used to wear. This high-top fade had a reddish streak running from the front to the top. George would occasionally look at this senior pastor with pleasure in his eyes before moving on. screen 4 Just below the senior pastor's skybox, off to the right, was another well-lit room—a private soft count room. Typically, a soft count room is where accounting professionals count currency. We will come back to this room in a minute. screen 5 Then there was the stage where most of the activities were taking place. On the stage, four famous hip-hop/rap artists were performing live. The first two artists, one male and one female, were unfamiliar to me, but the audience was really enjoying their performance. George watched them sporadically, noting the audience's enthusiastic response and seeming pleased. Next, Queen Latifah and another well-known male rapper performed together, and the audience's excitement skyrocketed. However, George was displeased with the female dancers that Queen Latifah had with her. These middle-aged women were dancing provocatively to arouse and excite the Christian audience, which responded with great enthusiasm. George's displeasure grew to the point where he angrily took off his gold nugget ring from his index finger and threw it across the stage. Instead of landing on the stage, it flew through an open doorway or window into the soft count room. George looked at the person standing to his right in frustration—this shadowy figure was always present and never moved. Then, George walked across the stage, passing Queen Latifah and her performers, and entered a dark pathway. When he emerged, he was in the soft count room through the opening I had seen earlier. Inside the soft count room, a man was on the phone. When he saw George, fear overtook him, but he continued his conversation with the customer, not wanting to end the call. Although I didn't see any money in the room, I could sense its presence. As George waited, his irritation grew, feeling that everything should have halted to address his needs the moment he entered. Frustrated, he walked to the right side of the room, where there were about five huge glass picture frames. Inside these frames was a collection of gold objects, meticulously arranged. One frame contained ten or more gold items, each with a price tag indicating its value. While George admired the value of these pieces with pride, another man entered the soft count room. Upon seeing George, he panicked, wandering back and forth in confusion. George didn't acknowledge him. Then a third, much smaller man entered the room. He was no taller than 4 to 4 ½ feet with the face of a 10-year-old. He walked around the glass case shelves, placed his metal briefcase next to a desk, smiled at the man on the phone, shook his head, and walked back around the glass cases toward George. The small man asked George how he could help him. Realizing that this man didn't know who he was, George became offended and irritated by the man's lack of recognition. George said to the man, he came to retrieve his gold ruby ring that he threw into the room. He seemed unable to find it, although George never made any effort to look for it. The young man smiled and briefly looked around, but George noticed his ring – it had landed on the man’s desk. So, George said to him, it is over there on that desk. The young man looks at George and walks around the table to retrieve the ring. He looks at it, walks back around the glass casing to George, and says. Yes, that is a beautiful ring with a lot of rubies on it. But I cannot give it to you because I have no proof that the ring belongs to you. When the man on the phone heard the man say that to George, he immediately hung up the phone, jumped up, grabbed the ring, ran around the glass casing where George was, and apologized for his co-worker’s ignorance of not knowing who George was. Then he returned the ring to George. By this time, George was burning with anger. He turned to the small man and said, "This ring is worth more than all the combined salaries earned in this place, everyone in the audience, and everyone performing on the stage combined, you fool. And you are trying to withhold from me what belongs to me." And then I woke up. interpretation – October 8, 2020 Prophetess Felicia Crawford’s Interpretation of My Dream – “The dream makes a lot of sense.”
See Felicia’s audio recording – George Soros.
Over the years, God has given me numerous dreams and visions concerning TD Jakes. Unfortunately, every dream and vision GOD gave me concerning TD Jakes was very disturbing. But this did not prevent me from praying for his soul for a season. At least until it was no longer a desire or a hope for me to continue to pray for him. Compare to Deuteronomy 7:16 and 13:5-8. I had just finally reached a point where I cannot have pity for TD Jakes anymore because he has chosen to go his own way and connect with people whom GOD has not called him to partner with. With that being said, after discussing with Prophetess Felicia Crawford during our corporate morning prayer meeting, I felt a pull to reshare the prophetic dreams and visions I have had concerning TD Jakes over the years. Most, I did not share publicly. I only shared them with my prophetic team as we prayed over these matters and for TD Jakes. I only felt led to share one dream publicly, which was the dream when GOD compared TD Jakes to the Incredible Hulk. I am not sharing these dreams/visions to gloat or to have people look at me and how GOD is moving in and through me. I am sharing them because when GOD provides HIS servants with such insight into the lives of people, we have a responsibility to share them with the people and the Body of Christ whenever GOD leads us to do so (only under GOD's divine guidance). Besides, people have a right to know when a man or woman of GOD has become a danger to himself, people, and or the Body of Christ (Matthew 7:15-20; 12:33-37; 3:10). I had a dream today. Well, not exactly today. But that was the way I heard it in my spirit. "I HAD A DREAM." Shortly after hearing this statement, while watching a 7 year old video of a prophetic sermon given by John Paul Jackson. The dream below that I had several years ago came into my spirit. I can remember quite a bit of the detail of the dream. The images of that dream played back in my mind. But then I was given instructions to retrieve the dream and read it again. Here was my dream and the interpretation GOD provided back on July 18, 2019. July 18, 2019 dreamI was in this house – my house. And all my family was there. I remember seeing my best friend, one of my daughters, and a few of my grandkids and I felt the presence of my son-in-law but didn't see him. I don't remember seeing my youngest daughter either. We were all gathered and talking, and the kids were running around playing. All the windows were opened to let the breeze in. At some point, I SENSED a storm was coming, but no one else did. In fact, everyone thought I was being weird – overreactive. Yet, I was trying to get everyone to close the windows, but no one would help. So, I started to close a window on the right side in the back of the house where everyone was. Then, my best friend finally walked over to another window on the far-left side to close it. As I closed mine, I noticed it was completely dark, although it was daytime, and the wind was getting stronger and louder. But, when I look towards my best friend, she was busy talking more than trying to QUICKLY close the window. I got upset with her. So, I yelled, “hurry up and close the window before a tree falls.” She gave me this sarcastic look and started to close the window and immediately a tree fell on that side of the house, crashing through the roof and the window that she was attempting to close. Before I had time enough to fuss or attempt to prepare everyone for what they needed to do next. A tornado came and lifted the house. And the house started to go higher and higher and to spin really fast. (At this point, I am looking down into the dream from a high place). As the house spins, I could see myself holding onto something to keep me from flying away but I don't see anyone else. At some point, I looked outside where the tree had damaged the left side of the house and roof and I could see that my house was riding on the very top of the storm. At some point, the storm threw the house back to the ground. And the house immediately started to slide and tumble through a wooded area, and down a hill until it landed on the pavement. When I got up, I noticed all my furniture that was in the house was in the right place as they were before the storm except for the curtains. All the curtains were gone. But the house was intact except for the hole on the left side where the tree had fallen. I scrambled to find a phone and called 911. An operator answered. I was crying and as I was telling her what happened, and that my family was missing, I noticed the left side of the house was starting to lean downward causing the house to rock back and forth. I started screaming “oh my God!” into the phone when I realized the house was about to fall into a body of water. Before I could get out, it falls in and calmly floated down a river. I had no idea where I was. But I wasn't hurt. Only my hair was messy. I was unsure where the river would take the house, so I knew I needed to get out. I finally was able to jump out of the house onto dry land. And as soon as I did, the house moved out of the river onto dry land and started rolling destructively down a road along a hillside. I chased it because I had no other place to go for cover. As I chased it, I was yelling for help along the way. I noticed that I was on some kind of construction site where they are building new homes. Off to my left were 3 men working on a house. But no one noticed me, nor my house rolling down the hill. Then I saw a huge black man coming out of the garage of the house. I yelled at him as I pointed at my house. He looked and that's when he saw the house as it was passing by him. He tried to stop it, but he was too late. He ran to look at it - where it fell over a hillside. He looked back at me and said the house was okay. I looked around to get my bearings, but I had no clue where I was. So, I turned to the guy to ask where I was, but he went back to work as if I was never there. And then I woke up. INTERPRETATION
In the dream, my house was a symbolic replica of God’s Church, His Bride, the Body of Christ on earth. Inside the house was the presence of my immediate family members that are closest to me– my best friend, my daughters, my grandchildren, and my son-in-law. But what was interesting, even though all their presences were evident in my house, not everyone was physically present before the storm arrived nor after the storm had left. For instance, those who were physically in the house with me before the storm were my best friend, all my grandkids, and one of my daughters. Those whose presence I could sense but was not physically there were one of my daughters and my son-in-law (compare to Matthew 24:39-42). THEIR RESPONSE WAS TOO LATE When we were in the house, no one sensed the coming storm, but I. In fact, others were critical and sarcastic about my preceded discernment relating to the storm. As I was attempting to prepare for the coming storm, my preparations were halted by the attitude and distractive behaviors of others. And because I gave more attention to their bad behaviors than properly preparing myself and everyone for the storm, we all got caught off guard when the storm hit us. At some point, when I started to close the windows to provide protection and cover for myself and everyone in the house; one person noticed and realized that something might happen. So, she attempted to help me by closing another window on the opposite side of the room, but she became easily attracted and distracted by the entertainment that was happening in the room. As a result, she never closed the window. Her hands were on the window in a downward position to pull the window down, but she never did. Instead, she opted to engage in conversation, instead of focusing her attention on what needed to be done, which was closing the windows to protect and cover everyone in the house. Before I could respond to her, the storm, a tornado hit the house. And where my friend once stood, a tree fell on the house in that exact spot. This shows that some will respond to the coming destruction too late and end up as causal Christians because of their own distractions and late response to the significant sign and warning. The warning was the voice of God’s true servant who sensed and discerned that a storm was coming. The sign was when the conditions outside of the house suddenly changed from daytime to darkness along with the sudden change in the strength and the sounds of the wind. ABOVE THE STORM During the storm, the tornado picked up the house, lifted and carried it up to the very top of the tornado. As it was lifted higher and higher, the house was spinning faster and faster. The spinning of the house is a sign that all Christians will not be spared from the effects of what is about to come. WE ALL WILL BE IMPACTED AND AFFECTED BY THE COMING DESTRUCTION one way or another. However, it is the force and the strength of the storm that raises the house to the very top of the storm, which so happens to be the safest place to be during the storm. This is God’s Spirit, lifting His people above all the destruction that is happening below. Hiding them in the least likely place – above the storm. While at the top of the storm, from a high place, I was able to see inside the house, and I noticed all the people who were with me were gone. Only I was left inside the house, in a corner, holding on for dear life as the house keeps spinning in the upper atmosphere. The people that were with me before the storm and now missing is what we will see take place in God’s House when the storm comes. People will abandon truth and the safety of God’s House. Once the storm finished its destructive work, it quickly disappears, suddenly and violently throwing the house to the ground. Anything that is not rooted in God’s word will not survive this sudden thrust to the ground. To ensure that everything that is not of God is not left in His house, as the house hits the ground, it slides and tumbles down a high hill through a wooded area before it comes to a complete stop. Through this violent commotion, everything is removed that is not pure and holy. The furniture that remains in its place during and after the storm represents the solid hearts of God’s people who will be able to ride out this coming destruction. His chosen people. His true remnant. However, during the first part of the storm, all the curtains were ripped out of all the windows. The curtains represent false leaders, wolves in sheep's clothing, who have failed to cover and protect God’s sheep. There will be no trace left of them once the storm has hit and gone. Then there was the hole on the left side of the house from where the tree had fallen on it just before the tornado hit. It is a reminder of the damage done to God’s House and His people. THE AFTERMATH OF A STORM After the house settled, I attempted to call 911 for help and to report my loss. Although someone answered my call, they were not helpful. 911 represents the government and the systems it has in place supposedly to help the people. But during this storm, their funding, resources, and manpower will be of no use to anyone.
Today, I received an unexpected phone call in the middle of the day from one of my ministry partners. In a panicky tone, this individual begins to describe to me a disturbing dream she had last night that was haunting her, and she could not get it off her mind. So, I took a few minutes out of my schedule to hear her describe the dream to me. As I listened, I jotted down notes (downloads from heaven) concerning different aspects she described that occurred in her dream. Once she was done, I asked. "Have GOD provided you the interpretation?" To which she said, no, she did not understand the dream at all. Below is a dream map I draw as she gave me her dream to which afterward I gave her the interpretation to which Holy Spirit had provided me. interpretationI reminded the individual that she received a WORD from the LORD in preparing her for her upcoming relocation. We know that is going to happen and it will occur soon. Therefore, it is the strategy of the Devil to steal, kill, and destroy the plans of the LORD by trying to disturb the timing of her moving plans. He wants to cause confusion which is what this dream is attempting to do. Hence, why you saw in your dream
But at some point in the dream, you got up and went to visit your mother. Revealing that the initial part of the dream did not work. So, when the suitcases on your bed did not cause the chaos and confusion Satan desired. He then sends 3 demons to attack you to either hinder or prevent you from moving. Note: it is important that you move because it is the next step in your destiny. GOD's desired plans for you and your ministries. Each time Satan sent a demon on assignment to attack you, you were well capable of handling the attacks and defeated each one. Until, finally, Satan flees. He does not return with another attack. This dream may be of Satan, but it is a welcoming dream. In your dream, GOD is revealing to you the plans of the devil. His goals and the actions he will take in trying to prevent you from successfully inheriting what is yours. So, be on the watch and do not fall asleep because the devil is coming like a roaring lion. But don't fret - because the victory is already yours. Dreams are common to most people. Of those that dream, most do not understand the purpose of dreams. Have any of us asked ourselves, "Why do we dream?" I can go into the scientific rationale of dreams and the dream state, but that is not the purpose of this writing. I am not here to debate personal opinions either. What I am here to do is share my testimony, struggle, and victory regarding dream warfare. Those who dream may or may not find significance in their dreams. It all depends on one's perspective regarding dreams. Some may believe that GOD speaks through dreams. I believe and experience this. While others may believe that the causes for their dreams stem from something they ate or watched on television. Yet, there is a purpose behind everything that happens on this earth. If one does not know the purpose behind a thing it will always be misunderstood, misappropriated, and abused. It will also lead you down paths that were never meant for you to travel. This is what happened to me. god communicates through dreamsI have always dreamed dreams. I can remember dreams that I dreamt when I was around 5 years old. GOD communicates with me through dreams. Job can attest to this,
I am a dreamer and when I dream, I dream BIG. I have a vivid imagination and therefore it is not hard for me to receive that which is impossible with man because I know that with GOD all things are possible. Why, because I can see it. Through dreams or visions, I see it. What I did not understand was that there are different sources or origins of dreams. We are spiritual beings that possess a soul housed in a flesh tent (body). Add to that we live in a world that is full of corruption, deception, perversion, and the like. A world ruled by darkness or ignorance. These can influence our dreams to communicate its message or agenda to us. Let me explain. The spirit in us comes from GOD. It is the part of us that GOD expresses Himself through. We are able to know GOD through the born again spirit. And it is the place where Holy Spirit dwells when HE comes to be in us. From this realm of ourselves GOD speaks, yet as Job communicates, we don't perceive it. Why? Because there is a realm of ourselves called the soul that needs renewing or reprogramming. For most of our lives, the soul has been influenced by the world and its deception. So our souls have been influenced and molded in ignorance though we believe ourselves knowledgeable and wise. Our souls have been tainted and contaminated by sin's perniciousness and pervasiveness. This is why as a disciple of Christ we are instructed, " Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what GOD'S will is - his good, pleasing, and perfect will" (Rom 12:2, NIV). It is required of us to have the mind of Christ. A soul that is influenced by the Spirit, not the world. This leaves us with the body. The body is influenced by the soul. So, whatever influences your soul influences your body as well. This part of humans has been corrupted by the sin nature. Its indulgence in the dainties of deception the world offers has produced in it evil desires, longings, and lusts. "For everything in the world- the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life - comes not from the Father but from the world" (1 John 2:16, NIV). James also informs us, "but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed" (James 1:14, NIV). There is much I can divulge here but this is not the time. This was to enlighten you about the realms of the origin of dreams. I pray that you receive more insight into your dream's origin, purpose, and reasoning. now my testimony When I was a babe in Christ, I had no understanding regarding dreams. Dreaming was something I was always able to do. I, like most, may or may not have found relevance in my dreams, unless they stuck to me. Meaning, certain dreams struck me to my core and I could not shake them. If you have followed me or know me, then you know that the Most High God (Jesus) brought me out of, and delivered me from the lifestyle of homosexuality. What you do not know is that I struggled with, and still struggling with dream warfare regarding this lifestyle. Even though I was delivered out of this lifestyle I was still having dreams. Dreams of me indulging in sexual activities pertaining to this lifestyle. The imagery and passion were so intense that they caused a burning in my flesh. I would wake up rebuking the devil and repenting. Remember, I was a babe in Christ. Everything that was told to me in the church that if I come to Jesus, He will make everything alright, and this often left me confused. Why, am I having these dreams consistently? I dared not talk to anyone about them. So, I struggled alone in my infancy. Oh, if I knew then what I know now. I got to a point where I started to rationalize in my mind that maybe this is just who I am... sound familiar? Maybe it's ok to love and be with a woman. All because of dreams that I now know originated from a soul that wasn't renewed, that was still operating off of a corrupted program, and the carnal nature that had not been positioned to submit to the Spirit. It is not by might nor by power that we overcome temptation or the struggles of our flesh, it is by the Spirit of the LORD. But if we are not led by the Spirit then we will be led by our flesh. Thus, fulfilling the longings and appetites of the flesh. This is why I turned away, back into the lifestyle of homosexuality. It was not because it was who I was, but it was because of the information I chose to accept that was filtered to me through my dreams. I did not understand or perceive the source of my dreams because I had not matured soulicly that I could relate spiritually. The Truth does set you free. Not my truth, but The Truth. Knowing The Truth will liberate you and give you victory over your struggles. Revelation is key and the only way to receive revelation is through Christ Jesus. Prophetess Felicia Crawford
CSO of Newford Ministries In this video, Prophetess Felicia Crawford shares a prophetic dream she had about Beyonce. In response to that dream, Apostle Deaidre Newby interprets Felicia’s dream. Also in this video is Newford Ministries’ 5 a.m. Corporate Prayer Meeting. Prayer is concerning Beyonce and her family, Restoration Point Church and its senior pastor, and Newford’s operational systems. The 5 a.m. prayer in this video is an excerpt from the original prayer, led by Prophetess Felicia Crawford. To learn more, click the video below. I have had quite a few dreams concerning TD JAKES over the years – in which, none I have shared publicly. Instead, quietly, my team and I prayed over them as required by the Scriptures. However, today, I was prompted by Holy Spirit to release this specific dream. Concerning my dreams relating to TD Jakes, sad to say, all of them have been very disturbing. But as the Scriptures require of Saints, I have toiled and labored over these dreams - interceding, in hope that our brother would return to the position he once held with the LORD. prodigy sonSometimes, an individual (a servant of God) chooses to go his own way. Like the prodigy son, this individual chooses (consciously) leaves from under the covering and protection of the Father because one thinks he sees something better for himself and his family. (Compare to Luke 15:11-13). He thinks there is something out there that can position him in a better place. (Compare to Luke 15:14-17). It is sad, when our brothers or sisters in the faith fall into the traps of life, like Hymenaeus, Alexander, Philetus, and the prodigy son. These ones forsake the truth for the ways of the world and what they thought they would gain by pursuing such things. (Compare to Matthew 24:10; 2 Timothy 4:4; 1 Timothy 4:1). Partnering with projects, things (demonic possessions and power), people (witches and or warlocks) that God has commanded His people by saying - do not be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14). This is a dangerous road these ones have chosen to take. For they not only position themselves to be forever removed from the presence of the LORD, but these ones have enticed and endangered their family members, loved ones, and others who openly and willingly choose to linked or partner themselves with their crimes by failing to expose their corruption as Ephesians 5:11 commands. (Also see verses 12 and 13 of Ephesians chapter 5). As a result, like the fate of Korah who raised against God’s true anointed vessel, Moses. These ones will succumb to the same destruction as did Korah’s family, associates, and friends who failed to choose the right side concerning the matter of things and situations and circumstances concerning God and those things that are not of or from or through or granted or by God (Numbers chapter 16). TD Jakes’ Dream This sadly leads me to, two of the dreams that I had on April 27 and 28 of 2019. Below is the dream that God has placed in my spirit to finally release concerning TD Jakes. Please keep in mind, we are still praying for him and those connected to him. We hope and pray that he and members associated with him will come to their senses and are loose from the strongholds and demonic spells that they are under due to their connections with certain people and organizations. (Compare to Luke 15:17-24; Luke 15:10). Along with this dream I had, I will release one other dream I had the day before my TD Jakes’ dream. Dream On April 27, 2019 I laid down to go sleep when John Gray came into my spirit, and I had this thought, as if, the Spirit of the LORD was speaking to me.
TD Jakes’ Dream Below is my TD Jakes’ dream. I have copied and pasted it just as it was written in my original recording of the dream. Dream On April 28, 2019 I had a dream about TD Jakes and I really think it is very significant. The dream was very long but because I do not think all of it is important, I will share what I believe are the most important parts. The dreams had 3 parts, so I will break them down that way.
After The Dream I tried to go back to sleep. But I heard God tell me to do 2 things. 1) To go on my prayer walk, which was unusual because I usually don’t go walking on Sundays. 2) I need to read Daniel chapter 2 because it fits with this dream. So, I grabbed my Bible and read Daniel chapter 2. The following verses stood out – verses 8, 14, 17, 18, 19, 28, and 36-43. Then I heard God speak these things to me.
Prophetess Felicia Crawford’s InterpretationLater that day, I shared my dreams with Prophetess Felicia Crawford. Below is her interpretation as it was reviewed to her by the Spirit of the LORD.
Last night, I had an interesting dream that I was not going to record for our records. Until, Felicia, my minister partner, came back to me a third time, talking about the dream and the interpretation that was given. As she was speaking about it, an unction came upon my spirit. So, we decided to record this dream and its interpretation for our records and to share its content. TO FULLY UNDERSTAND AND BENEFIT FROM THE DREAM AND ITS INTERPRETATION, YOU MUST READ THE ENTIRE DREAM DESCRIPTION BELOW AND THEN LISTEN TO THE VIDEO WHICH INCLUDES THE DREAM INTERPRETATION. The dream I had was split into two parts. PART 1: THE RULES HAVE CHANGEDThe dream started off with me walking into a gymnasium. As I was walking, I was watching my feet. So, initially, all I can see were my 10 toes as I walked. As I watched, I noticed on at least 5 of my toes this white substance. It was like a strip of suntan lotion or something going down each of my toes. (This was on my right foot. I am not sure if there was any lotion on my left toes). As I continue to watch my feet, as I entered the gym. I noticed I had on a pair of flip flop. I was also carrying a large black gym bag on my left shoulder. When I entered the gym, it was full of cheering people. That’s when I realized, I was there to play basketball. It seemed I was coming out of retirement or something like that. At any rate, when I entered the gym, I immediately turned to the right to head to our locker room. When I heard someone yell, “there you are,” as she was running towards me. It was one of the team managers. When she caught up with me, she said, “the rules of the game have changed. We don’t get ready in our locker room. We give it to the visiting team. We need to get ready in the other locker room.” Then she proceeded to tell me the game is played differently from when the last time I played. That it was her job to get me quickly familiar with the new rules. So, she proceeded to tell me the new game rules as we headed to the locker room. The new rules were as follows.
I looked at her confused as we entered the locker room and then this part of the dream ended. part 2: shopping with unrecognizable friends I was in a shopping mall shopping with a friend whose face I could not see at the beginning of the dream. (It was not until the end of the dream that her face was revealed). We entered a store in the mall. In the dream, it appeared that I was very well off financially. But I was very cautious about how I spent my money. The first section I went to was the panties section. A little boy who was with me picked out a few underwear he thought I would like and took them to the cashier. She was about to ring them up when I said. “He can’t pay for that. But you can hold them for me.” So, I continue to shop. As I was shopping, I noticed the cashier kept looking at me. But not as if she was watching for security purposes. But it just seemed weird as she watched. As I moved throughout the store, I noticed people were watching me. Some of the people I saw looked very familiar, while others did not. At some point, I found a few pieces and headed to the cash register to pay for them. This is when I noticed in the dream that I was pushing a baby stroller. I handed the lady behind the counter my items, which she took and said. “You really don’t recognize me.” I looked at her puzzled. So, she repeats herself, then proceeded to explain how we knew each other from our past. After she shared our past, I really could not remember the events she described but pretended as I did. This caused me to look around the store nervously and I noticed most of the people were watching and listening to this interaction as if they felt the same as her. She didn’t get the reaction or response she wanted from me. So, she proceeded to ring up my items. She gave me my total. And then I reached in the baby’s stroller where I had concealed my wallet. I noticed my wallet was open. One of the zipper parts was left open. Where I kept my cash, it was left open and it only had $5 in it when I knew I had more cash on me. I didn’t want to make a scene in the store. So, I assumed my friend who was with me or one of the kids took some of my money and fail to tell me. So, I went to get my credit card but where I keep my card, it was not there. As I scramble to find my credit card, I become upset. I eventually found it in a spot I don’t keep it and handed it to the cashier. She then asked for my ID. She explained that she knows me but if she doesn’t ask for it, she can get into trouble. I reached for my driver’s license. But it too was not where I keep it. As I scrambled looking for it. I vented to my friend who was with me. But when I looked at her, she had this guilty look on her face. So, I asked, “did you move my ID?” But at the same moment, I finally found my ID. But when I pulled it out, it was cut up. So, I looked at her asking, did she do this. That’s when she said yes and her face appeared. And then the dream abruptly ended. The dream interpretationClick the video below to hear the dream interpretation. ENTER IN GOD’S REST AND TRUST HIMIn the video below, Deaidre Newby shares one of the two dreams and a vision, she had on Wednesday, December 1. After sharing her dream and vision with one of her ministry’s leaders, Felicia Crawford, during their 5:00 a.m. corporate morning prayer meeting, Felicia provided an interpretation of both the dream and vision. However, they both believe there is more revelation that God will provide later concerning this significant prophetic dream. To fully understand the content and the meaning of the dream and vision, and what the LORD God is saying to His Body, you must watch the entire video. GOD CONTINUES TO SPEAK ABOUT THE DREAM AND VISIONAfter our corporate prayer meeting, throughout the day, God continued to speak to me concerning my dream and vision. Below is a summary of what God spoke later that day, which is not included in the video.
Afterward, I looked up the word trust. I wanted to see if one of the synonyms is rest. After looking up the word trust, this is what I learned. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word trust as someone that is reliable, good, honest, and effective. It also means someone who is trustworthy and accurate. One does not have to fear a person who can be trusted. One knows that you can believe, depend on, put faith in that person. Therefore, you can rest, in that, that person will deliver or come through based on His word and promises that He has stated. To learn more about my dream and the vision and their interpretation, watch the link below. please read the blog before viewing the dream interpretation video below. you will not completely understand the dream interpretation without reading this blog's entire content. |
In the first dream, we all were participating in two different events. I was going around helping a lot of people with the different things they had to do to ensure the success of these activities surrounding the two events. But some of the things some of the Christians were doing were disturbing to me and I was attempting to correct the actions of these ones in the dream. For instance, in the first dream, there was a black woman that was maybe in her sixties. She had a special assignment she was supposed to do during the activity we all were doing together. (It was one activity that was supposed to be done together, but each one of us or group of us had specific tasks to do in order to finish the one task. I hope that made sense.) But instead of performing the task that she was supposed to do, she kept acting like she was in her twenties or early thirties. (In other words, she was doing things you would not expect a woman of her age and stature to be doing). She stood in front of the group and kept twerking in a sexually provocative way. So, I walked over to her and grabbed her hands, and politely told her that she can’t be doing that. That wasn’t right. Then I placed my left hand on her right hip and my right hand in her left hand. And I begin to do a slow waltz dance with her. And then I said to her, “see, Mrs. Brandy, this is what you should be doing.” She looked at me with a smile and slowly begin to really flow with me in the dance. But every now and then, as we danced, she will fall into this twerking pose. (SMH). And this is how my first dream pretty much went. There were many different tasks going on by individuals and groups (Christians) all over the place simultaneously. As I moved between the groups and individuals, I was checking on their progress, helping out with some tasks, and correcting others. Most of the dream was focused on those I had to correct for one reason or another. Near the end of this dream, I was really getting frustrated with this one sister who was between the age of 35 and 45. And then I woke up. |
As I mentioned before, in the second dream. I was really having problems with this thirty or forty-something young, black, female minister. She was being a real pain in the butt for everyone. She would not listen. She did not work well with others. She did not want to follow the direction, guidance, or lead of anyone. And she just talked vulgarly. She did not use foul language, but she just talked in a nasty tone, demeanor, and heart posture. By this time in the dream, we all were on a bus, heading to a specific location. At first, I was on the back of the bus, walking from person to person, interacting with different ones, helping different ones, etc. I was slowly making my way up to the front of the bus. Finally, when I got to the front part of the bus, there was one open seat. So, I finally sat down near the window and was staring out it. When I overheard an unpleasant conversation going on between that 30 or 40 something female minister and another minister of the LORD. I did not like the sound or tone of the conversation. So, I looked in her direction with great irritation. And lo and behold, she was sitting in the seat right in front of me. As I listened, I was getting more and more upset with this young minister. Until at some point, I just finally had enough. I got up out of my seat and firmly addressed this young lady's behavior. She looked extremely shocked by the way I was addressing and speaking to her. Now, to be honest, I do not even know what happened to trigger me to do what I did next. But eventually, I grabbed her head and pushed the right side of her face down on the top part of the seat where she was sitting. And then I held her face down on the seat while applying a lot of pressure and I refused to release her as she struggled to get free from my grip. Then at some point, the dream went dark. When there was light again. The bus appeared to have made it to our designation. And lo and behold. The young female minister who was getting on my last and everyone else's last, the two of us were talking and laughing together at a table like we were best friends. And then I woke up. The Two Dreams Interpretation So, Felicia, my ministry partner, at some point saw the text I sent her that I had a weird dream I need to share with her. So, she called and asked about the dream. I told her the two dreams were kind of fuzzy but I will share what I could recall. After sharing the dream, she was quiet and very intrigued by what she heard. So, she prayed concerning the dreams, and then this interpretation poured out of her. Listen to the audio recording below. |
Interpreting dreams
Throughout history, God has consistently used dreams to communicate with His servants. As students of the Bible, we recognize that God spoke to individuals like Jacob (Genesis 37:5-10), Joseph (husband of Mary, Matthew 2:12-22), Solomon (1 Kings 3:5-15), and others through dreams (Daniel 2:1; 7:1; Joel 2:28; Matthew 27:19; Acts 2:17).
Since God is unchanging—yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8)—His methods of communication remain consistent across different seasons and generations. Therefore, members of Newford Ministries' apostolic team have received divine messages through dreams that directly impacted local families, churches, leaders, and even on a national scale.
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