I have had quite a few dreams concerning TD JAKES over the years – in which, none I have shared publicly. Instead, quietly, my team and I prayed over them as required by the Scriptures. However, today, I was prompted by Holy Spirit to release this specific dream. Concerning my dreams relating to TD Jakes, sad to say, all of them have been very disturbing. But as the Scriptures require of Saints, I have toiled and labored over these dreams - interceding, in hope that our brother would return to the position he once held with the LORD. prodigy sonSometimes, an individual (a servant of God) chooses to go his own way. Like the prodigy son, this individual chooses (consciously) leaves from under the covering and protection of the Father because one thinks he sees something better for himself and his family. (Compare to Luke 15:11-13). He thinks there is something out there that can position him in a better place. (Compare to Luke 15:14-17). It is sad, when our brothers or sisters in the faith fall into the traps of life, like Hymenaeus, Alexander, Philetus, and the prodigy son. These ones forsake the truth for the ways of the world and what they thought they would gain by pursuing such things. (Compare to Matthew 24:10; 2 Timothy 4:4; 1 Timothy 4:1). Partnering with projects, things (demonic possessions and power), people (witches and or warlocks) that God has commanded His people by saying - do not be unequally yoked (2 Corinthians 6:14). This is a dangerous road these ones have chosen to take. For they not only position themselves to be forever removed from the presence of the LORD, but these ones have enticed and endangered their family members, loved ones, and others who openly and willingly choose to linked or partner themselves with their crimes by failing to expose their corruption as Ephesians 5:11 commands. (Also see verses 12 and 13 of Ephesians chapter 5). As a result, like the fate of Korah who raised against God’s true anointed vessel, Moses. These ones will succumb to the same destruction as did Korah’s family, associates, and friends who failed to choose the right side concerning the matter of things and situations and circumstances concerning God and those things that are not of or from or through or granted or by God (Numbers chapter 16). TD Jakes’ Dream This sadly leads me to, two of the dreams that I had on April 27 and 28 of 2019. Below is the dream that God has placed in my spirit to finally release concerning TD Jakes. Please keep in mind, we are still praying for him and those connected to him. We hope and pray that he and members associated with him will come to their senses and are loose from the strongholds and demonic spells that they are under due to their connections with certain people and organizations. (Compare to Luke 15:17-24; Luke 15:10). Along with this dream I had, I will release one other dream I had the day before my TD Jakes’ dream. Dream On April 27, 2019 I laid down to go sleep when John Gray came into my spirit, and I had this thought, as if, the Spirit of the LORD was speaking to me.
TD Jakes’ Dream Below is my TD Jakes’ dream. I have copied and pasted it just as it was written in my original recording of the dream. Dream On April 28, 2019 I had a dream about TD Jakes and I really think it is very significant. The dream was very long but because I do not think all of it is important, I will share what I believe are the most important parts. The dreams had 3 parts, so I will break them down that way.
After The Dream I tried to go back to sleep. But I heard God tell me to do 2 things. 1) To go on my prayer walk, which was unusual because I usually don’t go walking on Sundays. 2) I need to read Daniel chapter 2 because it fits with this dream. So, I grabbed my Bible and read Daniel chapter 2. The following verses stood out – verses 8, 14, 17, 18, 19, 28, and 36-43. Then I heard God speak these things to me.
Prophetess Felicia Crawford’s InterpretationLater that day, I shared my dreams with Prophetess Felicia Crawford. Below is her interpretation as it was reviewed to her by the Spirit of the LORD.
Interpreting dreamsThroughout history, God has consistently used dreams to communicate with His servants. As students of the Bible, we recognize that God spoke to individuals like Jacob (Genesis 37:5-10), Joseph (husband of Mary, Matthew 2:12-22), Solomon (1 Kings 3:5-15), and others through dreams (Daniel 2:1; 7:1; Joel 2:28; Matthew 27:19; Acts 2:17). Archives
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