As we draw ever closer to the Day of the LORD, we must go deeper. Deeper into HIS word, deeper into praise and worship, deeper into HIS presence. Our time with the LORD must become more deeper – extending beyond the surface. We must exit the outer court and press and enter into the Most Holy Place where GOD dwells in the midst of HIS people. This is where we will find our protection, provision, and even new direction in preparing for the Day of the LORD, the return of our Messiah.
So, let’s go deeper today by understanding some upcoming world events. So that we can gain some insight and wisdom concerning what we ought to be doing to prepare for what is coming as well as increase our knowledge and understanding of Biblical prophesies, in hopes of gaining revelation. (Compare to 1 Chronicles 12:32; Hoses 4:6). COMING OF WW III? Approximately two weeks ago, on Prophet Joshua Giles’ YouTube page, he described to us an upcoming war (WW III) that would be detrimental to America. This war will be fought in a way we have never seen before because it will employ advanced AI, biochemistry, pathogens (bacterium and virus agents that cause diseases), and cyber technologies. In addition to the above, several countries will band together to come against America and open themselves up to be used by an ancient demonic prince of principalities called Abaddon (Hebrew name), also called Apollyon (Greek name), whose name means destroyer. If we go to Revelation chapter 8 and start at verse 1, it reads. When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets. Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. Now, turn to Revelation 9:1. Here we need to understand the angel that sounded the 5th trumpet, this trumpet blasts announces one of the judgments of GOD in HIS response to the prayers of HIS saints. ‘The prayers of HIS saints’ is a very important point that we are going to need to wrestle with as leaders who lead the congregation of GOD. We should clearly understand this point as you continue to read this discussion. THE FIFTH TRUMPET BLAST So as GOD’s angel blasts the 5th trumpet, we see a fallen star appear on the world scene that is released from the bottomless pit. As it appears, it comes under the covering of great smoke (like a furnace) that shields the brightness of the sun and the air by means of darkness (Revelation 9:2). Let’s talk about a few of these elements a little bit. Here smoke represents the deception many will encounter through this spirit that is released onto the world stage by this fallen angel, which we are already seeing and experiencing through the media such as ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX News, CNN, and other news outlets. We see it through individual platforms on social media accounts. We also see it in our government and its propaganda message to misinform (to give incorrect information), mislead (to direct in a wrong direction that will lead to a mistake in action or belief), and misdirect (to direct to go the wrong way) to the masses. It is even done from our pulpits. Then, “the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke.” Joel describes it this way. A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness, Like the morning clouds spread over the mountains. A people come, great and strong, The like of whom has never been; Nor will there ever be any such after them, Even for many successive generations. The earth quakes before them, The heavens tremble; The sun and moon grow dark, And the stars diminish their brightness. This is a vivid depiction of the consequences of sin. That is, the coming judgment of the 5th trumpet being blown. As a result, myriads of locusts turn the sky black as night. MY GOD! As I read this scripture, it made me recall 2 dreams I had a few years ago. One is called The Invasion, which I had on November 25, 2022; and the other one is called, Unusual Vision, which I had on April 24, 2020. At any rate, these locusts, once released, are unstoppable. They penetrate fields, crops, trees, cities, and even homes. We see this spirit is already creating havoc in our country at the southern border and in our cities' streets. This is just the beginning of its destruction. Now, in verse 3 of Revelation chapter 9, it says these locusts are given ‘power.’ This power is the Greek word exousia (G1849), which means they are given permission to do as they please. This is a power of authority to exercise a right to create havoc due to the unrepentant behavior of man. These locusts are released because man refuses to get behind what GOD is doing in the earth. They have abandoned their CREATOR, which comes with a heavy penalty. Now, the power they are given is like the power of ‘scorpions’ (Revelation 9:3). Why scorpions? For one, despite its small size, a scorpion has a very potent and poisonous string. A scorpion’s string can cause extreme pain, paresthesia, swelling, toxic in the blood that can cause serious illness, and even death. This is created by means of these countless locusts, who are demonic beings (Compare to Exodus 10:12-15; Joel 1:1-2-11). They will torment for 5 months, creating havoc in the lives of men who did not have the seal of GOD on their foreheads. (See Revelation 9:4-5; also compare to Exodus 12:7-14). Their torment felt like being strung by a scorpion repetitively, which leads us to verse 11. THE VALUE OF CORPORATE PRAYER MEETINGS So, how do we overcome not only this spirit that is in the world today as well as Abaddon, upon his arrival on the world scene and experience victory? PRAYER! Believers must come together corporately and pray against this spirit that is dominating – taking dominion over our world today. Leaders in the church must set aside their pride, agendas, and the need to be THE IT and relevant man, woman, church, or ministry and collectively, call out to GOD in a solemn assembly, pleading to HIM for HIS mercy and forgiveness. They must call out on behalf of this generation. They as one Body must sincerely repent and mourn before a LIVING GOD. They must abandon their superficial religious services and practices, confess their sins before a LIVING GOD, and enter into HIS Most Holy Place with a sincere and contrite heart. Let me explain something that some of you might not agree with and maybe even be disturbed by what I am about to say next. Go to Hebrews 10:24-25. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. The statement to ‘not forsake the assembling of ourselves together’ – what is it talking about here? We have to understand, that in most churches today, people are entering into these houses one way and coming out the same way. Remember, I spoke about ‘NO AUTHORITY, NO POWER, NO CHANGE’ in my blog post, Healing And Deliverance Ministry. How can any leader declare, ‘the presence of the LORD is here!’, when there is no evidence of HIS power at work in that house? No change in the people present. No repentance. No sincere outcry to the LORD. No one has genuinely committed themselves to the LORD. Something is wrong with this picture. So, when Paul spoke about ‘not forsaking’ ourselves in the gathering with other saints, he is not talking about powerless social gatherings at church – whether it be a Sunday service where a pastor or some other leader is giving talking points about some fundamental Bible principle or moral standard of living. Nor is he talking about a routine Bible study group where a small group meets regularly to discuss elemental Bible principles. DON’T GET ME WRONG! These things are good within themselves and are useful tools for ministry. What Paul is getting at, at Hebrews 10:24-25 is a meeting where the presence of the LORD is in the midst of HIS people – that is, the Most Holy Place. A place where HIS presence and the manifestation of HIS SPIRIT cannot be ignored or denied access to operate according to HIS will. Where the people do not leave the house of GOD the same way they came. Where the people’s lives are changed forever by HIS grace, mercy, and glory. We have too many churches and ministries that are faking it – faking the Spirit and glory of a sacred GOD and that is blasphemy, an act of great disrespect shown to GOD, as well as deception (misleading others through lies and trickery). So, exactly what kind of meeting is Paul referring to at Hebrews 10:24-25? Acts 2:42 says And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Did you see that? The apostles were not only studying the scriptures (doctrine), fellowshipping, and breaking bread. They were at a prayer meeting. And I’m not talking about the typical 1 to 3-minute prayers we hear at the beginning and the end of a Bible study or service meeting. I’m talking about a legitimate Corporate Prayer Meeting. This is the one essential and most sacred meeting we have that most churches and their leaders do not even host and have abandoned. Hebrews chapter 10, starting at verse 19 says to enter into the most holiest place by means of the blood of Jesus. It continues. By a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, and having a High Priest over the house of God, let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Paul is speaking of our most sacred meeting – the Prayer Meeting. We, as the Body of Christ cannot afford, all churches and ministries cannot afford not to place importance on our Prayer Meetings, collectively with all saints. We cannot be consumed or turned off by numbers – who do or do not show up. Corporate Prayer Meetings must be a priority by ALL churches, their leaders, and all who claim to be saints. Failure to do so means death for our local Body. THE MOST HOLY PLACE Jesus has left us a gift that is more important and more powerful than the strings of a million scorpions. And this anointing is called prayer – corporate prayer to be exact. (Compare to Matthew 6:5-15). Therefore, entering into the Most Holy Place is the key meeting place to confront and push back this spirit of Abaddon (Apollyon) that is present in the world today. One more question. So, why should Christians care about the locusts that have come onto the world scene if they will only hurt and kill those who do not have the seal of GOD (Revelation 9:4-5)? Because we are called to ‘make disciples of all the nations’ (Matthew 28:19). It is our civil and spiritual duty. Unbelievers are directly impacted by the effectiveness or lack thereof, our ministries and ministerial labor. Therefore, any Bible prophesies that directly affect unbelievers should interest us because we are in the best position to help people to be spared by the 5th trumpet sound and other trumpets of judgments. There is a way of escape for unbelievers, just like it was for families and individuals who joined the Israelites in their exodus from the tyrants of Egypt. Therefore, there is a way of escape from such destructive spirits as Abaddon that will come with its destructive plagues of locusts. To be effective in helping individuals, family members, and our community at large, especially unbelievers to escape the ill effects of Abaddon, we must make the Most Holy Place our dwelling place. Our #1 priority. The Most Holy Place is much deeper than our traditional and routine meetings on Sundays and Bible studies. The Most Holy Place is where we meet and have an encounter with GOD. This is the most sacred meeting we have that should trump ALL other meetings. So, why are we forsaking it?
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AuthorAs we approach the Day of the LORD, it is crucial that we deepen our commitment. We must delve deeper into His Word, engage in profound praise and worship, and seek a deeper intimacy with His presence. Our time with the LORD must extend beyond the surface level. We are called to move beyond the outer court and press forward into the Most Holy Place, where God dwells in the midst of His people. Archives
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