Healing and Deliverance. It is good to explore these two essential words that are a part of some church ministries. Oftentimes, when we hear these words, they are used interchangeably, as if, they are one of the same. Yet, this is far from the truth. Although these two methodologies go hand and hand, they are quite different in their functionality and require different sets of tools, resources, and methods when administrating them. So, let’s look at the basics first. I encourage you to do your own research to discover what valuable lessons you can learn about these godsent tools. We need to remember these factor Now, let me say this. There is no special method, action steps, or ritual in administrating any of these tools. Each person who needs these services is different, their situation or circumstances are distant. They have unique needs and are at different levels of comfort, mindset, knowledge, or understanding. Therefore, it is important to meet individuals at the level they are at and comfortable with when implementing these tools. After all, the end goal is not for you, the one who is administrating such gifts, to stand out. But it is your job to meet the healing and or deliverance needs of the individual who stands before you. In addition to ensuring the attention is on the individual who is in need, we have to account for the individual’s uniqueness and level of maturity, understanding, knowledge, and wisdom toward deliverance and healing. For the individual will play an important part in obtaining what they need. And if we fail to consider these factor, the person will not receive what they desperately need. Another factor we need to be aware of is that deliverance or healing can only take place at the level of faith of the person who is administrating it. But it is more important to weigh whether the administrator has the divine authority granted by Holy Spirit to administrate the required task. For instance, a person can believe and have strong faith in the healing process, but if GOD has not chosen, released, and authorized that person with the measure of grace that is needed in a specific area of healing or deliverance – possessing all the faith in the world will not matter and nothing will happen. We must understand that there are levels to this healing and deliverance ministry and not all ministers of GOD are granted equal access to the many different levels or types of disciplines involving the healing and deliverance aspects. It is important that Christians are receptive and humble about this fact because people’s lives are at stake. So, with that being said, we have to remember concerning the healing and deliverance ministry – NO AUTHORITY, NO POWER, NO CHANGE. Think about it this way. The medical field is a vast expanse and multifaceted operation. You just don’t become a doctor without meeting all requirements and following all protocols. One requirement is that every doctor must eventually select a specific area of medicine to specialize in. For instance, a doctor can practice in the fields of neurology, pediatrics, psychiatry, surgeon, cardiologist, etc. – you get the point. It would be considered medical malpractice if a family doctor who performs basic health care check-ups and exams to try to treat a heart patient or perform surgery without the assistance or direction of a cardiologist or a surgeon. The treatment of such type of patient requires a different set of doctors, nurses, and other medical staff. To properly care for a heart patient a specific set of training, exposure, knowledge, education, background, and understanding is required. Therefore, when caring for a heart patient, doctors understand that they must partner with certain medical specialists to provide these patients with the outcome that is desired. So, the healing or deliverance service that ministers provide church members or the general public is no different than the example provided above. Unfortunately, this is where far too many churches and healing and deliverance ministries miss it. By missing it, they are failing its people and their respective communities because they are not humble enough about essential factors that directly influence their efforts to heal or deliver a person. But this next point is the key to their failing in their healing or deliverance ministry. Far too many pastors are trying to be a one-stop shop for everything. I am not talking about the church or the members of the church. I’m talking about the pastor. He or she is trying to do it all and be it all to all people. And this is not scriptural. You won’t find such actions anywhere in the scripture and therefore, the Holy Bible does not support such behavior. Why? Because when pastors attempt to do everything for everyone, they lock out and prevent GOD from properly using other gifted, anointed, and authorized persons in HIS congregation. Resulting in authorized members of the Body of Christ being overlooked and not used. Resulting in people leaving the same way they came. (Remember - NO AUTHORITY, NO POWER, NO CHANGE). This is not how ministry is supposed to work from GOD’s perspective. all authoritySo, what is healing ministry and how is it different from deliverance ministry? Matthew chapter 4, verses 23 through 24 reads this way.
Here is the reality that Christians, especially leaders must understand. As Jesus stood before his 11 disciples, he made this profound statement to them. “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth… (Matthew 28:18). No other man or woman can make such a claim – that ‘all authority’ has been given to them. Not one. Only one man in the New Testament has been given such a great level of power and authority, and that is Jesus. Every man after and before him authority was limited and had to be shared with a community of people. (Compare to 1 Corinthians 12; Genesis 1:26-28). Nowhere will we find any statement in the scriptures that says all authority was given to Jack, Jill, your pastor, prophet, apostle, etc. NO! Instead, throughout the scriptures, we often see GOD establish a single head or leader to lead a mission or group and then GOD sets up a specific group of gifted and anointed men and women to assist that leader in implementing and achieving GOD’s mission in a given region in dealing with specific circumstances or situations (see 1 Corinthians 12:11; 12:27-28). No pastor, church, or ministry can have an effective healing or deliverance ministry that is set up and directed by GOD if GOD is not the one authorizing and showing leaders the ones GOD wants in specific roles, positions, and managing over certain aspects of ministry. We cannot afford to be long rangers in ministry when operating the healing and deliverance because no scripture supports such a methodology. And we cannot rely on self-appointed ministers who have called themselves into roles that GOD has not authorized them to be. (Compare to Acts 19:14-16). When we follow and turn to self-appointed ministries or ministers that man has appointed to fulfill specific roles in their operation, we are alienated from GOD, and people in need, and are unable to draw people from our respective community to the good news of Jesus Christ. More importantly, our operation has violent every Biblical protocol and principle Jesus Himself has set up for the Body of Christ to follow and obey. For the LORD has graced not some but each one of us according to a measure of Christ’s gift and authority. A measure. He has given to our congregants some apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors, and some teachers. He did not give us a pastor and for the reminding of congregants to sit in the audience and watch a singular person lead a healing or deliverance performance. No! The LORD has blessed specific ministers to be gifted and authorized to operate in specific areas of the healing and deliverance ministry. One minister of GOD may be gifted and authorized to heal cancer, while another kidney disease, while another may specialize in dealing with a broken spirit, another with homosexuality, etc. Again, the purpose of a measure of authority is not to place a single person on a pedestal. But specific authority is given to specific areas to specific people for the sole purpose of equipping the saints for the work of ministry, and for edifying the Body of Christ so that the good news of GOD’s Kingdom is preached to the nations so that people are baptized and discipled to become genuine followers of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12; Matthew 28:18-19). We have to be honest. If we are not following this protocol of Christ then our ministry is severely lacking or we don’t have a ministry at all. We simply have a social gathering of people led by men with no power or authority. What is healing and deliveranceSo, again, what is healing ministry, and how is the deliverance ministry different? According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, healing means to restore health. That is, a minister provides a remedy, making a person wholesome, or alleviates or corrects specific problem areas for an individual. Do you see the similarity we spoke about earlier between a family doctor who provides routine care versus a specialist who provides a patient with a special treatment regiment? This is no different in ministry. We have certain individuals who are graced with a measure of authority to operate in a specific area in the Body of Christ. And yet, we as leaders in the Body of Christ are failing to make use of who GOD appoints as vessels for service. Therefore, you are, we are OUT OF ORDER and are in direct conflict with GOD’s mission and will. So, healing is to restore one to health. Deliverance is liberation – the freeing, rescuing, and saving from danger or evil. Both ministry tools can impact a person’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and they should always be used together when it is required but they are not interchangeable practices. You cannot substitute the healing ministry application for the deliverance ministry or vice versa. Why? Healing ministry primarily focuses on the physical or emotional state of a person. It is the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again (1 Peter 2:24; Exodus 15:26; Psalm 147:3; Psalm 34:18). Whereas deliverance ministry focuses on the casting out of demons – the act of people being set free from some form of demonic sorrowfulness, unhappiness, discouragement, or hopelessness. Healing is done through prayer while deliverance is done by casting out (which prayer could be incorporated). The point behind deliverance ministry is to free a person from the influence of an evil spirit (Luke 8:26-39; 8:2; 9:37-42). This is when a demonic being takes over the will and actions of a person, while the healing ministry is the act of making a person whole (Luke 8:35-36). Now, in both cases, a person is experiencing a return to a proper state of being. This is why people use healing and deliverance interchangeably. There are special cases where you must sometimes cast out demons first before a person can be healed. (See Luke 8:42). Therefore, it is very important to know which or both needs to be applied, how it should be done, and who should be used because the need may vary depending on the individual’s level of maturity, understanding of the scriptures, their understanding of how GOD operates, as well as their standing with GOD. All these factors will impact whether they get healed or experience deliverance or not. And yes, whether a person is in good standing with GOD or not and whether they have genuinely repented from anything they need to repent from because it can impact, hinder, or impede their healing or deliverance process. You can’t say you want to be healed from cancer but still smoke two to three packs of cigarettes a day. There is a protocol you must meet to obtain your healing and or deliverance. The right authorization This is why only Jesus can say ‘all authority was given to me’ at Matthew 28:18. And he backed that up at Matthew 4:23 when he proved he was able to heal ‘… all kinds of sickness and diseases…’ and freed demon-possessed people. Not some but all.
Not one of us can say that. Why? Because Jesus forces us to turn to our brothers and sisters in the faith who specialize in a specific ministry area, to help us to heal and or deliver a person that needs to be healed or set free (Isaiah 61:1).
The LORD GOD showed me the following four mathematical equations, and then HE began to speak to me about loyalty. After speaking to me about the above equations, the LORD took me to the following accounts in the Bible –
Listen You womenMany of us love our husbands dearly. There is nothing we would not do for them. We will even go out of our way to support our husbands, oftentimes, unnecessarily sacrificing our hopes, dreams, and ambitions to support those of our husbands. Now, there is nothing wrong with this if this is what a woman chooses to do as long as she is not forced to do so and it does not violate any of GOD’s principles and the calling HE has placed on her life. But then GOD voices HIS concerns to me concerning how too many of HIS daughters are making senseless, that is mindless, sacrifices to please the whims and will of their husbands. As a result, many women today, are aligning themselves with the spirit of Korah that resides in their husbands because they refuse to stand up to the senseless, prideful, and ungodly behaviors of their husbands. We all need to be mindful that the Lord our God is coming not just to bring peace on the earth, but when Christ comes, His coming will cause a division among men. Matthew 10:34-37 says it this way.
When GOD had shown me the vision of the above mathematical formulas, HE then said this to me. “Some wives are loyal to their husbands to a fault. Some children are loyal to their parents to a fault. Congregations are loyal to their pastors to a fault.” We are so loyal to these individuals to the point that we choose to abandon our loyalty to GOD for the approval and acceptance of men or our family members. Your warning So the LORD speaks this warning to all, especially women and wives in the congregation of GOD.
Submission does not mean mindlessly follow There is no doubt that GOD has placed man (a woman’s husband) as head of the household. Because this is scriptural, women should be faithful and submit to the direction of their husbands. After all, Sarah set the ideal example for us as women by calling her husband Abraham lord. But there is nowhere in the scripture where it shows that Sarah followed Abraham mindlessly. She greatly respected her husband and followed his direction, but she did not do this mindlessly. It was easy for Sarah to submit to her husband’s headship because he made decisions for his family that did not set them up for destruction like the men we read about at the beginning of this discussion. He made decisions that were in alignment with GOD’s principles, that did not harm others, and based on how GOD was leading him.
We as wives can learn from the decisions of these women – those who were loyal to GOD and stood against their husbands when their decisions did not align with GOD, saved themselves and those connected to them. We clearly see when women remain silent when their husbands are in error or wrong in their actions created much chaos and destruction for them and their household. Yes, all women should be loyal to their husbands – that’s what your marriage vows require – through good or bad, til death separates you two. However, there is no scriptural principle that will support such a stance when your husband is at fault or leading your family or the congregation of GOD down a dangerous path like Korah. In such cases, women should not be loyal to their husbands to a fault. Nor should children be loyal to their parents to a fault. NOR SHOULD THE CONGREGATION OF GOD BE LOYAL TO THEIR PASTORS TO A FAULT. Witches and warlocks both can be redeemed. But it all depends on how leadership, especially the congregation of GOD decides to handle such sensitive matters after a witch or warlock has been discovered among the flock. We have to be mindful when we encounter such ones, many of them are possessed – being controlled not BY CHOICE. Do we not recall the plight of a certain slave girl who was possessed with the spirit of divination by her master (Acts 16:16). We see this account in the Book of Acts. Let’s revisit this account to see what beneficial information we can gain from this account. PR Service Rendered by a possessed girl As I mentioned earlier, while Paul and Silas were on their missionary tour, they encountered a young possessed girl who was being controlled by her masters. These men or warlocks had trained this possessed girl in the arts of fortune-telling. As a result, these men had made a great deal of profit off of this young girl’s ability to tell people fortune. So, we see at Acts chapter 16, verse 17, this young slave girl encounter Paul and Silas who are visiting her city to preach and teach the gospel among the people. This young girl starts to follow these two men around declaring truth about their presence and their capabilities . Now, the truth in which she spoke concerning Paul and Silas was not based on what she was told about them. Or what she observed concerning them. She gained the knowledge she knew about Paul and Silas through her art of divination aka witchcraft or fortune-telling. (Today, we call such practice psychic reading). As I was saying. This possessed girl followed Paul and Silas around declaring, “these men are the servants of the Most High GOD, who proclaim to us the way of salvation” (Acts 16:17). Now, before we continue with this account, I want to ask a rhetorical question to get you all thinking, especially for those ministries who may be having a similar situation currently occurring in your congregation. The first thing we must ask ourselves is, how this possessed girl became aware of Paul and Silas' presence in town. Paul and Silas did not pre-publicize their arrival nor their plans prior to arriving in town. So, who informed her of Paul and Silas' presence and what their plans were in order for this possessed girl to show up to try to disrupt Paul and Silas’ forward progress to minister to the people in the city? This is an important question that needs to be answered by every congregation leader in GOD’s house when they notice or are informed by prophetic people in their ministry that a witch or warlock is operating in their church. As I was saying, once they arrived, Paul and Silas did not put up a huge advertisement campaign declaring that they were there or what they are going to do or offer to the people while they were in town. But somehow, this young slave girl became aware of these two men’s presence and their activity. Shortly after becoming aware, this slave girl shows up during Paul and Silas’s missionary tour to disrupt GOD’s plan for the people in the city through Paul and Silas. So, as Paul and Silas went about preaching and teaching to the people in the city. This possessed girl followed them everywhere they went, declaring that (1) Paul and Silas were true servants of GOD, (2) and through them, people can gain salvation. She did this for many days without Paul and Silas saying a single thing to the girl.
It wasn’t until after some time has passed and Paul became annoyed by this girl’s constant promoting them through her declaration that Paul finally turns his attention to the problem this young girl created, to do something about it. We must ask ourselves this important question. If Paul had not become agitated by this girl’s PR campaign, would he and Silas left this girl in her state? Would he not address her issue? Would he not approach her to address the problem with the young girl? Either way, the Scriptures made it clear that Paul did not address her issue UNTIL he became annoyed by her constant actions. Now, I will suggest that you read the remaining account Paul and Silas had with the possessed girl at Acts 16:16-24. But let’s end this point with the following. The ministry of reconciliation We all have to be mindful that we all are called to a ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18-21 says,
As ambassadors of Christ, GOD is making HIS appeal through us to ALL of mankind. THIS INCLUDES and NOT EXCLUDES WITCHES AND WARLOCKS. When dealing or confronted with such individuals IN OUR CONGREGATION, we must take the same actions as commanded of us as disciples of Christ, at Matthew chapter 18, verses 15 through 17. It is a failure and a sin on our part if we do not take these steps. But we must keep this one critical point in mind as we applied such steps concerning witches and warlocks we encounter in our ministry or in our local churches. 1. We cannot be afraid of them – witches and warlocks. For GOD gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7). He has given us the authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy AND nothing will harm US. (Luke 10:19). 2. Our goal is to ALWAYS is to set individuals FREE. (Compare to Isaiah 61:1). If they want it. Some may choose or prefer to stay in that state of mind they are in. And that’s okay if that is what they choose for themselves. 3. It is extremely important when we are applying the steps stated at Matthew 18:16, that we be very careful in our selection process concerning those who will help us in such matters. (1) Not everyone is mature enough or spiritually equipped to handle sensitive situations or information. (2) Nor is everyone trustworthy enough to keep what needs to be kept confidentially sealed. (3) Not all persons, and this includes leaders, are a reliable resource. We really have to know the heart, motive, especially the true spirit of people. Let me explain through a few examples provided in the Scriptures. At Exodus chapter 18, Jethro, a priest and the father-in-law of Moses observed Moses counseling and judging the acts of God’s people that was in the camp in the wilderness (Exodus 18:13-14). Jethro observed the way Moses was doing it was taking too long and was the less effective method to conduct such matters. Therefore, Jethro suggested a better way to manage such matters in verses 17 through 23. The Scripture says that Moses heeded the counsel, the direction of Jethro. And Moses followed Jethro’s instructions explicitly.
Okay, one more example. Go to Acts chapter 6, and look at verses 1 through 15. In these few verses, we see the dispution that arises between the Greek and Hebrew servants of GOD concerning how the Hebrew widows were being given preferential treatment over the Greek widows when it came to food distribution. You can read about what took place on your own. What we want to look at together is the solution the brothers (the leaders of GOD’s congregation) put in place to resolve the problem. In verse 3, 7 men were selected who were (1) well respected by all men and women. (2) Men who were full of the Spirit and wisdom. For it to be decided that these men were qualified, all 7 men had to be fully vetted and observed by leaders as well as individual congregational members in the Body. These 7 men had to be known for not showing favor, biases, or prejudices towards any members in the Body of Christ. They had to be known by both the Greeks and Hebrews for not showing any biases of any kind, being fair in their judgment, and being pure in their motives. Now, I want to bring out one more point. When I say they were pure in their motive. I am saying that these men WERE NOT competitive nor jealous, or envious toward another member of the Body of Christ – their fellow brothers or sisters. (That competitive, jealous, and envious spirit is poison, a dangerous spirit to have to deal with in the Body of Christ). Far too often, in the local congregation of GOD, I have seen men become envious of how GOD is moving in and through certain men and women of GOD. Resulting in some men (leaders) acting out rebelliously toward these GODLY men and women by bulking the system that GOD has put in place. In the beginning, often time, these ones display this rebellious spirit under the radar in a quiet and secretive manner by challenging divine authority that has been put in place by GOD. And yet, their actions ARE VERY NOTICABLE to those who have spiritual eyes to see. Because these individuals who are secretly bulking the system are very territory driven. They are wild dogs who feel the need to mark their turf. (Even when that turf actually belongs to GOD). So, whenever a servant of the true GOD brings certain issues to the attention of an appoint authorized leader concerning issues that need to be addressed in the congregation. These magnate individuals in GOD’s house immediately leap into action and begin to bark, howl, and growl in a passive way concerning such issues. Not because they really have a spiritual concern for the people and want to really see real solutions be applied to the problem. But because someone has stepped into their territory to suggest or implement real solutions – Kingdom solutions. This is very dangerous because when such actions are allowed to continue in the House of GOD, it allows for evil altars to be established or rebuilt in GOD’s house. This is why it is so important that Pastors, who are called to be shepherds over GOD’s house really know FROM GOD’S DISPOSITION the hearts, motives, and true spirits of every man and woman in his house. Otherwise, pastors are setting up his house to become a house of cards. Whose operating under your leadersHip What’s the point? We have to really know the hearts of all men and women that are supporting our mission. We have to give it to GOD to reveal to us the true condition of man’s heart. So that, when we encounter a witch or warlock in our ministry or among our church members. We handle ALL MATTERS in a just way because we need to see as GOD sees. We need to do as GOD will do. We need to respond in the same manner as GOD would have. Therefore, it is important to appoint men or women over certain matters according to the will of GOD and not according to who we think we can trust in our ministry.
god decides who will deliver his people - Part 3 of 4In Part 1, released on Monday, August 29, GOD’s WORD of Correction drew our attention to us as GOD’s servants. It provided us instructions on how we need not only to listen to the counsel and direction given by Apostles and Prophets that GOD has positioned in the Body of Christ today. But we must be doers to the things they are saying as well. Part 1 pointed us to the Scripture principles mentioned at James 1:22 and Amos 3:7. In Part 1 of this WORD of Correction, GOD used HIS prophetess, Felicia Crawford, to prepare us for the WORD of Correction that is needed for the Body of Christ in Parts 2, 3, and 4. This is a hard WORD to give – which is why GOD decided to deliver it in four parts. This will allow those who receive the WORD, the time needed to give prayerfully thought to what GOD is saying to them particularly and to their church or ministry. Prophetess Felicia Crawford said to us in Part 1 that we all need to seriously consider and reflect upon this.
She goes on and says that GOD is LIGHT and no darkness dwells in HIM. But when we the people try to “incorporate things of the kingdom of darkness – like how we measure success in the Kingdom of light base on the kingdom of darkness – WE ARE IN ERROR. And we need correcting and rebuking. So, we can be trained in righteousness. That is GOD’s righteous.” god did not initially spEAK to me through his wordIn the last few verses of Acts chapter 7, we see a lot is going on. In verses 44 through 53, it speaks about GOD’s true Tabernacle. Verses 51 through 53 focus on how the nation of Israel, GOD’s people, who resisted that is rejected, Holy Spirit. And finally at verses 54 through 60 talk about the murder of Stephen at the hands of GOD’s leaders. I will admit, when I first read those last 16 verses. I wasn’t sure in what direction GOD wanted to go. Especially when considering that this dissertation is supposed to also be A WORD of Correction from the LORD – spinning off of parts 1 and 2. So, I asked the LORD. How is what I read here supposed to tie in with what was recently released? Initially, I did not get a response from GOD. So, I elected to spend more time in prayer before coming back and reading GOD’s WORD again. And this time, this is what the LORD spoke to me. god speaks the following to me
repent my peopleRepent my people. Repent GOD’s people before it's too late. The hour is coming and it is here; where GOD will judge HIS HOUSES first. If your house is found unswept and not clean before a holy GOD. HE will remove you and your house. In the same manner, Matthew spoke at Matthew chapter 18, verse 6.
But GOD is a righteous and just GOD. There is no darkness or evil in HIM. HE does no wrong and HE never acts in an unrighteous or unjust way. Therefore, if your house is found clean, holy, and swept – HE will bless you and your house with even more until your house cannot manage all that HE will pour out upon you and your house. Amen.
a word of correction to the body of christ - god's hammerPart 2 of 4 In the previous verses (verses 37 through 43 of Acts chapter 7), we discussed how and why Israel not only rebelled against GOD. But they also rebelled against the one GOD sent to deliver them from the harsh hands of Pharoah. So, let’s continue reading the remaining part of Acts chapter 7 to see what else GOD needs to show us that fits us today. But before we do that. Let’s review one Scripture we touched on the last time that is so critical for all Christians to get into their soul. I mean we really need to get this one verse in our soul and live by it. I believe in this season, it is really vital to understand, the simplicity of what the Apostle Paul is saying in these verses we are about to review. As we take a deeper look at it. We all need to consider; do we really understand what Paul is emphasizing in these verses. Or are we just surface reading it – seeing it as not as significant as other verses in the Bible? We also need to ask ourselves – are we really applying what the WORD says in GOD’s WORD? Can we say as a Christian – no matter how old you are; are you really examining yourself according to the words of Apostle Paul at 2 Corinthians 13:5? If you are not, you should for two simple reasons. Because as Apostle Paul said at 2 Timothy 3:16, ALL, not some; not even the ones you personally like. But ALL Scriptures are inspired by GOD…. Which makes ALL Scriptures beneficial to ALL of us. for our learningAlright, so, let’s look at or review that one verse that I mentioned before that is so critical to every Christian life. Are you ready because it's going to shock you? It is a verse you will least expect. Okay, let’s read it. It says
This verse is so vital to our existence and future that we need to look at it in different versions of the Holy Writings so we don’t miss its validity yet simple point. In the New Living Translation (NLT), it says
In the American Standard Bible (ASB), it reads
The Amplified Bible Classic Edition (AMPC) states
Now, let's stop right there for a moment. Because the Apostle Paul did not say – just the parts in the Scriptures that you agree with or like that you can apply. No, he did not. He said WHATEVER was written. WHATEVER you read from this book the Bible. All of it is applicable whether you agree with it, like it or not. From the first verse in the Old Testament at Genesis 1:1 to the last verse in the book of Revelation in the New Testament in chapter 22, verse 21. Now, listen to me closely because many of you are not going to like what I am about to say next. There are two critical points, insight, and wisdom we can gain here. 1. That the entire Bible is relevant TODAY. You, meaning pastors who are leading the congregation of GOD. Do not need entertainment or a club-like atmosphere to draw people into the pure Houses of GOD. You do not have to adapt your sermons and sanctuaries to the liking of this culture and generation to be appealing. Pastors do not have to try to be relatable or trendy. NO! You do not even need a social media platform where far too many of you spend more time talking about what Eminem, Beyonce, Kanya West, well-known pastors and other spiritual leaders, and other famous athletes and mega stars are doing and saying. Where is the glory in that? How is that giving real praise, worship, and glory to the supreme GOD of the universe? I’m telling you. If that is the method by which you are using social media tools. Then, you are using it to be relevant and attract people to you and your ministry. While at the same time, calling what you are doing as the works of the LORD. You better be careful. You are treading dangerous water each time you declare from your social platform Here are several famous lines that many of you like to say that really are bringing glory to you and your ministry and not directing people to GOD. “GOD told me to tell you or share with you….” “This is very important what I am about to say to you – so make sure you like and share this with everyone….” “Look at how God is blessing me….” “Do you need a miracle? Share this right now. Hit that share link below….” “I had a dream about so and so and you must share it….” Look, it does not matter how big your social media audience or followers are. You are still treading on dangerous grounds. In the Bible, when we are professing the above quotes about ourselves and the statistical (numbers) success of our ministry, are we really doing it because GOD directed us to do so? Sadly, most do not. Most do this to validate the things they are doing in order to declare before many - "see, GOD is with me." HE is blessing not HIS HOUSE or HIS people at large, but blessing that leader because he or she has high social media stats. You know the things I mentioned in the last 4 paragraphs, what GOD call these things? – Prideful gossip and self-glory and praise. Twisting the WORD of God to fit your agenda and lives on your social media platforms. Now, it is nothing wrong with addressing issues that some mega social media leaders bring up. But if that is your platform’s main focus, I question whether it is truly GOD that is calling you to this type of platform or even ministry. There is no such thing anywhere in the Bible, of any ministry or church or individual or leader that only calls people out or talks about other people’s dirty laundry. NOWHERE. Where is the redemptive story behind such works? Your impressive numbers? Your so-called followers and likes? Where is the gospel message in airing out a person’s shady lifestyle? Where? Preach the GOSPEL! The full GOSPEL of Christ. It is His message that is relevant and vital to people today. Especially these superstars whose lifestyles are visible to all of us. They do not need to hear you talking about the latest gossip or rumors that are going on with them. They all need to hear the full counsel of GOD. Consider this. Instead of starting a gossip and a groupie channel on your platform by mainly talking about folks. How about pointing out one or two points about a person and then preaching directly to them about the GOSPEL of GOD from your Bible? Or, use your live stream to pray for these individuals’ souls before your audience. Now, that is Scriptural and pleasing to the LORD. But most of you will not do that. Why? Because that will mess up your bottom line, and your social media commission. You will lose followers and likes. Individuals will not click your post. 2. Let’s state the second point before moving on. My brothers and sisters. I appeal to you. If you are following or listening to any man or woman that is not teaching the full counsel of GOD. If they believe that the Old Testament is not relevant but only the New Testament. PLEASE LEAVE THAT CHURCH OR MINISTRY. Move on to another ministry or church. Please. People or leaders with that kind of mindset are either angry with GOD or take a personal issue with a Scripture in the Bible because they have not experienced that themselves. Or because some leader misconstrued, twisted, or misused the WORD of GOD. Or, they are just simply mad with GOD. People with this school of thought violate what Apostle Paul was inspired to write in Romans chapter 15, verse 4. Let’s go back to Romans chapter 15, verse 4 for a minute to finish up that verse. Again, it reads For whatever was thus written in former days was written for our instruction And why was it (the Bible) written for our instruction? Why is this instruction that is in our Holy Bible so vital to us today? So … that by [our steadfast and patient] endurance and the encouragement [drawn] from the Scriptures we might hold fast to and cherish hope.” There you have it. GOD wants us to have hope and not feel despair from living in this crooked and wicked generation. And we can gain hope, and encouragement, gather our strength and gain the patience that we need to be steadfast and endure all things by reading and studying the Holy Scriptures that GOD has provided for us. But we need to be mindful, that it is a sin, a sin for any man to invalidate, disprove, refute, to claim in whole or part that the counsel of GOD’s WORD is invalid. We as men have no authority to do so. NOWHERE in GOD’s WORD does it give us, mankind such power or authority. For any man who thinks he possesses such authority, sees himself like GOD. (Compare to Isaiah 14:13-14). Prophet lovy l. eliasOne final point before we close. As Prophet Lovy L. Elias said in his live stream prophetic service, posted on August 26. Speaking about Moses and Aaron’s staff and the staff of Pharaoh’s magicians (or wise men and sorcerers).
To view Prophet Lovy's prophetic service, click here. Alright, I know that was a lot to take in. But I think GOD has been wanting to say that for a minute – even to the men HE loves that are doing such horrible things in the name of Jesus before the congregation of GOD. If this is you, please repent, stop, turn around in the opposite direction, seek GOD and let HIM cleanse you with the blood of Christ. So, you can be made clean and holy once again. Return to your first love once again. Related ResourcesTo view Part 1 of 4 of this WORD of Correction to the Body of Christ, click here. Or click the video below. GOD'S HAMMERA WORD OF CORRECTION - GOD's Hammer To listen to the full prophetic WORD OF CORRECTION FROM THE LORD, click the video below. To hear more prophetic WORDs or Life Lessons by Prophetess Felicia Crawford, visit her website at https://www.feliciacrawford.org/ or her YouTube channel at @Felicia Crawford Ministry . To read more prophetic WORDs or Talking Points by Apostle Deaidre Newby, visit her website at https://www.deaidrenewby.com/. You may also visit her YouTube channel, under the playlist, Dreams, Visions & Prophetic Words at @Deaidre (deaidre1). music was by Purple Planet Music |
WORD OF CORRECTIONA prophetic word of correction is not intended to harm or instill fear in God's people. It presents an opportunity for God's leaders and His people to apply the principle stated to the prophet Jeremiah in Jeremiah 1:10. God touched Jeremiah's mouth and declared, "I have put my words in your mouth—hand-delivered! I have given you a job among nations and governments—a red-letter day! Your task is to pull up, tear down, dismantle, and demolish, then start over by building and planting." Archives
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