This was the third time Holy Spirit brought this dream that I had in July 2019 to my attention in a week's time. And today, for a fourth time, this 2019 dream was brought to my attention when Felicia, one of our lead prophets, and I were discussing a prophetic word God had given her earlier this morning, which we have released on social media. I was a little fuzzy on the details concerning this 2019 dream. So, I finally looked up a copy of the dream in our ministry's archive. AND WHEN I READ IT, I realized my July 2019 dream's content was significant for the Church today. Facebook BlogI posted this 2019 dream on my Facebook Notes blog, which is no longer available to the public because Facebook removed all of my dreams, visions, and prophetic words that God had given to me since 2015. Fortunately, I had saved the original copies of all my content in our ministry's archive as well as a digital footprint copy of all of my Facebook Notes blog posts. I have provided a copy of my 2019 prophetic dream, The Falling House, below. I now strongly believe this dream symbolically represents the state of the Church today and where the Church is heading within the coming weeks. Again, remember, God's timing is not the same as ours - 2 Peter 3:8 says, "But do not let this one fact escape your notice, beloved, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day." 2019 Prophetic dream - the falling houseI was in my house, and all my family was there. I remember seeing my best friend, one of my daughters, a few of my grandkids and I felt the presence of my son-in-law but I did not see him. And I don't remember seeing my youngest daughter. All the adults were gathered talking, while the kids were running around playing. All the windows in the house were opened to allow a breeze into the home. At some point, I sensed a storm was coming, but no one else did. In fact, everyone thought I was being weird and overreactive. I was trying to get everyone to close all the windows, but no one would help me. So, I started to close a window on the right side in the back of the house where everyone was. Then, my best friend finally walked over to another window on the far-left side to close it. As I closed mine, I noticed it was completely dark outside, although it was daytime, and the wind was getting stronger and louder. As I looked over to where my best friend was, I noticed she was busy doing more talking than trying to QUICKLY help close all the windows. I got upset with her. So, I yelled, “hurry up and close the window before a tree fall!” She gave me this sarcastic look and then starts to close the window. Immediately, after she did this, a tree fell on that side of the house, crashing through the roof and through the window that she was attempting to close. Before I had time enough to fuss or attempt to prepare everyone for what they need to do next. A tornado came and lifted the house. And the house started to go higher and higher and to spin really fast. (At this point, I am looking down into the dream from a high place). As the house was spinning, I could see myself holding onto something to keep me from flying away. But I do not see anyone else that was in the house. I looked over to where the tree had damaged the left side of my home. As I watch this dream from a high place, I noticed that my house was riding on the very top of this storm. At some point, the storm threw my house back to the ground. And the house immediately starts to slide and tumble down a hill, through a wooded area, until it landed on the pavement. When I got up, I noticed all my furniture in the house was in the exact position where I had them inside the house before the storm came, except for the curtains. All the curtains were gone. But my house was intact except for the hole on the left side where the tree had fallen. I scrambled to find a phone and called 911. An operator answered. I was crying and telling her what happened, and that my family was missing. That’s when I noticed the left side of the house was starting to lean downward causing the house to rock back and forth. I started screaming “oh my God!” into the phone when I realized the house was about to fall into a body of water. Now be mindful, at this point, I am still inside the house. But before I could get out, it falls in the body of water and calmly floats down a river. I was unsure where the river would take my home. Therefore, I felt I need to find a way to get out. I finally was able to jump out of the house onto dry land. As soon as I did, the house floats out of the river onto dry land and started rolling destructively down a road along a hillside. For some odd reason, as my home started to float down the river and then started to roll destructively down this hillside, I chased it as if I was trying to save it because I had no other place to go for covering. As I chased it, I was yelling for help along the way. That’s when I noticed I was on some kind of construction site where they were building new homes. Off to my left were 3 men working on a house. But no one noticed me, nor my house rolling down the hill. Then I saw a huge black man coming out of the garage of one of the houses. I yelled at him as I pointed at my house. He looked and that's when he saw the house as it was passing by him. He tried to stop it, but he was too late. He ran to look at it - where it fell over the hillside. He looked back at me and said the house was okay. I looked around to get my bearings, but I had no clue where I was. So, I turned to the guy to ask where I was, but he went back to work as if I was never there. And then I woke up. The interpretation that was given to US at the time of the dream
LATE RESPONSE In the dream, my house was a symbolic replica of God’s Church, His Bride, the Body of Christ on the earth. Inside of the house was the presence of my immediate family members that are closest to me– my best friend, my daughters, my grandchildren, and son-in-law. But what was interesting, even though all their presences were evident in my house, not everyone was physically present before the storm arrived nor after the storm had left. For instance, those who were physically in the house with me before the storm were my best friend, all my grandkids, and one of my daughters. Those whose presence I could sense but was not physically there were one of my daughters and my son-in-law (compare to Matthew 24:39-42). THEIR RESPONSE WERE TOO LATE When we were in the house, no one sensed the coming storm, but I. In fact, others were being critical and sarcastic about my preceded discernment relating to the storm. As I attempted to prepare for the coming storm, my preparations were halted by the attitude and distractive behaviors of others. And because I gave more attention to their bad behaviors than properly preparing myself and everyone for the storm, we all got caught off guard when the storm hit. At some point, when I started to close the windows to provide protection and covering for myself and everyone in the house; one person noticed and realized that something might happen, which was my best friend. So, she attempts to help me by closing a window on the opposite side of the room. But she became easily attracted and distracted by the entertainment that was happening in the room. As a result, she never closed the window. Her hands were on the window in a downward position to pull the window down, but she never did. Instead, she opted to engage in conversations, instead of focusing her attention on what needed to be done, which was closing the windows to protect and cover everyone in the house. Before I could respond to her, the storm, a tornado hit the house. And where my friend once stood, a tree fell on the house in that exact spot. This shows that some will respond to the coming destruction too late and end up as causal Christians because of their own distractions and late response to a significant sign and warning. The warning was the voice of God’s true servant who sensed, discerned that a storm was coming. The sign was when the conditions outside of the house suddenly changed during the daytime to darkness along with the sudden changed in the strength and the sounds of the wind. ABOVE THE STORM During the storm, the tornado picked up my house, lifted and carried it up to the very top of the tornado. As it was lifted higher and higher, the house was spinning faster and faster. The spinning of the house is a sign that all Christians will not be spared from the effects of what is about to come. WE ALL WILL BE IMPACTED AND AFFECTED BY THE COMING DESTRUCTION one way or another. However, it is the force and the strength of the storm that raises the house to the very top of the storm, which so happens to be the safest place to be during the storm. This is God’s Spirit, lifting His people above all the destruction that is happening below. Hiding them in the least likely place – above the storm. While at the top of the storm, from a high place, I was able to see inside the house, and I noticed all the people who were with me were gone. Only I was left inside the house, in a corner, holding on for dear life as the house keeps spinning in the upper atmosphere. The people that were with me before the storm and now missing is what we will see take place in God’s House when the storm comes. People will abandon truth, the safety of God’s House. Once the storm finished its destructive work, it quickly disappears. Then it suddenly and violently throws my house to the ground. Anything that is not rooted in God’s word will not survive this sudden thrust to the ground. To ensure that everything that is not of God is not left in His house, as the house hits the ground, it slides and tumbles down a high hill through a wooded area before it comes to a complete stop. Through this violent commotion, everything is removed that is not pure and holy. The furniture that remains in their place during and after the storm represents the solid hearts of God’s people who will be able to ride out this coming destruction. That is, His chosen people. His true remnant. However, during the first part of the storm, all the curtains were ripped out of all the windows. The curtains represent false leaders, wolves in sheep clothing, and those who have failed to cover and protect God’s sheep. There will be no trace left of them once the storm has hit and gone. Then there was the hole on the left side of the house from where the tree had fallen on it just before the tornado hit. It is a reminder of the damage done to God’s House and His people. THE AFTERMATH OF A STORM After the house settled, I attempted to call 911 for help and to report my loss. Although someone answered my call, they were not helpful. 911 represents the government and the systems it has in place supposedly to help the people. But during this storm, their funding, resources, and manpower will be of no use to anyone. Other resourcesAlso see, Felicia Crawford Ministry's YouTube blog, Prophecy & Rhema Word playlist by clicking the photo below.
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Interpreting dreamsThroughout history, God has consistently used dreams to communicate with His servants. As students of the Bible, we recognize that God spoke to individuals like Jacob (Genesis 37:5-10), Joseph (husband of Mary, Matthew 2:12-22), Solomon (1 Kings 3:5-15), and others through dreams (Daniel 2:1; 7:1; Joel 2:28; Matthew 27:19; Acts 2:17). Archives
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