harpists playing on their harps, and they were singing a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and before the elders. No one could learn that song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth.
There is a sound that GOD has blessed Williams with that no other music producer or recording engineer can create nor produce. His creative mind was made for the sole purpose of worshipping. Each time he sits behind his musical instruments to create, the heavens open up and roar like a mighty ocean wave from the sounds that Williams releases into the atmosphere. His music is not for entertainment purposes, but it was made for worship Williams is the CEO and Recording Engineer for Throne Room Productionz.
This is a Word of Wisdom. A Word of Wisdom is the ability to properly apply the knowledge that you may already know in a particular situation. the hour of persecutioN During Newford Ministries’ morning corporate prayer with Newford’s Chief Steward Officer, I saw a church. This church was well established and fixed firmly on solid ground. But the ground started to rumble and shake. As the shaking and rumbling occurred, EVERYTHING changed. changE Before this earthquake occurred to change the dynamic of this church, I saw inside it, men. Our brothers standing at different critical access points in the building. There were men, GOD’s faithful and true servants everywhere standing facing in a direction that they were assigned. They all were standing purposely still, except for one. And this one was moving here and there. Touch each brother as he went. I’m not sure why they were doing this, but it looked as if they were praying. At any rate, then suddenly, an earthquake occurred and then all the men, except for THE ONE, fell down. So, I asked the LORD, what is this that I am seeing? Then I saw women moving into this congregation and other women in the congregation being shifted. THIS CULTURE VS. GOD’S THRONE I am not saying this is the interpretation. But next, I received this thought about the culture before World War I & II happened. I was shown how that culture of men worked to take of their families while the women stayed at home. UNTIL! These two wars occurred, which shacked the likelihood of every household. When these wars occurred, women had to step in to fill in the roles of men who had to go off to war to defend and represent their nation and to protect their land and families. The vision of a countless army of women that I saw dancing before GOD’s THRONE, appears to resemble the circumstances that hit the world during these two great wars.
When the church had experienced complete persecution and destruction from the coming world events and most of our men are removed, those that remained do not have to fret or worry. (See Philippians 4:6-7 and Psalm 55:22). GOD has already positioned an army of women that are in certain houses of GOD to fill certain roles, duties, and responsibilities that the men were doing. These women, in my vision, were doing the exact same things the men were doing as I described above. They all were standing in the same spots or posts the men who had fallen down, EXPECT ONE – that is Jesus, our King. god confirms his worD When I was finished listening to the prophetic video of The Army Of Women, you know how YouTube ramblingly selects the next video for you to watch? MY GOD!!! YouTube Selected this video by Dappy T Keys. LOOK AT THE TITLE OF HIS VIDEO. MY GOD!!! Please keep in mind, if it was not for the inquiry we received and Holy Spirit prompting me to speak on this matter – I would not speak publicly concerning Perry Stone’s situation. With that being said, below are some of the details surrounding what the Spirit of the LORD had given us concerning Perry Stone’s situation prior to his situation becoming public. It was these visions/dream that made us decide to separate from his ministry. But we are still hopefully/prayerful that Perry Stone truly repents for everything he knows he has done. And get right with God without hiding behind things or pointing his finger to other causes to his situation. That he will take full responsibility for his missteps, seek not only God’s but those he offended forgiveness, take full advantage of those that God has placed in his life that is holding him accountable, and let go of his pride by blaming others and things as the source of his issues – i.e. his Italian culture, the stress of ministry, and some women misinterpreting his intention. With that being said, below are dates and details of what God revealed to us about Perry Stone. Initially, I was only going to share the vision, Sand In the Ears, I had on June 7, 2021. But felt led that I need to share the progression of how God revealed things to us. So, I am sharing 2 visions [vision 1 occurred on April 29, 2020; the second vision on June 7, 2021; and a dream I had on January 24, 2022] concerning Perry. My dream and visions are taken from our archive records as indicated below. Perry Stone Challenges and State of Confusion The first vision God provided concerning Perry Stone, occurred on Wednesday, April 29, 2020 (approximately two years ago). Holy Spirit revealed the following concerning Perry during one of our corporate prayers. Felicia Crawford was leading us in prayer. During her prayer, Holy Spirit gave me a word (word of knowledge) concerning Perry. [Word of knowledge is simple when Holy Spirit transmits knowledge to you on something that you would have no ability or means to be able to know about.] Vision 1: challenges and state of confusion
Now, in 2022, Holy Spirit gave me two more dreams concerning Perry Stone. Keep in mind, when I received the first vision back on April 29, 2020, our ministry started then to pray for Perry. And we were still praying for him when Holy Spirit provided the next two dreams. Three months after receiving the first vision, the public received the first indication that there were problems in Perry’s ministry. Directed towards him was a post on Facebook after one ministry group that was covered by Perry’s ministry separated from his ministry. Machal Brewington, Director of the Remnant Dance Team stated on her July 21, 2020, Facebook post.
Sometime after this, someone from Perry’s ministry posted a Facebook comment concerning Perry’s temporary leave from his post. But this Facebook post is no longer available on Facebook. In this post, it spoke about Perry’s preaching and writing works of the Old and New Testaments. The conferences, Manna-Fest television programs aired, prayer meetings, and worship services held at OCI and hosted by Perry. It also mentioned the health issues and the mental struggles Perry has endured due to his rigorous schedule. The post continued and stated that these responsibilities have emotionally depleted and burnt Perry out. As a result, Perry needed rest and time to heal to seek spiritual renewal, emotional help, and physical healing. So, the VOE board, which oversees Perry’s ministry was not sitting him down. But placing Perry on a mandatory sabbatical for an undetermined amount of time. They asked for everyone to respect Perry’s privacy but to keep him in their prays. Now, with that being said, I don’t remember exactly when Perry was allowed to return from his sabbatical. But I do remember discussing with my minister partner that I felt (1) it was too soon, and (2) Perry had not completely come clean about his role in his situation. Therefore, more time should have been given for him to acknowledge his role in his situation so he could possibly truly repent and attempt to make things right. Not only with God but the people he hurt. This leads me to the second vision. vision 2: Perry Stone – Sand In His Ears 1. This second vision occurred during one of our corporate prayers on Saturday, June 7, 2021. Now, keep in mind, that neither one of us (Felicia or myself) had followed Perry Stone’s ministry or his online content in months. We did not even bring him up during our prayer time. Holy Spirit just dropped him in my spirit during Felicia’s prayer. In this vision, I saw two brothers and Perry Stone sitting on a platform stage, speaking to an audience. While on the stage, Perry kept picking in his ear. One of the two brothers noticed what Perry was doing and it caused him to pick at his ear. And then he tilts his head. When he did, sand came out of his ears. When Perry saw this, he was shocked. He became curious, so he did the same thing. When he tilted his head to one side and then the other, sand too came out of his ears. So, when the other brother saw what had happened with Perry and the other brother, he too tilted his head but no sand came out of his ears. So, we asked Holy Spirit, what was going on here? Holy Spirit explained that Perry was not listening to good counsel as he described to me some of the problems Perry had recently run into. After this vision, 3 months later, the first of many scandals became public concerning Perry. Holy Spirit reminds me of my previous dream/vision concerning Perry. And then said, “Perry still has sand in his ears.” Dream 1: Perry stone – conflict over pills 1. So, the first dream I had concerning Perry was on January 24, 2022. In this dream, Felicia and I were driving around in a van from place to place to different communities, resolving different peoples’ problems. At some point, Felicia and I were back in what appeared to be our office setting. Now, I am going to skip to the part in this dream where Perry comes.
At some point in my dream, I was in our office hallway. In the hallway, I was separating my pills (vitamins, herbs, and minerals) into 3 sections. I was taking them to solve a health problem I had or something. When Felicia noticed the pills, she became angry with me. She started to quote Bible Scriptures explaining why what I was doing was a waste of my time, money, and resources. In the dream, I listened but did not necessarily agree with her view. I accused her of misusing the Scriptures. I felt she was trying to make her view a doctrine when what she was actually giving me were her strong views and good advice on what she felt I should do. In comes Perry Stone. Perry just appears in our office as we were having this disagreement. He never addresses us. He just kept walking back and forth throughout our office space. At some point, I stopped him and suggested to Felicia we should get Perry’s sound advice concerning our disagreement. Initially, Felicia was not feel but agreed to it because after all, he is Perry Stone. As we listened to Perry’s advice, he never really addressed the problem at hand. Instead, he only offered his personal opinion. So, I thought, maybe he needed clarity. So, interrupted him to make the question we had more clear. But he kept inserting his opinion instead of providing us sound Godly and Biblical guidance about the conflict Felicia and I was having. And the dream ended. Releasing a past visionOne thing about me, I won’t share one thing publicly God has given me not until I know that I know, He calls me to do so. I’ve said this many times over and I will say it again. I am NOT in this (that is ministry) to win likes, followers (we all should only be following Christ), subscribers, or popularity. This is not a numbers game for me as it may be for far too many. Therefore, it is NOT important to me whether people openly (visibly) respond to any of our social media platforms or not. Because regardless if people do so or not, I am going to speak and share ONLY what that LORD tells or instructs me to speak or share publicly. For I have nothing to gain from sharing the content He gives me to share publicly. Other than, gaining His approval. And that is all I am interested in. Therefore, most of the things God gives or shares with me, I keep to myself and only pray over them privately or together with my ministry team. With that being said. Over the years (between 2014 to present), God has given me more than 245 dreams and visions. (I stopped counting them at 245). And I only accounted for the dreams and visions I have captured in our written archive database. There are many dreams or visions I had either forgotten, failed record, or just decided not to make a record of. These divine dreams and visions God has given me can range from prophetic dreams/visions with a lot of symbolism. To dreams or visions about specific churches, church leaders as a whole or specific church leader, specific ministries or ministers, political leaders, worship leaders, the Body of Christ as a whole, business leaders, countries or nations, my family members, complete strangers, friends, Jesus, God, heaven, individuals in my ministry (past and present), my future husband, myself – whatever or whoever. My dreams and visions often vary from month to month. My ministry team and I take each one of my dreams and visions with great seriousness and care. We privately seek the heart of God concerning each one of them. Not one dream or vision we have released publicly, not unless I know that I know God is calling me to do so. In most cases, when God does instruct me to release a dream or vision, rarely do I understand fully why. But I release them out of obedience and for no other reason. Releasing a vision from april 2020 So, here I am again, ready to release another vision God had given me on April 24, 2020. This vision has been playing in my spirit off and on for months now. About two months ago, I asked God – “why YOU keep showing me this past vision?” Initially, I got no answer. So, I did nothing with the vision, other than pray about it whenever I was compelled to do so. Usually, when God places a dream or vision in my spirit that I have had previously, it rarely comes up in my spirit back to back. But this time, after not hearing anything concerning this vision for weeks. God dropped this vision in my spirit again on Friday, March 11, and again on Saturday, March 12, right before I went to bed. So, I said to the LORD. “You never place anything in my spirit with much vigor not unless you instruct me to release something publicly.” So, I told Him, I will assume He wants me to do so in this case with this vision. I proceeded to say to Him. “If I am correct on this matter. Then when I wake up tomorrow, this vision will be the first thing that comes to my mind.” And sure enough, when I woke up around 1:00 a.m. this morning, I was unable to go back to sleep. Immediately, this vision comes into my spirit. So, I am releasing this vision according to the way it was given to me by the LORD back in April 2020. I am copying and pasting this vision as it was recorded on the 24th of April. But let me state this first. We do know my vision was related to some events that came out in the local and national news beginning in May of 2020 that affected many of our children in this nation that was related to some bad medical responses to the COVID19 virus and the COVID vaccines. But we also realize that this vision will play a bigger role in our future if God decides to allow it to occur as part of His judgment against the Church, leaders, parents, and even this nation because of the direction they chose to go. (This is because of people's unwillingness to repent and turn back to God with a repentant spirit). Also, this vision did come up again months later during one of our corporate prayer meetings. (This meeting occurred on December 2, 2021). During that meeting, at that time, Prophetess Felicia Crawford declared the following concerning this vision. “This is vision is a warning of what can happen if we (meaning God’s people) do not pray about this (request intervention on God’s part). This vision can impact our families and our children.” the vision – “unusual vision” My vision is recorded below.
3 Visions In One Night: What The Spirit of the lord saying to his church in 2022One commentary Biblical dictionary defines a trance this way. “The ekstasis (i.e. trance) is the state in which a man has passed out of the usual order of his life, beyond the usual limits of consciousness and volition, being rapt in causes of this state are to be traced commonly to strong religious impressions” (Smith’s Bible Dictionary). The King James New Testament Greek Lexicon puts it this way. “Ekstatis means a throwing of the mind out of its normal state, alienation of mind, whether such as makes a lunatic or that of a man who by some sudden emotion is transported as it were out of himself, so that in this rapt condition, although he is awake, his mind is drawn off from all surrounding objects and wholly fixed on things divine that he sees nothing but the forms and images lying within, and thinks that he perceives with his bodily eyes and ears realities shown him by God” (Destiny Image). Such a state can be hard to describe if you have not experienced it yourself. Probably, the simplest definition I came across that was provided was Good News For Catholics explanation. The writer explained. A “trance is a state of semi-consciousness in which a person is not self-aware and is either altogether unresponsive to external stimuli (but nevertheless capable of pursuing and realizing an aim) or is selectively responsive in following the directions of the person (if any) who has induced the trance.” And that last definition probably is the best way to describe the three visions I had last night just before I fell into a deep sleep. I do normally have a lot of dreams and visions. And I mean a lot. But there are periods where I don’t have any at all. Like this past month. I had very few dreams and visions during the month of December. Except for 3 encounters, the last two weeks of December, it was like God was completely quiet. Going into January, it was pretty much the same. God wasn’t really giving me anything to speak publically (that is through dreams and visions) until last night. And He gave it in such an unusual way – a trace, where I was semi-conscious but I wasn’t conscious. And then to add icing on the cake, the encounters He gave me were 3 unusual but I believe timely visions. But, when I woke up this morning, I had completely forgotten about them. It was not until after I dropped my granddaughter off this morning and I was on my way back home that the visions came back to my mind in title form. For the first vision, I heard in the Spirit – “The Erected Garden That Became Corrupted.” Followed by the second vision, “Ground Beef Turns Brown.” And then the third title, “The Destroyed Pill.” After hearing this and recalling the visions I had last night. I knew I had to share them with Felicia, our ministry lead prophetess, to see what God will speak and reveal concerning these visions. And that, He did. As a reminder. YOU CANNOT FULLY BENEFIT FROM THE VISION PROVIDED AND ITS INTERPRETATION WITHOUT READING AND LISTENING TO THE ENTIRE VISION AS DESCRIBED BELOW. SKIPPING ANY OF THE CONTENT BELOW WILL ONLY GIVE YOU A DISTORTED VIEW OF WHAT IS BEING SHARED. On Wednesday, December 1, Felicia, my minister partner, reviewed our prophetic section of our ministry's archive and read several of the written visions and dreams. At that moment, she pointed out a few of the prophetic words written. We prayed over them, and then we moved on. But the next day, Thursday, December 2, we had a casual conversation concerning one of the prophetic visions I had back on Friday, April 24, 2020. Below is the prophetic vision I had, and its prophetic interpretation Felicia received on Thursday, December 2, 2021. unusual visionI was drifting off to sleep. But right before I fall asleep, I had a vision. The VisionI saw myself in a chaotic environment. At first, not everything was clear. But I could feel the disorder, the mayhem that was present everywhere. Then, I turned to my right and what I saw horrified me. There were little children everywhere and they all were crying. You could see the fear and confusion on their faces. There were no adults anywhere. Just small children around the ages of 4 or 5. Their skin complexion was all the same – light in color. They looked like they were mixed – maybe half white and half black. I took a few steps from the porch where I was standing and walked into the streets. My heart was torn apart by all the things I saw, and the smell was awful. I turned to my left and I saw a dark figure standing just a few feet from me. This figure had a human shape with no arms or legs. It was not human. It had a head with what looked like a hat on it, and an oval-shaped body, and two holes where the eyes were. This dark figure looked directly at me and stared at me for a minute or so. As it stood there, its body was hovering while these black spark like stuff was falling off it in all different directions. Then, it looked away to its right and disappeared. When it disappeared, right behind it, I saw a white baby laying on the ground not moving with its mouth wide opened, and eyes closed. It was a boy with pretty brown hair in a white printed onesie just lying in the middle of the streets in a fetal position on his back. I was horrified and angry by what I saw. As I began to scream, I tried to wake myself up from the vision, but instead, fell asleep. And I don’t recall anything after that. An interpretation providedThe following interpretation was provided through Felicia on Thursday, December 2, 2021.
After Felicia gave this interpretation, we proceeded to discuss some specific cases we both were aware of, dealing with children of varying ages, through this current pandemic, where this prophetic vision probably is already silently playing itself out. For example, in May 2020, some news outlets started reporting children hospitalized in NYC with a mysterious syndrome possibly linked to COVID19. Three children in that same state, in May, were reported dying with connections to a rare syndrome tied to COVID19. Since then, there have been reports of children losing their mobility and having heart complications, to name a few problems that have occurred since I have had this vision. The purpose for sharing nowThe reason I am sharing this vision now is one and foremost, this vision has been lingering in my spirit for two, maybe three weeks now. And I really did not know why because this was the first time I thought about this vision since I wrote it. I really did not know what God wanted me to do with it. And maybe, there was a part of me that was dragging my feet about sharing it. Either way, what finally made me shared it was because (1) yesterday, the way Felicia came acrossed this old vision. First, Felicia never, I mean never, go through our printed version prophetic archive logs. And I rarely pulled these volumes out of our filing system. But it just so happened, earlier that morning, I felt compelled to pull one of the volumes out the filing system and I decided to lay it on our conference table. Later that day, Felicia called an impromptu meeting, to which she eventually saw our Newford Archive notebook seating on the conference table. She looked at the tabs and turned to the prophetic section. She skimmed a few pages and then started to read out loud, which shortly led to this particular vision listed above.
After this occurred, I knew God was speaking to us about this particular vision but I just still was not sure about what to do with it. But then this happened. #2 - While Felicia and I were talking on the phone today, I brought up the vision again, which eventually led Felicia to receive and give me an interpretation of my vision. I knew then that I needed to share it with the Body of Christ and request for prayer to cover our children. I will strongly advise you, not to listen to the video below until you have read the entire blog post. The video will make more sense after reading the post. Let me start off by setting up the scene. I started my morning around 4:30 a.m. in prayer where Holy Spirit provided me a remarkable and new revelation concerning the cross and the 2 thieves. MY GOD! I have never heard such insightfulness, which I shared with my minister partner later that morning during our corporate meeting. I finished up my prayer time around 5:30 a.m. or so. Then I got ready and went off to work. Around 10:00 a.m., I met with Felicia, my business/minister partner for our A.M. corporate morning prayer and business meeting. We ended up spending about 2 hours or so in worship and prayer and about 30 minutes concerning business activities. But the encounter we had with Christ that morning was so invigorating and awe-inspiring, to say the least. Encounter with christHere is what took place. As usual, Felicia led us in song, praise, and prayer. Generally, I’m quiet because this is how I best hear from God – when I am still and quiet. The first thing I experienced was an impression I received concerning a small church near the Charlotte, North Carolina area. I actually know the church because I saw it in the vision, and one of its leaders. (But I am not allowed here to say which church it is, nor mention the leader's name). This leader was at the front of the church having an altar call. And many of its members were surrounding this person. Some helping. Others were receiving an impartation. This leader place her hands on the belly of another individual, who let out a loud yell. Then in the vision, the leader turned and looked directly at me. Then the vision ended. Shortly afterward, I heard in the Spirit, the angel of the LORD says – Revelation 12:11. I knew what Revelation 12:11 said. But I looked it up anyways. Shortly after I did this, I saw Revelation 6. But, nothing happened after that. So, I asked what about Revelation chapter 6? I had no idea what Revelation 6 was about. So, I asked once more, “what about Revelation 6?” Then I saw verse 12. So, I turned to Revelation chapter 6 and quickly skim read the subtitles before reading verse 12. My spirit immediately resonated with what the Spirit of the LORD may be alluding to but I was unsure. So, I asked, “LORD, what are you trying to say here?” At this point, my ministry partner is still praying. About 15 to 20 minutes later, she finished and asked me, what did I hear? I told her everything I experienced, except, about verse 12 of Revelation chapter 6. So, she asked, what did you get about Revelation 6? I told her, I don’t know. That is just what I saw but I didn’t know what it meant. So, she immediately went back into prayer? And as she was praying, I heard Holy Spirit declared, “if you read it, I will reveal it.” So, I asked – “Revelation chapter 6?” And then the same statement was given again. “If you read it, I will reveal it.” Shortly, after this, Felicia turns to me and asked – “and?” So, I said what I heard which she asked the same thing I asked. “Revelation 6?” I replied – “I think so.” Felicia decided to pray once more. After she was done, she told me she heard Revelation chapter 6, verse 12. When she said this, I looked at her shocked because this was when I remembered I hadn’t told her that I saw verse 12 of Revelation chapter 6 earlier. I didn’t tell her right away this fact because I wanted to see how God would lead her next. So, I continue putting off telling her. So, she decided to read it and then. Well, this is the place where you should listen to the video below to hear the rest. Today was intensively emotional. Now, the old me, considering the circumstances, I would have simply taken the first swing with the intent to knock the person out with the first blow. And then politely and purposely step over the person, while walking away without saying a word. I do not like to argue at all. But I am a new creature in Christ. Therefore, I have learned to battle differently. Remembering, the person on the other side, Christ loves too, and He wants them to come to learn a new way of living in Christ. Trying to knock someone out won’t help in that cause. With that being said. Today, I had to bring out the Timberland. You don’t want to ever see me in my Tims. I’m just saying. BUT! When I brought out my Tims this time, I headed to a familiar but different kind of battlefield. I fought a different way with a different set of tools, weapons, and mindset. And after experiencing what some call a breakthrough. The following encounter took place which is reenacted in the video below. Keep in mind, I am not including in this video everything that I saw, heard, or experienced. I am only sharing what the LORD has instructed me to share. For if the content in this video is meant for you, the LORD THY GOD will speak to your Spirit and you will gain something from its content. But if it is not for you, then you will gain nothing from this reenactment encounter provided in this video God is good. Click play to view the video ![]() This morning, there is this stirring occurring in my spirit. One concerning a word God had given me yesterday. And concerning 2 visions God gave me about a coming drought/dryness in 2018 and the earlier part of 2020. The visions He showed me in 2018 and 2020, I did not understand them at the time. For I perceived that God was alluding to an actual drought – like food shortage or something. But today, I have a better clarity and understanding of these 2 separate visions that are actually connected. An explanation is provided below. 2018 Vision/encounter - a drought is comingIn 2018, this is what occurred. I was sitting in my loft office worshipping in God’s presence when God instructed me to look outside the window in my loft. At the time, I had the window opened. As I stood in front of the window, He asked, “what did I see?” Initially, I saw nothing. But I sensed something unusual in the air. So, I responded. “Well, I am sensing something about the wind.” I stood there, what I felt was a flow of warm air entered the room through the window. What was unusual there was a tremendous amount of heat coming from this wind that was entering the room. So much so that it felt like my thighs were burning, which was extremely weird because the temperature was actually cool outside. I remember thinking to myself – something is not right; something is off. And then Holy Spirit said this to me.
2020 Vision/Dream– Dryness Upon The LandIn 2020, I was resting in my bed, when I drifted into a vision. I was asleep but not asleep. And this is what I saw. As I stood there and watch, I saw the dryer in my home, and someone came along and threw a few damp pieces of cloth into the dryer. And then I heard this expression.
I had no idea what this meant. At least, not until today. Better Understanding UnfoldsWe had just finished up our morning corporate prayer around 3:50 a.m. this morning. I was really dragging. So, I decided to go back to bed to try to get at least 2 hours of sleep before starting my workday. As I am drifting off the sleep, I am immediately awoken out of my sleep as my mind starts to be flooded with the two above visions that I have not thought about since I wrote them down to record in our ministry’s archive. So, I laid there for a minute and listened to see what would take place next. Then the word God had given me yesterday afternoon flooded my spirit. It was then that I realized this dryness and drought that God showed me in 2018 and 2020 and the word He had given me yesterday, were all connected, and now I understood what God was showing me. But, first, let me share the word of the LORD from yesterday’s encounter. The First To FallI was sitting at a public venue, waiting for my granddaughter to finish up. As I am waiting, I am reading/studying out of a Christian publication and meditating on what I read. Then I received this word from the LORD.
There were some other things that were said about these ones and specific people came up. But I am not at liberty to share that, other than what I have already stated and this. That these ones claim they are doing the will of God in the name of Jesus and for God’s glory. But they are actually building their own name and fame. Explanation And Interpretation ProvidedNow, all this ties together in showing how far away man has stirred away from truth, which has led to dryness and drought in the land. Man has reached a period in their history, where gossip and lies have become the preferred substitute for truth. This is why the Prophet Jeremiah calls man – stubborn and stiff necks. At Jeremiah chapter 7, verses 24 through 28, he said,
Truth has perished, which has led not only to dryness but a drought in the land. His own people have exchanged the truth of God for a lie in order to worship and serve the creature (man, government, themselves, culture, and social programs) rather than the Creator. (Compare to Romans 1:25). As a result, the Church and its leaders have reached a point where they no longer tolerate SOUND DOCTRINE. Preferring doctrines that satisfy their flesh and personal preferences. Turning the ears from the truth and adopting myths, propaganda, and the wisdom and philosophy of man as a substitute for the Gospel. (See 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 2 Thessalonians 2:11; Colossians 2:8, Ecclesiastes 1:2).
The Church has entered a season of dryness – a drought from truth. It has reached not only a turning point but a tipping point because of God’s leaders, refusal to repent. Dryness is in the land. I had an interesting vision during an impromptu prayer meeting we had on Saturday, June 5.... Quite a few visions were given to us on that day and a word from the LORD. But only two of the visions really stuck with me throughout today (Sunday, June 6). So off and on today, I prayed over them whenever these two visions came up in my spirit. Until I was prompted to release one of the visions we experienced. Click to view the vision we saw on Saturday, June 5. Shortly after creating this video and conveying with our lead prophetess, Holy Spirit provided us an interpretation of my vision. Praise God!!! To view or read more visions and dreams God provided Deaidre, visit her blog page at deaidrenewby.com or her YouTube blog at youtube.com/user/deaidre1. |
VisionsActs 2:17 states, "... it shall be in the last days, God says, 'that I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.'" Archives
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