I will strongly advise you, not to listen to the video below until you have read the entire blog post. The video will make more sense after reading the post. Let me start off by setting up the scene. I started my morning around 4:30 a.m. in prayer where Holy Spirit provided me a remarkable and new revelation concerning the cross and the 2 thieves. MY GOD! I have never heard such insightfulness, which I shared with my minister partner later that morning during our corporate meeting. I finished up my prayer time around 5:30 a.m. or so. Then I got ready and went off to work. Around 10:00 a.m., I met with Felicia, my business/minister partner for our A.M. corporate morning prayer and business meeting. We ended up spending about 2 hours or so in worship and prayer and about 30 minutes concerning business activities. But the encounter we had with Christ that morning was so invigorating and awe-inspiring, to say the least. Encounter with christHere is what took place. As usual, Felicia led us in song, praise, and prayer. Generally, I’m quiet because this is how I best hear from God – when I am still and quiet. The first thing I experienced was an impression I received concerning a small church near the Charlotte, North Carolina area. I actually know the church because I saw it in the vision, and one of its leaders. (But I am not allowed here to say which church it is, nor mention the leader's name). This leader was at the front of the church having an altar call. And many of its members were surrounding this person. Some helping. Others were receiving an impartation. This leader place her hands on the belly of another individual, who let out a loud yell. Then in the vision, the leader turned and looked directly at me. Then the vision ended. Shortly afterward, I heard in the Spirit, the angel of the LORD says – Revelation 12:11. I knew what Revelation 12:11 said. But I looked it up anyways. Shortly after I did this, I saw Revelation 6. But, nothing happened after that. So, I asked what about Revelation chapter 6? I had no idea what Revelation 6 was about. So, I asked once more, “what about Revelation 6?” Then I saw verse 12. So, I turned to Revelation chapter 6 and quickly skim read the subtitles before reading verse 12. My spirit immediately resonated with what the Spirit of the LORD may be alluding to but I was unsure. So, I asked, “LORD, what are you trying to say here?” At this point, my ministry partner is still praying. About 15 to 20 minutes later, she finished and asked me, what did I hear? I told her everything I experienced, except, about verse 12 of Revelation chapter 6. So, she asked, what did you get about Revelation 6? I told her, I don’t know. That is just what I saw but I didn’t know what it meant. So, she immediately went back into prayer? And as she was praying, I heard Holy Spirit declared, “if you read it, I will reveal it.” So, I asked – “Revelation chapter 6?” And then the same statement was given again. “If you read it, I will reveal it.” Shortly, after this, Felicia turns to me and asked – “and?” So, I said what I heard which she asked the same thing I asked. “Revelation 6?” I replied – “I think so.” Felicia decided to pray once more. After she was done, she told me she heard Revelation chapter 6, verse 12. When she said this, I looked at her shocked because this was when I remembered I hadn’t told her that I saw verse 12 of Revelation chapter 6 earlier. I didn’t tell her right away this fact because I wanted to see how God would lead her next. So, I continue putting off telling her. So, she decided to read it and then. Well, this is the place where you should listen to the video below to hear the rest.
VisionsActs 2:17 states, "... it shall be in the last days, God says, 'that I will pour forth of My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.'" Archives
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