The people of GOD do not fully understand the power and authority they carry. Jesus said to His disciples (His true servants) at Matthew 28:18.
What did Jesus do with that authority? At Luke 10:19, Jesus says
Here, the Greek word for serpents is ophis (G3789). In general speaking, ophis refers to a snake or serpent. But in ancient times, the serpent was an emblem of cunning and wisdom. Therefore, figuratively speaking, a serpent is an artful malicious person, whose goal is to deceive. Similar to what Satan achieved with Eve in the Garden. (See Genesis 3:1-6). The Greek word for scorpins is skorpios (G4651). Figuratively speaking, a scorpion denotes a wicked person. For example, the prophet, Ezekiel, depicts a scorpion this way.
The Greek word for ‘the enemy’ is echthros (G2190). Echthros is defined as men who are at enmity (hate, estranged, or hostile) with GOD by their sin. This is the type of person that is described at Acts 13, verse 8. It reads
Elymas was a Jewish magician and false prophet who ran into Apostle Paul during his first missionary tour. As Paul and Barnabas preached to the people that reside in Elymas' region, there were many men present who were intelligent and a part of the proconsul’s court. Many powerful men were intrigued by what Paul and Barnabus were teaching. Afraid of their presence and that he (Elymus) might lose his influence over Sergius Paulus, one of the intelligent men present, Elymas spoke against Paul. Elymas was concerned because men like Sergius Paulus had close connections with the proconsul. He recognized, if Sergius Paulus was persuaded by what Paul and Barnabus were teaching, then the proconsul might be influenced by their teaching as well. Therefore, Elymas spoke against Paul and Barnabus to sway the proconsul from the faith. Once Paul recognized what Elymas was doing. Paul turned his attention to Elymas. With much boldness, Paul said to Elymas. Because he opposed the truth of GOD, “… the hand of the LORD is upon you, and you shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time” (Acts 13:11, NKJV). Did you see what Paul did there? Before we answer that, turn to John chapter 14, verse 12, and note what Jesus said to His disciples.
Now, let’s answer that question. As we saw, Paul cursed, condemned Elymas for coming against the gospel – the truth of GOD’s word. For attempting to prevent others from hearing and receiving the gospel. Even Gamaliel, a Pharisee and an expert in religious laws warned men like Elymas. He said to his colleagues who had rosed against Peter and the apostles for preaching the gospel.
Let’s personalize this It’s important that we as sons and daughters of GOD grab a hold of this. (I’m not talking about children of GOD but sons and daughters of GOD. There is a difference). GOD has given us, by means of HIS Son, Jesus Christ, ALL AUTHORITY AND POWER to ‘… do the same works…’ as Christ ‘… even greater works’ (John 14:12). This includes casting curses on those who try to impede us in presenting the gospel. Go back to Acts 13, starting with verse 9, and read that again.
‘Immediately!’ ‘Immediately,’ Elymas loses his ability to see. He was blinded by the words of Paul for trying to impede the work of Christ. The Scripture said, that Elymas would not be able to see ‘the sun for a time’ (v. 11). It is safe to assume that IF Elymas repented, his sight could be restored. But until then, he will no longer be able to hinder the works of the LORD through those He is using. For Elymas had to seek others ‘to lead him by the hand’ (v. 11). Lesson for usDon’t give up or hand over your power to the sons or daughters of the devil – those who are full of deceit and fraud. In this season, we cannot be afraid or even hesitant to use the authority that the LORD has given us. And this includes casting curses on those who try or oppose the preaching of the gospel.
The word of the lordWhen the LORD God imparts a word, it is meant to teach, reprove, correct, or train His servants—the Body of Christ—so that every member may be equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The LORD has appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for service, mutual encouragement, and building up the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:11). Archives
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