Look y’all know I must speak what the LORD tells me even when I am not feeling it. Sometimes, I don’t want to do or say what the LORD has put in my spirit. But there are two things in this season particularly that God is not going to continue to tolerate. (1) A lying prophet – these include apostles. (2) A spirit who is quick about speaking evil towards his brother or sister (I’m speaking about those in the faith). Now, this post is specifically directed toward a specific person. [I don’t know what this person calls themselves nowadays because this person keeps changing their titles (prophetic office) too often]. I guess it depends on which way the wind is blowing. At any rate, I’m purposely not stating the individual name, not out of fear or anything like that. But because God hasn’t released me to do so. But He is watching because this person will see this specific post. The LORD will assure of it. With that being said. This is what the word of the LORD is saying to this particular person, but many of us can benefit from what is being said here today as well. Plagiarism – Taking Credit for what is not Yours |
“… Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, o king.” |
Now, as confident the three Hebrew boys were about God being able to deliver them. They knew there was a small chance God wouldn’t do it. So, this is what they said in agreement concerning this possibility.
“But if not, let it be known to you, o king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you set up.” (Daniel 3:18) |
Now, we know the king did throw them in the furnace. (See verses 20-23 of Daniel chapter 3). But what happened next left the king and those watching, which included all the king’s servants and the entire nation of Israel (God’s people) to be amazed by man’s power? No, God’s delivering power. They all saw in the furnace with the three Hebrew boys another image (a fourth person). (See verses 24-25 of Daniel chapter 3).
God sent His angel to deliver the three Hebrew boys from the hands of the king. (See verses 26-30). God did not send another man or woman with a prophetic word to save them. Instead, by means of His Spirit, He sent His angel to recuse them.
Throughout this process, the three Hebrew boys did not declare that one of them would come up with a plan to escape the hands of the king. Nor did they or anyone else declare that some other man or woman will come along to do it. They put their complete trust in God. Because they knew He was able and capable to do it. The three Hebrew boys had no interest in trying to take or steal God’s credit or glory. They knew, if it happened, only God was deserving of such credit – not even God’s angel dared to declare He did in His own strength or will. And the people acknowledge this too as well. The king, his guards, and all of God’s people had to relent, repent, and acknowledge God’s glory. The deliverance power of God on behalf of the three Hebrew boys.
God does not need man but chooses to use them
It is within God’s right to choose to use a man or woman to assist Him in delivering His people - and this includes cases like miracles such as healing. But when God chooses to use someone, that person is chosen and knows beforehand. (Compare to Exodus chapters 3 and 4; Amos 3:7). Not after the fact or after coming across or learning about a matter much later. It is God who reveals all matters to those whom He trusts as His prophets. And yet, there are some prophets who are trying to steal God’s glory by prophesizing this or that miracle based on information they have gathered and not a true word or revelation from God. Attempting to declare credit that they would not otherwise have known if it was not for them trolling social media accounts for details. This is witchcraft – practicing sorcery. Please stop trying to steal the Father’s glory.
let the record show
Yet, let the record show. If God does not act on my behalf for some odd reason. I am taking the same position as the three Hebrew boys. I will not compromise by not trusting what the LORD has prophesied in my case or spoken in His Word. I trust Him and my life is in His hand. And He will not allow another prophet to declare in my case beforehand what He has not revealed to them so that they can get His glory.
So, as prophets and apostles, we need to be careful and beware of what we declare, especially if the LORD has not spoken a thing to us. We need to stop trolling other people’s social platforms and then declaring, that the LORD is about to… - and declaring we have foreknowledge about something when we do not. That is lying, stealing, and declaring the Father has revealed something to you when He has not.
My response to my “passover” blog post this pasT weekend
Here’s the statement Jesus made to these Jewish leaders when they questioned whose authority was Jesus submitting under to do and say the things he was doing and saying. Jesus' response was.
By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me. (John 5:30, NIV) |
I can do nothing on my own initiative…. (John 5:30, NASB) |
Now, I can take this one verse in many different directions based on what is going on in my head based on some pushback I have been getting. But I have learned, that whenever I do things to try to defend my position, preference, way of thinking, or because I felt I was wronged or misunderstood by someone. These types of battles are fruitless and really a waste of my time and energy. So, I have learned the true value of Jesus’ words when he said
I am able to do nothing from Myself [independently, of My own accord—but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders]. (John 5:30, AMPC) |
When we come in the name of Jesus based purely on his directions and under his authority. Meaning we are only vocalizing what he tells us to say or do. THEN, when we speak a thing, the instructions we give or the judgment we state will ALWAYS be just (fair, righteous, and unbiased). Because we are not coming in our own initiative or authority, our own name with the pretense of calling it A WORD FROM GOD. Because we do not seek our own will, but only the will of the one that sent us – that is Jesus Christ. For his will is always fair, just, and righteous.
And this has become my walk. To “do nothing on my own initiative or authority”. But to only do the will of Christ whose have given me the authority to act and speak on his behalf. It is under his authority that I submit. And it is under his righteous rule and direction that I do a thing and speak. What other authority is there needed or even can compare or be equal to than his? Please show me. Because it is certainly not the authority of unrighteous man that we should be following or giving our allegiance to.
With that being said, for at least two years now. It has become a common practice of mine that if the LORD tells me to do. I do. If the LORD tells me to go. Then I go. If the LORD tells me to speak. Then I speak thus saith the LORD. And if LORD is not providing me instructions. Then I do and say nothing.
What’s the point here? Why am I bringing up all this?
Recently, I posted content surrounding this weekend’s Passover activities. And some did not take to well concerning the particular section of my post subhead titled - WHEN WORSHIP IS MISDIRECTED AND ALIGNS WITH FALSE GODS AND TEACHINGS. Rarely do I respond to individuals' inquiries concerning my posts. I strongly feel what I post, and how a person receives it or not is between them and God. But I felt compelled by God to reply to this one constant comment that I kept hearing among a few folks. And this was the comment.
Well, some terms or holidays like Easter, Christmas, etc., are not clearly stated in the Bible. Therefore, the Bible does not say or address these topics. |
And I would add this one other point that was stated by Ron Charles, the author of Truth Unedited. In his YouTube video, WHO IS EASTER? UNDERSTAND THE MOTHER GODDESS. He encouraged his viewers to consider Jeremiah’s words spoken in chapter 44, verses 15 through 28. In this chapter, Ron brings out the following points: (This was an interaction between all of God’s people and God’s prophet, Jeremiah).
Wow! God isn’t playing when it comes to how His servants should and should not worship Him.
My final thoughts. I never speak what I do speak or share because I expect any or everyone to do as I say. To believe as I believe. To even follow my lead. NOPE! That is not my interest or expectation. I speak what I speak because it is what the LORD has given me to speak. REGARDLESS if any or everyone receives it or not. This should be the mentality of any and everyone that the LORD gives a word to speak. Is this not what the LORD said to the prophet Ezekiel? In chapter 2 of the book of Ezekiel, Jehovah God said to Ezekiel the following.
‘… Son of man… I am sending you to the Children of Israel, to a REBELLIOUS nation…. They are impudent and stubborn children…. You should say to them, ‘thus says the LORD God.’ As for them, whether they hear or whether they refuse… you shall speak My words to them, whether they hear or whether they refuse, for they are rebellious. |
God was instructing Ezekiel not to go in his own name or authority. Therefore, Ezekiel never spoke what he thought was best to speak or address. God instructed Ezekiel to go to His people and speak in the name and authority of God. And whether they listen to Ezekiel or not was not the point. Ezekiel's part was to speak on God’s behalf. This too was the case with Jesus, Jesus’ disciples. And this is the case with me as well. I do not come in my own name or in the name of another. When I speak, I speak under the authority of Jesus Christ (Yeshua), the Son of the living God (Elohim - YHWH - Adonai). REGARDLESS if God's people receive it or not. Therefore, concerning my post made on Saturday, April 16, titled Passover. I stand by every word spoken. And I stand on the side of the truth. For God's Word is truth, to which the LORD said. (Compare John 17:17).
Idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, eyes, ears, noses, hands, feet, and a throat. But they cannot speak, see, hear, smell, handle, walk, or mutter through their throat. To those who make them, idolize them, worship them, acknowledge them, celebrate them, partake in them, or participate in their celebrations, festivals, or holidays. They will become like them - everyone who trusts in them (Psalm 115:4-8). |
A good example of this is the 10 plagues God brought upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians. It took a considerable time to get Pharaoh to release the Israelites. This deliverance resulted in two things (two understandings) among the Hebrews, Pharaoh, and Pharaoh's subjects.
The Israelites Miraculous Journey
The entire point of the Hebrews' exodus experience from the hands of Pharaoh, the Egyptian king, was not only to set the Israelites free from bondage. But also, to show or prove to the Hebrew nation that God’s hand is on the lives of His people. Or as many like to say it. ‘God is in control.’
Therefore, we, as God’s people, can trust Him with all our hearts, all our mind, and all our strength. (Compare to Deuteronomy 28:1-2; 6:1-9).
The demonstration of God’s deliverance power was an indication to God’s people that they need to ADUST their lives to His way and not the other way around where man tries to force God to adjust to their preferred way of living; which often time involves the installation (inauguration) and institutionalizing (incorporating) of idol worship to false gods, false traditions, and pagan teachings. In this way, when man follows the protocol or the programs (as man likes to call it); in the manner and as God has outlined for us. It is then, and only then, that God can bless us as His children. (Again, compare this to Deuteronomy chapter 28; Deuteronomy chapters 5 and 6).
This weekend is no different from God’s perspective and the expectation He sets before His people. “Obedience is better than a sacrifice.” This is what the LORD declared through his prophet Samuel. The Prophet Samuel said
“… What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams. (1 Samuel 15:22) |
Samuel goes on and explains. Whenever our worship of the Supreme God of the universe, exhibits any, ANY form of disobedience to the instructions and directions He has given. It is rebellion. It is sinful. It is witchcraft. It is stubbornness as bad as worshiping idols (1 Samuel 15:23). Why such a strong correction? Because to the LORD, when we fail to be obedient to His voice, His command, His direction – we have rejected the command of the LORD. We are rejecting Him as our King (1 Samuel 15:23).
Unfortunately, during the most celebratory weekend of the year, most churches will join together to celebrate a false religious god called Eostre or Eastre. Eostre originates with the Saxon people as their great mother goddess or god. She was significant because she brought about the rebirth of life in the springtime, which was symbolized by a rabbit and egg – which both were sacred in this culture. Such traditions became a part of the Church's practices and doctrine, years later, after some members of the gentile nation converted to serve Elohim (God). Far too many did not truly abandon their pagan style of worship. They inserted their traditions and celebrations into the church. Instead of the church taking a stance against such corruption and hypocrisy. They embraced it and incorporated it into their service and worship to the LORD. As a result, instead of the Church celebrating the Passover. Many will give their allegiance to Eostre or Eastre or Easter – a false foreign god, during their weekend services.
We have to be mindful that the tradition of man has nothing to do with the Kingdom. Such traditions as Easter are considered idol worship before a holy God. And this only leads to religious bondage for many Christians.
Simple put! Easter is not a celebration of Jesus - Yeshua, the Messiah. The Scripture makes it very clear. Jesus is called “the Passover” (1 Corinthians 5:7-8).
The purpose of israel DELIVERANCE
At this… my heart trembles and leaps…. Hear attentively the thunder of His voice, and the rumbling that comes from His mouth. He sends it forth under the whole heaven…. He thunders with His majestic voice…. God thunders marvelously with His voice. He does great things which we cannot comprehend. … He says to the snow, ‘fall on the earth.’ Like wise to… the rain…. He seals the hand of every man, that all men may know His work. (Job 37:1-7) |
The heaven and all its elements must do as Adonai (the LORD) commands or desires – whether this is in the form of correction, blessing, grace, or mercy. The earth and all that is in it must respond to the word (the command) of our Yeshua (Savior) Hamashiach (Messiah). God’s word will not return to Him void (empty). The Prophet Samuel continues by saying. It SHALL accomplish what the LORD pleases. It SHALL prosper (flourish, overgrow, bloom, triumph, succeed, thrive) into God’s desired results. Just like a farmer’s seed. Whenever he properly plants and cares for it, it will surely mature, grow, and produce for him beauty and food for him, his family, and even his entire community. Even more, the word of the Lord, when He speaks. It is a means by which God provides for His people and this crooked generation, along with all beasts. This is why God is good and merciful. He provides all by His Word – the words He speaks (commands).
This leads us back to the Israelites' deliverance from the hands of Pharaoh. It was Adonai’s (the LORD’s) desire to bring back His people under His righteous covenant. As part of the deliverance process from bondage under the tyrannical god of Egypt, Pharaoh. God gave to His people 613 laws for them to govern their lives by. Of which, ten of them, most of us are somewhat familiar with. (See Exodus chapters 19 and 20).
Again, God spoke these words because they serve a specific purpose for His people:
- To deliver
- To protect
- To teach
- To witness
- To demonstrate
- To instruct
His words taught His people how to serve a holy and righteous God. God was expecting His people to adjust their lives to His ways and His way of doing things. His words spoken were to enforce and reestablish a righteous and holy covenant with all who were willing to submit and follow His ways. The purpose in which His convent served was to make us as His people, holy and fruitful and acceptable before Him.
God’s people (the Israelites) deliverance did not occur instantaneously. His people were forced to watch and wait on the moving hand of the LORD. They had to wait until after the Passover meal was completed and after the angel of death had passed over each of their homes before the LORD spoke and commanded – GO. They had to wait on the Spirit of the LORD.
The word of the lord
When the LORD God imparts a word, it is meant to teach, reprove, correct, or train His servants—the Body of Christ—so that every member may be equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The LORD has appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for service, mutual encouragement, and building up the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:11).
This page is dedicated to sharing words from the LORD delivered through Deaidre. Whether these words teach, reprove, correct, or train, their purpose is to edify the Body of Christ, making each member righteous, adequate, and prepared for every good work.
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