My response to my “passover” blog post this pasT weekendJesus made a very powerful statement to Jewish leaders who were questioning his authority to heal on the Sabbath. In fact, these leaders were seeking to kill Jesus for doing what he was sent to do and for speaking truth. Now, I do not want to get sidetracked by the Jewish leaders’ unrighteous acts. So, let me stick to the point the LORD has placed in my spirit this morning to address. Here’s the statement Jesus made to these Jewish leaders when they questioned whose authority was Jesus submitting under to do and say the things he was doing and saying. Jesus' response was.
My usual go to Bible version for this Scripture is the New American Standard Bible, which says
But for the purpose of this post, let’s go with the NIV version because it simplifies it and makes it even more clear. Now, I can take this one verse in many different directions based on what is going on in my head based on some pushback I have been getting. But I have learned, that whenever I do things to try to defend my position, preference, way of thinking, or because I felt I was wronged or misunderstood by someone. These types of battles are fruitless and really a waste of my time and energy. So, I have learned the true value of Jesus’ words when he said
This is why all men should strive not to follow the footsteps of their own mindset but that of Christ (1 Peter 2:21, 1 Corinthians 11:1). For Christ has set the standard for all of us – not to do or say anything based on our own will, judgment, or the way we see or prefer things. All things should be done and said based on how God is leading us and that should always harmonize with the Scriptures. That statement is so powerful because it is God-led and God-centered and not based on man’s ideology or agenda. It is not tainted by man’s determinology to outwit another, to win an argument, or to prove another’s point of view is wrong. (Yea, I kind of made up a word for emphasis). When we come in the name of Jesus based purely on his directions and under his authority. Meaning we are only vocalizing what he tells us to say or do. THEN, when we speak a thing, the instructions we give or the judgment we state will ALWAYS be just (fair, righteous, and unbiased). Because we are not coming in our own initiative or authority, our own name with the pretense of calling it A WORD FROM GOD. Because we do not seek our own will, but only the will of the one that sent us – that is Jesus Christ. For his will is always fair, just, and righteous. And this has become my walk. To “do nothing on my own initiative or authority”. But to only do the will of Christ whose have given me the authority to act and speak on his behalf. It is under his authority that I submit. And it is under his righteous rule and direction that I do a thing and speak. What other authority is there needed or even can compare or be equal to than his? Please show me. Because it is certainly not the authority of unrighteous man that we should be following or giving our allegiance to. With that being said, for at least two years now. It has become a common practice of mine that if the LORD tells me to do. I do. If the LORD tells me to go. Then I go. If the LORD tells me to speak. Then I speak thus saith the LORD. And if LORD is not providing me instructions. Then I do and say nothing. What’s the point here? Why am I bringing up all this? Recently, I posted content surrounding this weekend’s Passover activities. And some did not take to well concerning the particular section of my post subhead titled - WHEN WORSHIP IS MISDIRECTED AND ALIGNS WITH FALSE GODS AND TEACHINGS. Rarely do I respond to individuals' inquiries concerning my posts. I strongly feel what I post, and how a person receives it or not is between them and God. But I felt compelled by God to reply to this one constant comment that I kept hearing among a few folks. And this was the comment.
And they are absolutely right. The Bible does not bring up these terms or subjects. But we have to be mindful of why the Bible does not mention specifically these things. Look at the time frame when these holidays in particular were invented. These things did not come into play until long after the Bible was written. In addition, these were not things that Jesus nor his disciples ever considered, wrestled with, or even given thought to. Because they were not a part of their culture, celebrations, festivals, or traditions. So, why would God inspire the writers to write about such these kinds of things that were non-existed? (Compare to 2 Timothy 3:16) Why would the Bible writers write about holidays that they had no knowledge or understanding about when there was no such thing as Christmas, Easter, etc. during their era? And I would add this one other point that was stated by Ron Charles, the author of Truth Unedited. In his YouTube video, WHO IS EASTER? UNDERSTAND THE MOTHER GODDESS. He encouraged his viewers to consider Jeremiah’s words spoken in chapter 44, verses 15 through 28. In this chapter, Ron brings out the following points: (This was an interaction between all of God’s people and God’s prophet, Jeremiah).
God was making it very clear to His people to beware of any and every false god that is out there that was created and worshipped by men. These false gods are always tied in with celebrations, festivals, holidays, traditions, and doctrines by men that are not pleasing to God. We do not want to be like the Israelite nation who boldly declared before a living God. We will not listen. We will do what is pleasing in our hearts. They refused to listen. Therefore, through His prophet Jeremiah, God declared – We shall see “… whose words will stand. Mine or theirs.” (Jeremiah 44:28) Wow! God isn’t playing when it comes to how His servants should and should not worship Him. My final thoughts. I never speak what I do speak or share because I expect any or everyone to do as I say. To believe as I believe. To even follow my lead. NOPE! That is not my interest or expectation. I speak what I speak because it is what the LORD has given me to speak. REGARDLESS if any or everyone receives it or not. This should be the mentality of any and everyone that the LORD gives a word to speak. Is this not what the LORD said to the prophet Ezekiel? In chapter 2 of the book of Ezekiel, Jehovah God said to Ezekiel the following.
God knew His own people were not going to listen. That they would refuse and reject His prophets. Because they are a rebellious nation and they are determined to do whatever they believe is right in their own eyes. Something the Scriptures clearly condemn. God was instructing Ezekiel not to go in his own name or authority. Therefore, Ezekiel never spoke what he thought was best to speak or address. God instructed Ezekiel to go to His people and speak in the name and authority of God. And whether they listen to Ezekiel or not was not the point. Ezekiel's part was to speak on God’s behalf. This too was the case with Jesus, Jesus’ disciples. And this is the case with me as well. I do not come in my own name or in the name of another. When I speak, I speak under the authority of Jesus Christ (Yeshua), the Son of the living God (Elohim - YHWH - Adonai). REGARDLESS if God's people receive it or not. Therefore, concerning my post made on Saturday, April 16, titled Passover. I stand by every word spoken. And I stand on the side of the truth. For God's Word is truth, to which the LORD said. (Compare John 17:17).
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