GOD wants to dwell among HIS people. HE wants a place where HIS Spirit can rest. A place where HIS people can meet to praise and worship HIM as well as a place for HIM to comfort HIS people– i.e. HIS threshing floor. But for GOD to dwell or rest in such a place – a sanctuary dedicated to HIM, it must be clean, holy, sacred, and treated with the utmost respect by all because HIS presence is there. GOD will not rest, meaning HE is there 24/7, anywhere uncleanness, sin, or unrighteous and unholy acts are allowed to run rampant. Where a sanctuary is not kept clean from debris, dirt, filth, stains, and other damages caused by a lack of respect or upkeep. We must remember there is nothing unclean and unholy about GOD. Therefore, our houses (churches of GOD), especially our sanctuaries should resemble the holy, pure, and perfect GOD we serve. every article is sacred In GOD’s word, HE instructed Moses to build HIM a sanctuary for HIM so He could dwell with HIS people. This sanctuary was so important that GOD provided Moses with very explicit details of how to construct HIS sanctuary and what articles were allowed to go inside of this sanctuary. (See Exodus 25:10-40). Everything that was inside the tabernacle was sacred and must be treated as so by everyone who was allowed to come near or in the tabernacle. NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO BRING ANYTHING THAT WAS NOT ON GOD’S LIST, INSIDE THE TABERNACLE. No, Mcdonald's, drinks, or other food items were allowed. In fact, every item that GOD instructed Moses to place in the tabernacle was considered sacred, an offering to the LORD. So, do we consider the chairs, equipment, the pulpit (GOD’s altar), and all the musical instruments as sacred as the articles that were placed in Moses’ tabernacle for the LORD? Do we see and treat these items in the same manner as the items that were in GOD’s temple and tabernacle in the Old Testament? Or do we treat our sanctuaries and all the items in them like our homes? Where we eat any and everywhere, which sometimes leads to us staining our carpet and furniture and in some situations permanently damaging an item. We have to be mindful that the Church of GOD does not belong to us but to GOD. HIS sanctuary, which can be seen in the same manner as the Holy of the Most Holy place, as HIS permanent dwelling place. Are we so disconnected from GOD that we do not experience HIS holy presence in our sanctuaries that we are willing to bring foods of all kinds and our trash into HIS sacred room? I have personally seen people, especially children spilled dark drinks of all kinds on the chairs and furniture in GOD’s House – His Sanctuary. I’ve also obvious these same individuals not making an effort to clean up their mess nor report the damage they caused to leadership so they can take the proper actions to immediately clean GOD’s sacred items. As a result, many of GOD’s Houses, our sanctuaries, are dirty. We are worshipping a mighty, holy, and righteous GOD in filth. What a sad reality. This in itself is an abomination. (Compare to Ezekiel 8:4-17). A plead to treat god’s sanctuary like A holy place My brothers and sisters, we cannot treat GOD’s house, especially HIS sanctuary like our personal property where anything goes and is allowed. This is GOD’s House, where HE dwells or wants to dwell. HIS presence is there or would like to rest permanently in our sanctuary. But if it is kept unclean by stained carpet and chairs, damaged equipment, etc., how can GOD rest there?
Just imagine for a second, if any of us were right now, standing before this righteous and perfect GOD. Can we see ourselves causally eating and drinking food before HIM as we interact and converse with HIM? CERTAINLY NOT! HE is holy! We would not be able to even stand before HIM because HIS glory is so awesome and powerful. So, why are we allowing any and everything to be brought into a holy place that is made especially for GOD – that is, HIS holy sanctuaries?
As we enter into day 4 of our corporate fast, we should focus on what it really means to surrender our lives to GOD – our thoughts, ways, desires, direction in life, our children, career path, emotions, ministry, etc. Living a surrendered lifestyle can be completely impossible for most of us because we like and prefer to be in control. So, let’s explore why it is beneficial, in our best interest, to live a surrendered lifestyle. Mixing faith James 4:7 reads, therefore submit to God…. On the surface, this seems like a very easy act. In fact, if anyone asks us, each one of us would profess that we are living a surrendered lifestyle when the opposite is very true. For example, I use to watch a TV show on Roku called Neighborhood. On the surface, this TV show appeared to be a good sitcom series to watch for wholesome entertainment. All the characters are very funny, especially the two husbands who are played by Cedric the Entertainer and Max Greenfield. Even their supporting wives and children have very good and humorous punch lines throughout the show. The sitcom is set in the homes of these two families – the Butler, who is an African-American family, and the Johnson, who is a middle-class white family moving into a predominated middle-class black community in California. The sitcom addresses many different difficult and sensitive cultural issues from racism on both sides of the lines to drugs, relationships, male chauvinism, mental health issues, and faith. The writers of the show, which there are 75 different writers, do a pretty decent job of not watering down the truth surrounding these issues. But they present an obscure view when writing scripts on the topic surrounding faith. The show is currently in its 5th season. The success of their show is certainly because of the quality actors they have and the well-written, entertaining, and funny scripts. But the storylines that are centered around Calvin Butler’s wife, Tina, that is played by Tichina Arnold are very problematic. In the show, Tina is a mother of two adult males. She is a strong African American woman who cares greatly for her family and community. She is smart and business savvy, extremely funny, loves and adores her husband, enjoys her friends, has no time for nonsense, and loves GOD. She takes on the character of a Christian woman who often speaks about GOD to her husband, family, and friends. Yet her character is double-minded when it comes to being completely surrendered to GOD. (Compare to James 1:8). Why do I say that? As a Christian woman, Tina curses a lot and willing participant in religious mystical rituals with her friend Gemma Johnson, who plays Dave Johnson’s wife. (Compare to Ephesians 4:29; Exodus 20:3). In the show, it is a common practice to mix the ways Christians should live their lives for GOD with societal rituals, tolerance, and acceptable lifestyles that conflict with what is good and righteous according to GOD’s Word. The Bible has a lot to say about such behavior by Christians. Therefore, this show sends the wrong message about what it means to live a surrendered life by a woman who professes to be a Christian. So, what does it mean to live a surrendered life as stated at James 4:7? I Surrender Now, James does not use the word surrender at James 4:7. It uses the term submit, which has the same implication. According to the Webster Dictionary, submit means “to give up and cease resistance as to habits.” While surrender means “yielding of one person to the control of another.” So, based on Tina’s character, has she, who professes to be a Christian, really surrendered her life to Christ? Ephesians 4:27 caution us to give no place or room to the devil. Ephesians 6:11 says we should stand firm against the wiles (clever gimmicks, tricks, schemes) of the devil. Unfortunately, Tina, as a Christian, has failed to apply these principles. Her character has fallen for the traps of the devil order to be pleasing to her television friends and to fit in with the mindset of what is socially acceptable to the community in which she lives. Now, I really have not answer what it means to live a surrendered lifestyle to GOD. So, to answer this, let me refer to the content that is written in my book Surrendering: A Blueprint Of My Life – Healing From Homosexuality. In this book Prophetess Felicia Crawford wrote in the Foreword:
When we live a surrender or submitted life to GOD we will allow His truth, which can be found in HIS Scriptures only, to set us free from things GOD said HE hates or things we should not do. Do not miss this point. Let me just list a few things GOD hates and commands we should not do.
Now, don’t miss this. The Scripture does not warn us against people who are doing these things that are outside of the church – that is, the world where these practices are common. But the apostle Paul speaks about Christians who are doing these things. People who claim to be submitted or have surrendered to GOD. GOD warns us to avoid, stay away from, and keep from such types of people. We cannot claim to live a surrendered lifestyle to GOD and yet we are cussing Christians. Having sexual relations when we are not married or with individuals or things that are not our spouse. We cannot claim to be Christian if we are spreading lies about others, gossiping, or attempting to ruin the reputations of others based on things we have heard or what we assume and not what GOD has spoken or told us about a person. How can we be a Christian if drunkenness is our common practice, or we engage in sexual practice with the same sex, we steal, betrayed others, jealous of others, display uncontrollable anger, selfishness, hatred, envy, etc. These are all behaviors that LORD speaks against (Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Corinthians 6:7:11). These are signs that we have not to surrender our lives to GOD. Paul says at Galatians 5:9 and 1 Corinthians 6:21 that those who practice such things will not inherit (live) or be resurrected, in GOD’s Kingdom. The key word here is practice. Practice means these things are a custom, habit, pattern, ritual, second nature, or a way of doing things. You do these things over and over again. It is a routine common practice of yours. You see, if we are truly submitted or surrendered to GOD, HIS WORD will cause us to stop, cease, abstain from, and abandon any and all behaviors that GOD hates or commands us not part take in. Instead, a surrendered person will allow oneself to be washed clean by GOD’s WORD (1 Corinthians 6:11). Living a surrendered life to GOD will force you to give up being angry, to abandon feelings of holding onto resentment or bitterness, to dismiss any unforgiving attitude toward anyone, and choosing the ways of GOD instead living for ourself and our own selfish pleasure, mindset, and attitudes. During our monthly fast, this month, we are focusing on drawing near to GOD. James 4:8 reads
The Greek word for the phrase “to draw near” is engizō (G1448), which means to draw, come, or bring near. Here, GOD is asking us to come even closer to HIM. Not just in a physical way but emotionally and spiritually. One commentary puts it this way. Here, GOD is extending to us an invitation and a promise. We need to be mindful that drawing near to GOD is completely different from submitting to HIM. Yet, we as Christians, often treat this phrase – “draw near to GOD,” as if it is the same thing as submitting to GOD. We use this term - drawing near to GOD and the act of submitting to GOD as if they are interchangeable when they are not. So, what does it mean to draw near to GOD? Well, let’s look at two specific areas in our lives to get a better understanding of this phrase. draw close to god 1. Seeking GOD’s counsel. Let me explain this by using myself as an example. Over the years, I have had the privilege of speaking into the lives of many different people from many different backgrounds. Often time, these ones seek me for direction, prayer, and even counsel when making small and even very important life-changing or altering decisions. Now, in itself, this is good. For the Scripture advise that less mature individuals and even those who are uncertain about a decision they need to make in life, that these ones should seek the advice of seasoned saints. Proverbs 11:4 puts it this way.
We should never be too prideful to receive suggestions, advise, direction, or counsel, even when it is voluntarily given to us by someone who is more experienced than we are. For this is good for us individually and as a whole (the Body of Christ). Ephesians 4:11-12 explains it this way.
GOD wants to perfect (complete, finish) and edify (build up; to grow in wisdom, piety, happiness, holiness) each one of us. To achieve this, we must be open to the counsel that GOD provides through those HE has placed in our path. So, how does this help us to draw near to GOD? 2 Timothy 3:16 speaks about how all scriptures are profitable (helpful, advantageous), righteous (how we ought to be, acceptable to GOD), and good for us. So, when we encounter a seasoned and mature man or woman of GOD who is rooted in GOD’s Word, when we allow these individuals to speak life into our situations and or decisions we must make. It is like what is said at 2 Timothy 3:16. GOD breathes on us through these righteous men and women, who provide us insight, impart wisdom, give us counsel or correction, or wise direction. So that, we as individuals may be made complete, and thoroughly equipped for every good work before a holy and righteous GOD. We become more dependent on GOD’s method of instructing us through earthly vessels that HE is using and not solely dependent on our head knowledge, research, heart (emotions or feelings), gut (intuition or discernment), or what we see or hear, which all can be misleading if these areas are not built upon the foundation of Christ. And this leads us to our second area. 2. Drawing near to GOD. Drawing near to GOD means that we enjoy communion with HIM. Let me ask you this to help you appreciate and understand the point I am making here. Here’s my question, which might sound a little absurd (ridiculous, unreasonable, unsound) if you only look at the question from the surface level. Can you see GOD? Now, when I first asked that question, what was the first thing that came to your mind? Write it down. Now, what was the second thing that came to your mind? Now, write that down too. Now, when I get done explaining the answer to my question, go back and compare my explanation to your initial 2 answers. DO YOU SEE GOD |
But you, Israel, are My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham My friend (NKJV). (See also 2 Chronicles 20:7 and James 2:23). |
Friendship does not come easy. And a good, healthy friendship will cost you something. Friendship requires work – a lot of it and hard work at times to maintain such relationships in the long run. Each individual must invest in it as well as devote their personal time, energy, commitment, heart, emotion, resources, and funds to make it work. Even more so, each individual must sacrifice some things for a relationship to develop into a thriving friendship. And yet, GOD said about Abraham – “… And he was called the friend of God….”
Are you GOD’s friend or just another servant of GOD?
If we or even HIM, still see ourselves as just HIS servant, then we definitely need to work on drawing closer to GOD. It should be our deepest desire to earn that friend status with GOD, to the point where we truly can see HIM in our lives like we see our BFF.
Thought-provoking Biblical topics. Talking Points with Deaidre.
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you] (Romans 12:2 AMP).
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