I need to start by being transparent. Recently, GOD has been dealing with me concerning my natural abilities and talents. Talents and gifts that HE has blessed me with for the sole purpose of spreading the Good News of the gospel to those who are willing to receive it. For each one of us, our expression of the Kingdom work as we all have been commissioned to do may be different. I am talking about people who are gifted by GOD to do a certain thing or task. Not someone who has been trained to be good at something because they worked at it or a parent or someone who took an interest in them, groomed them for a certain thing. I’m talking about and to people who have been called by GOD and gifted with a specific gift. For instance, I know that I know GOD has endowed me with the gift to write. My grammar skills can always be improved upon. But writing words in such a way that it draws people into the subject matter in which I am speaking about has always been a gift for me. People are attracted to my writing. And I know this. Another example is pastors. Pastors who are genuinely gifted by GOD to speak in an eloquent way that holds the attention of people. People want to hear what he or she has to teach or say. Then there are musicians. Whether a person plays an instrument or sings, when GOD anoints a person with such beautiful talent, people will go to extremes to invest in that artist’s product. But what I have learned, even about myself, anointed people who are given specific talents for a specific purpose often get in their own way. Resulting in them not only not fully benefiting from what GOD has blessed them with. But oftentimes, they end up forfeiting the plans of GOD for their life because of four things. I want to talk about these four things GOD has brought to my attention recently as HE was dealing with me concerning my own giftings – what HE has gifted and given me to do. For GOD has blessed each one of us with at least one specific gift (talent) that will enable us to fully serve our purpose and fulfill our part of the great call that all Christians have on their life. (See Matthew 28:19-20). But far too many of us, including me, are failing ourselves, our calling, our purpose as well as GOD because we continue to allow other things, people, places, as well as our emotions, uncertainties, commitments, and loyalities to wrong things and people hinder us for fully living our best life. We are no different from Adam in the Garden of Eden. GOD gave him a very simple and easy game plan to follow. All Adam had to do was follow the road map that GOD laid out for him. (See Genesis chapters 1 and 2). To stay in the place where GOD had placed him and connect closely with the person that GOD brought to him. If Adam stuck to GOD’s game plan not only his life would have turned out differently. This world would look much different than we know it today. We all would be different. But like Adam, many of us are allowing nonessential things, family, friends, jobs, life, our own mental state, and other distractions to prevent us from (1) not only not using our gifts to the fullness. But two, it is causing us to miss it. To miss all the blessings that GOD has for us. We cannot have a fully blessed life and happiness, if we are not following the roadmap GOD has for us. Now, as I go through this particular word, remember, that I am talking about myself and how GOD has dealt with me recently. But I am being transparent here and speaking in plural terms because I really believe this can be helpful to all of us. Hopefully, this word will cause all of you to do some serious soul-searching concerning what it is GOD is calling you to do. As a result of reading this blog, I hope it will encourage you to take steps, have radical faith, and make the needed changes to redirect yourself and your life so that you can align yourself with GOD’s game plan for you. That you will stop self-sabotaging your potential to have a fulfilling and better life. That you will stop being the primary roadblock to what GOD has for us as individuals. want it to be easy |
This reminds me of Abraham’s situation when he was sojourning to different places within the Promised Land. While going from one place to another, Abraham had to dig up many wells. Water was a necessity for his family and livestock survival. (See Genesis 26:18-22). But we must ask ourselves how Abraham knew where to dig? How was he able to find and tap into the water source in the ground that he needed for himself, his family, and his livestock? Well, the answer is obvious. GOD led him directly to the place he needed to dig. That was GOD part. To show Abraham where exactly he needed to go to obtain what he and his family needed to prosper. |
Now, as you can imagine, digging is no easy task. It is dirty, hard work that probably will require many hours of labor. But if Abraham did not gather his tools and strength to do the work to dig those wells, he and his family would struggle and even worse, die.
This is the point GOD was making to me concerning my own gifts and talents that HE has given to me to use for specific thing. GOD can show me the giftings I have. HE can show me when and how to use my gifts. But it is my responsibility to be proactive in employing those gifts. Meaning I have to put in the work. But the kind of work GOD was referring to was not necessarily the parts I enjoy doing, like writing books or blogging. HE was talking about the dirty, hard part of the work that I do not necessarily enjoy doing. The parts I rather someone else do it. Or better yet, for GOD to do it.
You see, we want it easy. I want it easy. I want to ONLY focus on the part that I like doing, which is writing. The parts that come so naturally to me. Whether GOD allows me to conjure up a book idea on my own or HE drops the idea in my spirit from heaven. It does not matter which way it comes to me. But that book cannot do a single thing and will not benefit anyone if I write it and then sit it on my bookshelf. It doesn’t build me any wealth. It can’t transform anyone’s life if I do not do all the other things that are required once my book is done to get it out there. It’s just another book I have finished on my bookshelf collecting dust. As a result, I am not using my talent and gifting to the fullness. I am and nor are others benefiting from my talent and gift. I am not living up to GOD’s expectations of me. I am not fulfilling my purpose, the thing GOD has birth me for. (compared to Jeremiah 1:5). And therefore, I am not fulfilling my part of the Kingdom work (Matthew 28:19-20). My purpose, my calling will go unfulfilled.
GOD was showing me that we, like Adam, fail to understand that our careers and or the ministry that GOD placed in us, HE has gifted us to govern over is a partnership that requires active participation on both of our parts – GOD and ours. GOD has a role to play in our success. And HE will always fulfill HIS part. But we like Abraham have to dig to do our part. And oftentimes that requires us to do many things we would prefer not to do. I am sure Abraham would have preferred not to dig that dirty well. He would prefer for GOD to just spring the water up for the ground. He would even have preferred if GOD would just pour the water that he needed to drink into his cup for him. But that is not what GOD did. GOD provided the source – the water. But Abraham had to do all the needed hard work to get to the source – the water.
I would prefer to sit back and just write about whatever comes up in my head. But again, if I do not do all the other necessary stuff that I would not prefer to do – the marketing and promoting; sale pitches; showing up for events; partnering with others and agencies; putting in the many required hours that are needed to get the masterpiece I have written out there, otherwise it truly benefits no one and not even myself.
GOD showed me because I have no interest, no drive to do all the required digging to see my projects succeed, this is why I have been feeling unfulfilled lately. Restless and not content. What good is a talent or gift, if I don’t expose it to the world.
lethargic attitude and mentality
Yes, Bill Gates might be great at coding, and creating software programs, and love it. But what would Microsoft Office be today if Bill had created it and set it on his bookshelf as another coding program he created? It would do him nor us any good if he did not get behind his own product and do all the required marketing and promoting; sale pitches; showing up for events; partnering with others and agencies; putting in the many required hours to do all the necessary administrative stuff that was needed to become one of the most admired and richest men in American. At some point, he had to come from behind his computer screen and do all the other necessary tasks that he least enjoyed to become the successful businessman he is today.
And this is no different for Steve Jobs or other successful business leaders. Once they created the part they love – their masterpiece. Each of them had to turn their attention to the parts they least enjoyed. Like Abraham, they had to dig and dig deep to benefit from the works of the promise.
resistant to god
GOD wants us to prosper, to have success, to have wealth, to have happy fulfilling lives. Hence why HE has endowed in each of us gifts and talents that will ensure us that success. But when we follow GOD’s plan for our lives there are no shortcuts, no detours, no time for our own ideologies of how we think it should be done. It’s either Choice A or Choice B. Choice A is GOD’s plan. Choice B is our plan of how we think it should be done. We must choose and we must choose wisely.
The point here is when we are resistant to all the requirements that are required in Choice A – GOD’s plan, we will never be satisfied, happy, content, or feel fulfilled. We will always feel we are lacking or missing something. We will always be frustrated with ourselves and with others.
We can continue to be resistant to what GOD has for us and the way HE is requiring us to do it – which always requires us to dig to reach the treasures that are at the bottom of the well. Or, we can do it our way and make claims that we are doing it in GOD’s way. The choice is ours. The choice is mine – A or B.
You see, that is where we, where I always make our mistakes. We put all of our success on ourselves, which only creates fear and anxiety. In us ourselves we cannot do it alone what GOD is requiring of us. Our pure talent and gift can only carry us so far before you run into a brick wall. This is why we have to look to GOD for every step we must take and then follow the roadmap that GOD is showing us.
Abraham would never have found water if he did not heed to GOD’s direction – GOD’s roadmap. And that would have been the end of his dream to conquer the Promised Land and to inherit the promised, the blessings of GOD that built his wealth. The success of an entire nation and an entire family would have died with Abraham if he had allowed his fears to cripple him with such thoughts as.
Proverbs 3:1-6 says, My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
GOD has a plan. A plan that guarantees that we will prosper IF we follow GOD’s plan. But there are things we must do, things I must do to benefit from the words that are stated in Proverbs. I cannot benefit from my giftings and talents if I do not fulfill all the other required duties of Plan A. There are other things that are required of me to ensure my gifts and talents enable me to become successful.
Yes, I LOVE TO WRITE. Yes, it comes to nature for me. I do my best problem-solving and thinking through writing. I literally feel lost when I am not writing. But my writing benefits no one and not even myself or my family if I am not using my writing ability in the way GOD INTENDED ME TO USE IT. And that is for HIS GLORY. To successfully do that I must not only write (the part I like doing), but I also must do all the other administrative stuff that I do not enjoy doing to get my work out there.
I hear you GOD. I want Choice A. To be successful at Choice A, I must roll up my sleeves and dig deep into the dirty wells that I really don’t want to dig. I get it.
Now, do you?
For example, I recently felt disappointed as well as frustrated with GOD concerning a matter. To the point that I expressed to HIM, “LORD, I don’t understand what it is that YOU are doing. What’s the holdup? Is it me? Am I looking at this wrong? Do I need to do something different, etc., etc.? I was just so frustrated.
As quickly as I expressed my grief, without delay HE answered. HE reassured me. HE built back my faith in HIS Word and HIS promises. Then HE reminded me of the words other people have spoken over me over the years – like Benny Hinn, Mr. Gore, Pastor Travis Laws, Prophetess Felicia Crawford, and a few other brothers, who all spoke the same thing over me that I did not know how to receive because I didn’t understand it at the time. Or I took their comments more as a joke than a word that was identifying my future. So, on this day, GOD brought to my remembrance these words that at least a dozen people have spoken concerning me.
Then HE asked me something HE has not asked me in about a year. “Do you trust ME?” To which I replied. “LORD, this isn’t about whether I trust YOU. YOU know I trust YOU. I just don’t know what YOU are doing in this season.” To which, HE responded again, “Do you trust ME?” Shortly afterward that conversation, I went to bed.
The next morning, I woke up just a little after 4. I had not read my Bible in about 3 days due to my outpatient surgery. So, I felt pulled to read my Bible before getting ready for my doctor’s follow-up appointment this morning.
So, I picked up from where I left off in my Bible reading, which was Romans chapter 4. And low and behold, once again, the LORD dealt directly with my concerns from the day before and built up my faith concerning those matters. So, let’s talk about that this morning – why we should not waver concerning the promises of GOD.
abraham DID not waver
There is probably not one Christian who is not familiar with the life of Abraham and the promises GOD made to him. Before we get into his story. Let’s explore the meaning of the word promise.
The Webster’s Dictionary defines the word promise as the declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified. It goes on to say, it is a legally binding declaration that gives a person to whom it is made aright to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specific act. In fact, in the Scripture, a promise holds an important place. It is not something that is taken lightly by men of GOD, especially not by GOD. When men or whenever GOD gives HIS word or makes a promise to a person, there is an expectation on the part of the person receiving it that it is good as already done. Case in point.
There are so many promises that are made in and throughout GOD’s Word. And the Scriptures testify that not one promise went unfilled not unless the individual to whom the promise was given, forfeited their promise.
So, how can one forfeit their promise – their inherited right to something specific that GOD said they can have? Let’s take a closer look at Abraham’s journey to answer that question.
A Brief Review of Abraham’s History
Get out of your country, from your family, and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you…. |
Now, we are not going to cover all the details that occurred in that journey to Abraham’s promise and Promised Land. You can read about it on your own starting at chapter 12 in the book of Genesis.
So, let’s fast forward to the book of Romans, chapter 4. Here, we learned about Abraham’s faith concerning that promise. This is what I really want to get into this morning. An area that far too many of us struggle with – and this includes me. That is, a promise GOD made specifically to us that we have yet to see fulfilled and we are struggling with putting full faith in that promise.
the promise
For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith. |
SIDEBAR: As we know, circumcision was an important practice in the Jewish community. In fact, if one was not circumcised back in ancient Israel times, one was cut off from the community (Genesis 17:10-14, 21; Leviticus 12:3). |
I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” |
The latter part of that verse says that promise was given ‘through the righteousness of faith.’ Now, what exactly does that mean?
We have to go back to the beginning of Abraham’s journey in Genesis chapter 12. We read in the first 3 verses that GOD made Abraham an offer and a promise. HE offered Abraham an opportunity that Abraham could have refused or even reject. GOD said
1. Leave your county 2. Leave your family 3. Leave your father’s house 4. Then go to a place that HE will show Abraham |
Abraham was required to do four things before GOD could bless him and fulfill the promises HE have given to Abraham. The Scriptures say it was by faith that Abraham believed and acted although he probably did not want to leave his homeland, his family, or his father’s house to go to a place that was unfamiliar to him. But instead, Abraham believed in GOD and the promises HE made to him. So, Abraham departed as the LORD had spoken to him, which leads us to verse 20 (Genesis 12:4).
He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God (Romans 4:20). |
1. That Abraham did not waver in the promises of GOD through unbelief. Abraham heard the word of GOD and responded to GOD’s promises immediately. 2. There was no delay, no second guessing, no questioning, or trying to figure out on Abraham’s part. GOD spoke and Abraham believed GOD. In fact, verse 20 said, he was ‘strengthened in faith,’ gave GOD glory, and was fully ‘convinced’ that GOD would do what HE said (Romans 4:21). MY GOD! I want to develop faith like that! To the point where I never waver in my faith concerning the promises GOD makes to me no matter what things look like. Or even when I don’t know where GOD is leading me, how HE will do it, or how long it will take. |
Like Abraham, I want my faith to be accounted to me for righteousness. That my promise will be granted to me because of my obedience and faith – an eminent kind of faith. That I too am justified in the eyes of the LORD by my faith and not my works.
LORD, help me grow my faith, Amen.
Thought-provoking Biblical topics. Talking Points with Deaidre.
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you] (Romans 12:2 AMP).
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