GOD is so good. In fact, HE is too good to HIS servants and those HE calls HIS friend. No matter what is on our hearts. Whenever we have a concern or disappointment of any kind, HE will answer, comfort, and edify us, and then give us the encouragement we need to carry on. For example, I recently felt disappointed as well as frustrated with GOD concerning a matter. To the point that I expressed to HIM, “LORD, I don’t understand what it is that YOU are doing. What’s the holdup? Is it me? Am I looking at this wrong? Do I need to do something different, etc., etc.? I was just so frustrated. As quickly as I expressed my grief, without delay HE answered. HE reassured me. HE built back my faith in HIS Word and HIS promises. Then HE reminded me of the words other people have spoken over me over the years – like Benny Hinn, Mr. Gore, Pastor Travis Laws, Prophetess Felicia Crawford, and a few other brothers, who all spoke the same thing over me that I did not know how to receive because I didn’t understand it at the time. Or I took their comments more as a joke than a word that was identifying my future. So, on this day, GOD brought to my remembrance these words that at least a dozen people have spoken concerning me. Then HE asked me something HE has not asked me in about a year. “Do you trust ME?” To which I replied. “LORD, this isn’t about whether I trust YOU. YOU know I trust YOU. I just don’t know what YOU are doing in this season.” To which, HE responded again, “Do you trust ME?” Shortly afterward that conversation, I went to bed. The next morning, I woke up just a little after 4. I had not read my Bible in about 3 days due to my outpatient surgery. So, I felt pulled to read my Bible before getting ready for my doctor’s follow-up appointment this morning. So, I picked up from where I left off in my Bible reading, which was Romans chapter 4. And low and behold, once again, the LORD dealt directly with my concerns from the day before and built up my faith concerning those matters. So, let’s talk about that this morning – why we should not waver concerning the promises of GOD. abraham DID not waver This morning, I would like to take you on a brief journey and make a drastic comparison that will hopefully help some of us grow in your faith. There is probably not one Christian who is not familiar with the life of Abraham and the promises GOD made to him. Before we get into his story. Let’s explore the meaning of the word promise. The Webster’s Dictionary defines the word promise as the declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified. It goes on to say, it is a legally binding declaration that gives a person to whom it is made aright to expect or to claim the performance or forbearance of a specific act. In fact, in the Scripture, a promise holds an important place. It is not something that is taken lightly by men of GOD, especially not by GOD. When men or whenever GOD gives HIS word or makes a promise to a person, there is an expectation on the part of the person receiving it that it is good as already done. Case in point.
There are so many promises that are made in and throughout GOD’s Word. And the Scriptures testify that not one promise went unfilled not unless the individual to whom the promise was given, forfeited their promise. So, how can one forfeit their promise – their inherited right to something specific that GOD said they can have? Let’s take a closer look at Abraham’s journey to answer that question. A Brief Review of Abraham’s HistoryAs we know, back in Genesis chapter 12, GOD gave Abraham specific instructions.
To inherit his promise to become a great nation, Abraham had to be willing to do something first on GOD’s behalf. He had to leave what was familiar – something he treasured – his homeland and family. And then he had to go to a place that was unfamiliar to him that GOD would show him. Now, we know in the beginning, GOD did not tell Abraham where he was going nor how he was going to get there. He just simply told Abraham to leave everything behind that he knew and loved and follow GOD to a place that Abraham did not know. Now, we are not going to cover all the details that occurred in that journey to Abraham’s promise and Promised Land. You can read about it on your own starting at chapter 12 in the book of Genesis. So, let’s fast forward to the book of Romans, chapter 4. Here, we learned about Abraham’s faith concerning that promise. This is what I really want to get into this morning. An area that far too many of us struggle with – and this includes me. That is, a promise GOD made specifically to us that we have yet to see fulfilled and we are struggling with putting full faith in that promise. the promiseRomans 4:13 reads
Oh man, don’t miss that – what is being said there. We see here that Abraham was not justified by GOD based on his works. Although Abraham did many good works. But he was justified based on his faith – his faith alone. We see in verse 9 that “… faith was accounted to Abraham for righteousness. Abraham’s faith was so eminent (outstanding, superior, noteworthy) that verse 11 said, “… he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith…” while he still was uncircumcised.
As a result, Abraham was able to obtain the promise that GOD ensured him. But we need to notice something in verse 13 of Romans chapter 4. It reads, “For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was NOT TO ABRAHAM OR HIS SEED through the law…” Now, this sounds like a contradiction. For we know GOD did promise Abraham that HE will bless Abraham and all the nations will be blessed because of him. Genesis 12:2-3 reads.
But Romans 4:13, says that the promise was not given to Abraham. So, let’s read on for clarity. The latter part of that verse says that promise was given ‘through the righteousness of faith.’ Now, what exactly does that mean? We have to go back to the beginning of Abraham’s journey in Genesis chapter 12. We read in the first 3 verses that GOD made Abraham an offer and a promise. HE offered Abraham an opportunity that Abraham could have refused or even reject. GOD said
Abraham was required to do four things before GOD could bless him and fulfill the promises HE have given to Abraham. The Scriptures say it was by faith that Abraham believed and acted although he probably did not want to leave his homeland, his family, or his father’s house to go to a place that was unfamiliar to him. But instead, Abraham believed in GOD and the promises HE made to him. So, Abraham departed as the LORD had spoken to him, which leads us to verse 20 (Genesis 12:4).
Here it notes two things to us.
Like Abraham, I want my faith to be accounted to me for righteousness. That my promise will be granted to me because of my obedience and faith – an eminent kind of faith. That I too am justified in the eyes of the LORD by my faith and not my works. LORD, help me grow my faith, Amen.
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