Look. I like to think I am mature enough to handle differences. Let me explain from a Christian perspective. I realize that my experience and encounter with GOD is my personal experience and encounter with GOD. And just because I've been blessed to have certain experiences and encounters with GOD does not mean every Christian in the Body of Christ will have that same experience or encounter with GOD. Therefore, it will be wrong of me, maybe even a sin, to say or declare that something is wrong with Susie or Jack, or that he or she is lacking something in their relationship with GOD because they have not had the same experiences or encounters I have had with GOD. 🤨 WE ARE DIFFERENT ALTHOUGH WE ARE ENCOUNTERING THE SAME GOD. They had different experiences with the same person |
SIDEBAR: Which by the way, I did share the above thoughts with him in a respectful manner on my last day of work (and LORD knows I really had to pray before I approached him). I told him he was the worst boss I ever had. Not because I wanted to hurt him or because I was being spiteful or vindictive. I strongly felt he needed to know how his behavior was so destructive for himself and those around him and it was truly hurting his company. And if he really wanted a better working environment for himself and his team, which a part of me believed that he did. Then, HE WAS THE ONE THAT NEEDED TO GROW UP AND CHANGE. Back to my point. |
Either way, at some point, the toxicity of my boss was beginning to take a toll on me. I will admit, I started doing job searches and applying for roles with different companies, which I went to quite a few interviews for. So, other options were slowly opening up for me.
But before I could take another role with another company, things had gotten so bad, especially with the behavior of my boss, it was like someone had come into that place and turned off all the lights. There was no light there whatsoever. JUST DARKNESS. The atmosphere was filled with complete darkness. Some of y’all know exactly what I’m talking about.
But before I could take another role with another company, things had gotten so bad, especially with the behavior of my boss, it was like someone had come into that place and turned off all the lights. There was no light there whatsoever. JUST DARKNESS. The atmosphere was filled with complete darkness. Some of y’all know exactly what I’m talking about.
the turnaround
One day, as I was driving to work, I reached a point of tears because I had come to a bad place where I hated that job. I hated the environment. And I was starting to hate my boss. It was that bad. I just did not want to go there. I wanted so desperately to quit. Just turn around and quit.
So, I’m praying to GOD all the way to work. Actually, I was doing more complaining than praying. Any rate. I remember at some point yelling at the top of my lung to GOD.
So, I’m praying to GOD all the way to work. Actually, I was doing more complaining than praying. Any rate. I remember at some point yelling at the top of my lung to GOD.
I did not know it at the time but this was a very critical and pivotal point for me in my walk with Christ and in the Spiritual realm. At this point, I had made so many changes in my character and the way I was living. And for the first time in my life, I had formed a solid and intimate relationship with Christ. I had grown a lot and had given up a great deal of my worldly pursuits and desires to get to where I was at that time. To only fall into a pit of hell in my workplace.
I don’t know. Maybe it was because of my immaturity at that time as a believer combine with the misdirection far too many church leaders were teaching young believers to believe. Out of ignorance and naiveness, we somehow were taught and believe that once we start really serving GOD and living for Christ that everything changes for the better. How far from the truth. Well, at least in the way too many leaders were presenting this Bible truth to the masses.
Maybe somewhere in the back of my unconscious mind, I really believed that my life was going to magically become perfect overnight now that I was really serving Christ the RIGHT WAY. Yes, there is a right way to serve Christ.
Well, that never did happen. In fact, at times, my life seemed to have gotten worst in certain aspects during certain seasons, both inside and outside the church. That’s another story. But at the time, I did not realize the man-made doctrine that I had grabbed hold of because it came from trusted leaders in the church because it sounded good, but it was the complete opposite of the way Jesus taught it, and attended us to understand it. You feel me? At the time, I just did not understand nor was familiar with the context behind such Scriptures as
MATTHEW 10:21-22 “… A brother will betray his brother to death, a father will betray his own child, and children will rebel against their parents and cause them to be killed. And all nations will hate you because you are my followers….” 1 John 2:15-17 “… Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave….” |
But now I realized that I didn’t know and understand the depth of these things THEN. That I was certainly being tested at my job, by my boss and his ridiculous and unprofessional behavior.
So, anyways. As I was saying. I was on my way to work. And I yelled out to the LORD. “WHAT’S NEXT LORD!” And immediately, the atmosphere in my car shifted. I started to hear this melody playing in my head and I began to hear myself sing this new song.
So, anyways. As I was saying. I was on my way to work. And I yelled out to the LORD. “WHAT’S NEXT LORD!” And immediately, the atmosphere in my car shifted. I started to hear this melody playing in my head and I began to hear myself sing this new song.
These soul soaking lyrics pour out of me from the depth of my soul. A beautiful but intense melody and lyrics.
As I was listening and singing, I immediately grab a pen and pad and start to write the entire song, I Need You, that morning. That song changed everything for me that day. It gave me the strength I needed to continue to endure that place, the toxic environment my boss created and was causing. That song gave me what I needed to stay in that place where I did not want to be until GOD finally called me out of there. And called me out HIM did to a more respectful role, working environment, and a thriving workplace. This song brought me divine peace in a crooked environment.
As I was listening and singing, I immediately grab a pen and pad and start to write the entire song, I Need You, that morning. That song changed everything for me that day. It gave me the strength I needed to continue to endure that place, the toxic environment my boss created and was causing. That song gave me what I needed to stay in that place where I did not want to be until GOD finally called me out of there. And called me out HIM did to a more respectful role, working environment, and a thriving workplace. This song brought me divine peace in a crooked environment.
when god pours out his authority and power on it
Eventually, I shared this new song with my ministry and songwriting partner, Felicia. She agreed. She was feeling the lyrics, the overall power, and the authority of the song. The arrangement. The flow. Just the song itself was speaking volumes to her.
So, at some point, we decided to pitch the song to one of the recording artists we were working with. After Felicia learned this new song and got it in her. She was teaching this artist the flow and direction of the song. Well, let me share an excerpt from their studio rehearsal of what the recording artist said about the song. You can listen to it by clicking here or by clicking the YouTube video below.
Y’all I can’t wait until when GOD gives us the green light to fully turn our focus to Newford Music and we begin to really start building the vision GOD has given us for Newford Music. I can’t wait to see the real and solid men and women GOD pair us with, in the faith, to partner with to produce this Album I have been telling y’all about off and on – TOTAL ACCESS. (Some of the possible songs are listed below).
So, at some point, we decided to pitch the song to one of the recording artists we were working with. After Felicia learned this new song and got it in her. She was teaching this artist the flow and direction of the song. Well, let me share an excerpt from their studio rehearsal of what the recording artist said about the song. You can listen to it by clicking here or by clicking the YouTube video below.
Y’all I can’t wait until when GOD gives us the green light to fully turn our focus to Newford Music and we begin to really start building the vision GOD has given us for Newford Music. I can’t wait to see the real and solid men and women GOD pair us with, in the faith, to partner with to produce this Album I have been telling y’all about off and on – TOTAL ACCESS. (Some of the possible songs are listed below).
Most of the songs are written by Felicia and I have written a few tracks on there as well. These songs reflect the journey that is required of all Christians to gain TOTAL ACCESS TO THE FATHER WITHOUT ANY HINDRANCE OR LIMITATIONS. My GOD!!! HE just dropped that in my spirit just now as I wrote that. GOD IS GOOD. HE really is.
I hope all who are participating in our October Fast are finding this month’s fast less challenging than the previous months. And that you are starting to reap the spiritual benefits of committing yourself to a regular monthly spiritual fast.
With that being said, today, we are going to focus our attention on one of the scriptural readings we were assigned during our 3-day corporate fast – Acts chapter 2.
With that being said, today, we are going to focus our attention on one of the scriptural readings we were assigned during our 3-day corporate fast – Acts chapter 2.
the advocate
The book of Acts is powerful for many different reasons. One reason is what it reveals and explains to us about the acts or workings of Holy Spirit. Before discussing this, we need to go back to something Jesus said at John chapter 14, verses 16 and 26.
… I will ask (pray to) the Father, and HE will give you another Advocate (Helper) who will never leave you. … When the Father sends the Advocate as my representative – that is, Holy Spirit – He will teach you everything and will remind you of everything I have told you. |
Jesus understood the strong connection His disciples had for Him and the emotional difficulty that would occur among them after His ascension to heaven. (Compare to John 13:33, 36-37). So, Jesus understood the magnitude of having an appropriate substitute for Him once He leave His disciples. This is where the book of Acts comes in to explain to Bible readers the significant role Holy Spirit will play in the Body of Christ's spiritual growth, as well as, in the lives of individual members. The book of Acts shows us how the baptism with Holy Spirit will empower Believers with the ability to pray in the Spirit of GOD (that is speaking in tongues) and to operate fully in the gifts of the Spirit. (Compare to 1 Corinthians 14:2; 1 Corinthians chapter 12). The book of Acts also validates that Holy Spirit is the rightful substitute for Jesus our Messiah to help the Body of Christ and its members to recall and apply all the things Christ had spoken to them through His Word. (Compare to John 14:26).
holy spirit at work
This leads us to our focus today during our October corporate fast – Acts chapter 2. There are many different things we can pull from this one chapter. But for this TALKING POINT, I want to focus our attention on one verse. Verse number 2. It reads.
… Suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. |
The part of this verse that caught my attention is “… it filled the whole house….” We see in this text of Scripture, the first important thing we must note is that Jesus’ disciples were all in the place in which Christ told them to be. (See Acts 1:4).
SIDEBAR: We have an upcoming Life Lesson by Felicia Crawford Ministry on this very topic called Being In The Place. Look for its release soon. |
As Jesus’ disciples all gathered together there in Jerusalem in the Upper Room. In one accord, they all prayed and supplicated together, while waiting for further instructions from their Messiah concerning what they needed to do next as a Body. As they wait, the entire Body of Christ did not expect what occurred next. This mighty rushing wind, that is, Holy Spirit, the Spirit of the LORD, filled the room. When it filled the room, every member that was present was filled by GOD’s Spirit. HIS Spirit was so grand that it filled the entire Upper Room. The entire house was engulfed by GOD’s presence.
It is this Spirit that Acts 4:1 speaks about that all Christians will need
It is this Spirit that Acts 4:1 speaks about that all Christians will need
- To empower them to put up a good fight against all the schemes of the devil, while at the same time, enabling them to finish their leg of their race in order to keep their faith solid and strong. (Compare to 2 Timothy 4:7).
- To infuse them with the power of GOD which will enable them to demonstrate signs, wonders, and miracles of healing the sick, casting out demons, and setting the captives free from any strongholds that have spiritually, emotionally, or physically paralyze their faith and or preventing them from having a real and intimate relationship with GOD.
The book of Acts truly helps us to see that the operation of Holy Spirit is very much alive today in the lives of Christians. That is, for those who are willing to receive Holy Spirit as Christ instructed and prepared His disciples for. So, the question we all should ask ourselves is this. Are we fully allowing the One Jesus had promised will fill His place as His authorized representative until His return, to completely operate in all our Christian activities, especially our ministry and evangelizing Kingdom work? If we have not, then we have not as of yet, position ourselves to be in the place GOD has called us. We are not fully receiving the instruction, direction, and guidance we need from Christ to complete everything He is calling us to do in this season. We have to be mindful of what Christ told us through His Word.
1. “… To wait for the Promised of the Father….” Our ability, full authority, and power we need to accomplish everything GOD has called us to do until His return would be supplied in and through this ‘Promise’ (Acts 1:4). 2. That we “… shall be baptized with Holy Spirit…” (Acts 1:5). The ‘Promise’ will come in the form of GOD’s Spirit. 3. Once we were endowed by GOD’s Spirit (or Holy Spirit), it is then that we will “… receive power.” It is this ‘power’ that will enable us to speak in tongues and operate in signs, wonders, and miracles. Without HIS Spirit, that is Holy Spirit, we are powerless. |
So, I asked you again. Have you accepted as well as received the “Promised” of GOD’s Spirit, that is Holy Spirit, as Jesus has promised all His faithful servants?
Israel and its surrounding nations have all become steeply involved in idol worship. Similar to what we see today with GOD’s people (both the nation of Israel and GOD’s gentile nation – HIS church). Despite this steep downfall into false worship and practices, there is hope for GOD’s people on the horizon. And we are able to see this through the working relationship between two prophets – Elijah and Elisha.
sidebar: At the end of the prophet Elijah’s ministry, the nation was returning to pure worship. The Church (GOD’s people) experienced an awakening that resulted in the nation experiencing a spiritual revival. This is the same encounter the Church today needs to experience today. The Church as a whole, needs an awakening that will lead the nation, and even the world, in experiencing a revival. |
Elisha’s ministry was preparing the Church for further religious reforms than what the prophet Elijah inaugurated throughout the land. But, before Elisha was commissioned into service as GOD’s prophet, GOD sent 20 prophets of HIS to the northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah to turn HIS people away from false and unholy forms of worship.
Despite GOD’s efforts to get HIS people to repent and turn back to HIM, not all accepted GOD’s invitation to live a right, holy, and pure lifestyle. Man loved their idols and unholy practices and ways of worship. They loved to display their lack of commitment and unfaithfulness to GOD and HIS ways. They want nothing more than to engage and indulge in their lustful ways and sinful lifestyles. They prefer to worship themselves and the way they lived. (Compare to 1 Corinthians 6:7-10; Galatians 5:16-21). As a result, only a few sincerely repented and accepted GOD’s invitation by turning away from ALL FORMS of sins and idol practices, and false teachings. Only a few truly abandon their ways. Only a few separate themselves from the world and the ways of the world (2 Corinthians 6:14:18).
This was the defining line for GOD. Those who declare and repent, GOD marked them. Proclaiming these ones HIS. And those who did not, GOD left behind on the outside of HIS Kingdom to secure their inevitable fate. (See Matthew 25:32-33; John 10:27).
GOD is not confused and knows who is HIS. Just like at the peak of the prophet Elijah’s ministry. Elijah thought he was the only true and pure servant of GOD left in all of GOD’s Kingdom. But GOD corrected Elijah’s erroneous view and indicated that there were another 7,000 men and women who were obedient, who refuse to bow to any false idols, and who refuse to participate in any form of false praise. (See 1 Kings 19:1-18).
As the end of Elijah’s ministry came near, GOD instructed him to transfer his anointing to the prophet Elisha as his successor. We need to be mindful that GOD leaves no stone unturned (1 Kings 19:16). It was during this time that GOD had Elijah train and prepare Elisha to take over the hem of GOD’s throne on the earth. Elisha would lead GOD’s people back to the heart of pure worship.
Eventually, that day came when Elijah completed his ministry course on the earth and Elisha took his place. Elisha became one of the predominant voices for GOD to GOD’s people. As a result, Elisha’s ministry was filled with signs and miracles as well as countless proclamations and warnings concerning and to GOD’s people. It was these four giftings of Elisha that aided in restoring GOD’s people and bringing about balance, peace, and healing to GOD’s people, between GOD and HIS people, and to the land. (Compare to Hosea 4:1-6).
Despite GOD’s efforts to get HIS people to repent and turn back to HIM, not all accepted GOD’s invitation to live a right, holy, and pure lifestyle. Man loved their idols and unholy practices and ways of worship. They loved to display their lack of commitment and unfaithfulness to GOD and HIS ways. They want nothing more than to engage and indulge in their lustful ways and sinful lifestyles. They prefer to worship themselves and the way they lived. (Compare to 1 Corinthians 6:7-10; Galatians 5:16-21). As a result, only a few sincerely repented and accepted GOD’s invitation by turning away from ALL FORMS of sins and idol practices, and false teachings. Only a few truly abandon their ways. Only a few separate themselves from the world and the ways of the world (2 Corinthians 6:14:18).
This was the defining line for GOD. Those who declare and repent, GOD marked them. Proclaiming these ones HIS. And those who did not, GOD left behind on the outside of HIS Kingdom to secure their inevitable fate. (See Matthew 25:32-33; John 10:27).
GOD is not confused and knows who is HIS. Just like at the peak of the prophet Elijah’s ministry. Elijah thought he was the only true and pure servant of GOD left in all of GOD’s Kingdom. But GOD corrected Elijah’s erroneous view and indicated that there were another 7,000 men and women who were obedient, who refuse to bow to any false idols, and who refuse to participate in any form of false praise. (See 1 Kings 19:1-18).
As the end of Elijah’s ministry came near, GOD instructed him to transfer his anointing to the prophet Elisha as his successor. We need to be mindful that GOD leaves no stone unturned (1 Kings 19:16). It was during this time that GOD had Elijah train and prepare Elisha to take over the hem of GOD’s throne on the earth. Elisha would lead GOD’s people back to the heart of pure worship.
Eventually, that day came when Elijah completed his ministry course on the earth and Elisha took his place. Elisha became one of the predominant voices for GOD to GOD’s people. As a result, Elisha’s ministry was filled with signs and miracles as well as countless proclamations and warnings concerning and to GOD’s people. It was these four giftings of Elisha that aided in restoring GOD’s people and bringing about balance, peace, and healing to GOD’s people, between GOD and HIS people, and to the land. (Compare to Hosea 4:1-6).
Elisha’s personal sacrifice
Elisha was a man of much means. His father provided his family with much financial stability. At some point, while Elisha was working in his father’s field plowing. Elijah comes along. Very little was said and then Elijah takes off his divine mantle (his cloak) and placed it on the shoulders of Elisha. Without question, Elisha knew exactly what this divine act by Elijah meant. And without hesitation, Elisha accepted the divine calling and responsibilities that were placed on his life by Elijah, on GOD’s behalf. This required a great deal of sacrifices on Elisha’s part. But even this did not deter him. He, without delay, left the comforts of his home, family, and prosperous lifestyle to take on a less predictable role. (See 1 Kings 19:19-21). In fact, Elisha went from being one of his father’s reliable leaders and part owner of his father’s farm. To being Elijah’s humble, lowly servant where he was a student who pour water into the hands of Elijah and perform other small and humbling duties. However, if Elisha remained faithful to his tasks, it would lead to greater things. For these duties were going to train and enable him to take over Elijah’s role in the near future. But this journey was not going to be an easy one for Elisha. In fact, to test his dedication and faithfulness. Near the completion of Elijah’s ministry, Elisha was tested three times.
When the Lord was about to take Elijah up to heaven in a whirlwind, Elijah and Elisha were traveling from Gilgal. And Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, for the Lord has told me to go to Bethel.” But Elisha replied, “As surely as the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you!” So they went down together to Bethel. The group of prophets from Bethel came to Elisha and asked him, “Did you know that the Lord is going to take your master away from you today?” “Of course I know,” Elisha answered. “But be quiet about it.” Then Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, for the Lord has told me to go to Jericho.” But Elisha replied again, “As surely as the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you.” So they went on together to Jericho. Then the group of prophets from Jericho came to Elisha and asked him, “Did you know that the Lord is going to take your master away from you today?” “Of course I know,” Elisha answered. “But be quiet about it.” Then Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here, for the Lord has told me to go to the Jordan River.” But again Elisha replied, “As surely as the Lord lives and you yourself live, I will never leave you.” So they went on together. Fifty men from the group of prophets also went and watched from a distance as Elijah and Elisha stopped beside the Jordan River…. As they were walking along and talking, suddenly a chariot of fire appeared, drawn by horses of fire. It drove between the two men, separating them, and Elijah was carried by a whirlwind into heaven. Elisha saw it and cried out, “My father! My father! I see the chariots and charioteers of Israel!” And as they disappeared from sight, Elisha tore his clothes in distress (2 Kings 2:1-7; 11-12). |
double portion
So, although Elisha gained a lot from Elijah. And they formed a close bond. Elisha will soon have to sacrifice or give up the relationship he had formed with this very powerful, influential, and dedicated prophet of GOD. Without this unfortunate event (Elijah moving on), Elisha will not be able to succeed Elijah nor restore pure worship in the hearts of GOD’s people, nor rid the land of destructive practices, customs, traditions, or worship. Elisha understood the value of what he had gained under Elijah’s leadership. And he understood the weighty responsibility and importance of Elijah having a willing and faithful successor. Therefore, when he was tested 3 times to leave under the leadership of Elijah and return to what he knew, what he was familiar and comfortable with – his father’s farm. Elisha responded all three times. “As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!”
Because of Elisha's obedience and faithfulness to his assignment, to the needs of Elijah, and to GOD. When the time came for Elijah to return to the FATHER (GOD). Elijah granted Elisha a double portion of his power – his authority. See 2 Kings 2:9.
Because of Elisha's obedience and faithfulness to his assignment, to the needs of Elijah, and to GOD. When the time came for Elijah to return to the FATHER (GOD). Elijah granted Elisha a double portion of his power – his authority. See 2 Kings 2:9.
So, why is it that Elisha requested a double portion and Elijah grants it to him? We must look at Deuteronomy chapter 21, verses 15 through 17 to understand why this was acceptable in this case. It reads
Suppose a man has two wives, but he loves one and not the other, and both have given him sons. And suppose the firstborn son is the son of the wife he does not love. When the man divides his inheritance, he may not give the larger inheritance to his younger son, the son of the wife he loves, as if he were the firstborn son. He must recognize the rights of his oldest son, the son of the wife he does not love, by giving him a double portion. He is the first son of his father’s virility, and the rights of the firstborn belong to him. |
Therefore, Elisha as his father’s first biological son had legal rights to inherit a double portion of his father’s entire estate and wealth. But we have to remember. Elisha forfeited that right when he chooses to leave his father’s farm to go follow and serve Elijah for an unpredictable lifestyle under the guidance and direction of GOD. But Elisha did not make this great personal sacrifice unwisely. Nor was GOD going to allow his sacrifice to go unnoticed or without its proper rewards. So, although Elisha gave up his rights to his inheritance in the natural. He gained so much more.
Now, because of his sacrifice, he became eligible for a double portion in GOD’s Kingdom. Therefore, he inherited a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. Something even Elijah did not possess himself. Now, remember, there were other prophets of GOD operating alongside Elisha. But only he was granted a double portion of GOD’s Spirit (power) from Elijah. By Elijah granting Elisha’s request, Elijah was acknowledging Elisha as his firstborn spiritual son. PRAISE JAH!
Now, let’s be mindful that Elisha could have rightfully asked for worldly honor, power, or authority. He could have asked for a high position in GOD’s Kingdom and even amongst men. But he did not. He understood his assignment so well that he knew he would need a double portion of what Elijah had to successfully fulfill his upcoming tasks in the Kingdom work.
In response to Elisha’s request, Elijah said to him that he was asking for a difficult thing. That even Elijah did not have the authority to give nor fulfill such a request. In fact, NO MAN IN ALL OF HEAVEN NOR ON THE EARTH HAS SUCH POWER NOR AUTHORITY OR ABILITY TO DECLARE SUCH A THING OVER HIS OR HER OWN LIFE OR DECLARE IT OVER OTHERS. NONE. Only GOD can grant such a thing. So, in response to Elisha’s request, Elijah told him. “… If you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you but if not, it shall not be so” (2 Kings 2:10). This was significant because when Elijah’s time was up on the earth, he did not die a natural death nor of some disease. He was taken by the LORD in a miraculous supernatural way. See 2 Kings 2:11-12. So, Elijah was saying to Elisha. If GOD allows you to see my departure, then it is a sign to him that GOD has granted him his request. And as we know, when GOD took Elijah out of service from the earth, Elisha was granted the privilege to see and experience Elijah’s departure.
Now, because of his sacrifice, he became eligible for a double portion in GOD’s Kingdom. Therefore, he inherited a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. Something even Elijah did not possess himself. Now, remember, there were other prophets of GOD operating alongside Elisha. But only he was granted a double portion of GOD’s Spirit (power) from Elijah. By Elijah granting Elisha’s request, Elijah was acknowledging Elisha as his firstborn spiritual son. PRAISE JAH!
Now, let’s be mindful that Elisha could have rightfully asked for worldly honor, power, or authority. He could have asked for a high position in GOD’s Kingdom and even amongst men. But he did not. He understood his assignment so well that he knew he would need a double portion of what Elijah had to successfully fulfill his upcoming tasks in the Kingdom work.
In response to Elisha’s request, Elijah said to him that he was asking for a difficult thing. That even Elijah did not have the authority to give nor fulfill such a request. In fact, NO MAN IN ALL OF HEAVEN NOR ON THE EARTH HAS SUCH POWER NOR AUTHORITY OR ABILITY TO DECLARE SUCH A THING OVER HIS OR HER OWN LIFE OR DECLARE IT OVER OTHERS. NONE. Only GOD can grant such a thing. So, in response to Elisha’s request, Elijah told him. “… If you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you but if not, it shall not be so” (2 Kings 2:10). This was significant because when Elijah’s time was up on the earth, he did not die a natural death nor of some disease. He was taken by the LORD in a miraculous supernatural way. See 2 Kings 2:11-12. So, Elijah was saying to Elisha. If GOD allows you to see my departure, then it is a sign to him that GOD has granted him his request. And as we know, when GOD took Elijah out of service from the earth, Elisha was granted the privilege to see and experience Elijah’s departure.
elisha’s ministry
As Elijah departed from the earth to his heavenly position, he drops his mantle which falls back down to the earth. This fallen of Elijah’s mantle symbolically represents GOD releasing the double portion authority and transferring anointing from one prophet to another. But even after seeing all he had and recalling Elijah’s words spoken – “… If you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you….” Elisha needed to be assure. To be sure GOD had granted his inherited right as Elijah’s firstborn spiritual son. He walked over to the bank of the Jordan River and struck the water with Elijah’s mantle as Elijah had once done before. And when he did. Just as the Jordan split for Elijah, it also divinely divided for Elisha. After being amazed and reassured by this event, he proceeded to cross over the Jordan on dry land (2 Kings 2:8, 14). No one! Not even the remaining other prophets could deny or ignore the power, gifting, authority, or anointing GOD had placed on Elisha’s life. As a result, they all had to bow before Elisha, in acknowledgment of Elisha’s level of authority and out of respect for what GOD had blessed and given to Elisha that no other man had possessed. See 2 Kings 2:15.
Elisha's double portion prophetic ministry lasted 50 years. Under the leadership of four kings – Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, and Joash.
Elisha's double portion prophetic ministry lasted 50 years. Under the leadership of four kings – Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz, and Joash.
the roles of pRophetic prophets
Both Elijah's and Elisha's roles were so critical to GOD’s people and the Kingdom's work. And yet, their assignments and the impact they had were uniquely different. Elijah was committed as a prophet to deliver to GOD’s people fearless condemnation and judgment messages. He was responsible for warning GOD’s people to repent and turn away from their sins. While Elisha was responsible for building upon Elijah’s work and building and aiding and teaching GOD’s people the heart of GOD. HIS ways. HIS standards. HIS expectations. HIS laws, etc. Elisha was an advanced teacher that taught the people who GOD is and what HE is about and how to properly worship and serve GOD. Elisha was truly the educational center, the original, genuine Master Class Prophetic School of Prophets to the nation.
our lesson in elisha’s story
There is far too much to list here that we can gain from Elisha’s story. So, let’s close with this.
GOD possessed exclusive rights to our full life story. He wrote out our life story in our book of life. He created us to fulfill everything that was written about us in that book. And then HE pushed us throughout the course of our life to discover HIM, our divine assignments and destiny, and then gave us the authority we needed to fulfill HIS plans for our lives. And we see this in full display between the exchange and relationship between Elijah and Elisha. From their stories, we can draw strength and understanding of GOD’s ways and how HE conducts HIMSELF through HIS servants. (Compare to 2 Corinthians 9:8). We see through these two men, to rightfully inherit all that GOD has for you, you must first
GOD possessed exclusive rights to our full life story. He wrote out our life story in our book of life. He created us to fulfill everything that was written about us in that book. And then HE pushed us throughout the course of our life to discover HIM, our divine assignments and destiny, and then gave us the authority we needed to fulfill HIS plans for our lives. And we see this in full display between the exchange and relationship between Elijah and Elisha. From their stories, we can draw strength and understanding of GOD’s ways and how HE conducts HIMSELF through HIS servants. (Compare to 2 Corinthians 9:8). We see through these two men, to rightfully inherit all that GOD has for you, you must first
1. Sacrifice something of significance and greater value to you. 2. Then submit yourself to someone of greater authority. That is, a prophet of GOD. All willing vessels must follow the order, in which God has put into place in HIS WORD. There is no exception to this rule. GOD HAS ESTABLISHED HIS PROPHETS AS THE HEAD OF HIS 5 FOLD MINISTRY. We must understand this or we are out of order with GOD’s arrangement for HIS houses of GOD. IT IS NOT YOUR PASTOR, APOSTLE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OR THE CEO OF YOUR CHURCH OR MINISTRY WHO IS THE HEAD OF GOD’S HOUSE. Now, don’t twist what I am saying. Because we all know Jesus is the head of all things. But just like a husband is the head of every household on the earth. GOD’s prophets are the head over the houses of GOD not your pastor, the apostle, etc. GOD’s prophets, as Christ is, are the head of GOD’s Kingdom work on the earth. (Compare to 1 Corinthians 14:40). |
Church, we keep getting the ways of GOD backward and are out of order. And like Elisha, in this season, GOD is restoring order in HIS houses. HE is calling forth a few new Elisha, who will lead HIS people back to pure worship. These men and women of the LORD who will be anointed by the LORD with a double portion of GOD’s Spirit (and they already anointed by GOD and they know who they are). And they will bring GOD’s people more songs – pure songs of worship. GOD has personally searched their hearts and vetted them as part of HIS Professional Master Class of Prophets. (There are a few exceptions to this rule, for selected few apostles are anointed with this gift as well). These ones will bring us back to the heart of pure worship where everything is about Jesus and not man. AMEN!
Over the past, at least two years, we have heard messages from GOD’s true prophets stating – “THIS IS THE SEASON OF EXPOSURE.” And exposure it has been. But when most of us think of exposure, we think of sexual sin, blatant racism, physical abuse, homosexuality, etc. We as humans love to put the sinful and wrongful acts of humans on a rating scale of these being the worst sins one can commit. And yet, concerning other forms of sins, like a little white lie. We view it not as harmful compared to other forms of sins I mentioned. How far from the truth.
When we consider the season of exposure, we must look at it, not from the view of what man considers to be sinful, unlawful, and unholy. We need to look at it from GOD’s perspective. Through the lenses of GOD. What does HE constitute as sinful? And not only that. How does HE want such behavior to be corrected? And if individuals refuse to correct the behaviors of what GOD said is evil in HIS eyes, what should we do as HIS church? Better yet, what will GOD do?
When we consider the season of exposure, we must look at it, not from the view of what man considers to be sinful, unlawful, and unholy. We need to look at it from GOD’s perspective. Through the lenses of GOD. What does HE constitute as sinful? And not only that. How does HE want such behavior to be corrected? And if individuals refuse to correct the behaviors of what GOD said is evil in HIS eyes, what should we do as HIS church? Better yet, what will GOD do?
Again, when we as humans think of exposure we think of sins like sexual sin, sexual abuse, rape, murder, blatant racism, physical abuse, homosexuality, etc. We tend to place these forms of sins on a higher level of offense. Even in some cases, some consider these acts as sins are unforgivable. Again, so far away from the truth.
We, as a Body in Christ, need to revisit what is sin to GOD. After all, the outcome of our lives is dependent on HIM and how we respond or do not respond to HIS standards; HIS laws and decrees; HIS expectations, and HIS commandments. And not the expectations of man. For man always fall short of the measuring line of obedience, holiness, and righteousness. There is nothing good in man. (Compare to Romans 3:10, 23; Isaiah 64:6).
So, when GOD placed it in the hearts and spirits of HIS true prophets to speak about a season of exposure. What exactly is GOD alluding to? Just sexual sin, blatant racism, physical abuse, homosexuality, etc? Or is GOD referring to things that are much deeper than man wants to acknowledge, understand, confront, and deal with? Let’s talk about that and really get GOD's heart on this matter – this season of exposure.
We, as a Body in Christ, need to revisit what is sin to GOD. After all, the outcome of our lives is dependent on HIM and how we respond or do not respond to HIS standards; HIS laws and decrees; HIS expectations, and HIS commandments. And not the expectations of man. For man always fall short of the measuring line of obedience, holiness, and righteousness. There is nothing good in man. (Compare to Romans 3:10, 23; Isaiah 64:6).
So, when GOD placed it in the hearts and spirits of HIS true prophets to speak about a season of exposure. What exactly is GOD alluding to? Just sexual sin, blatant racism, physical abuse, homosexuality, etc? Or is GOD referring to things that are much deeper than man wants to acknowledge, understand, confront, and deal with? Let’s talk about that and really get GOD's heart on this matter – this season of exposure.
who really is doing the exposinG
It is true and the evidence is clear. GOD’s church is being judged in this season. Resulting in many unholy acts and behaviors being exposed in GOD’s church. But before we talk about what exactly is exposed in this season that many of us are overlooking and even water dowing. Let’s talk about one exposure GOD revealed to one of HIS prophets and how GOD maneuvered through such atrocity. (Compare to Amos 3:7).
Let’s read a few verses at Ezekiel chapter 8. Here we see in the opening of chapter 8, the prophet Ezekiel was sitting in his house alongside the elders of Judah. Then suddenly, the Spirit of the LORD enters the place and came upon Ezekiel. And when it did, this is what happened next. Ezekiel explained
Let’s read a few verses at Ezekiel chapter 8. Here we see in the opening of chapter 8, the prophet Ezekiel was sitting in his house alongside the elders of Judah. Then suddenly, the Spirit of the LORD enters the place and came upon Ezekiel. And when it did, this is what happened next. Ezekiel explained
I saw something that looked like fire, like a man’s body…. Then the Spirit lifted me into the air, and in a vision from GOD he took me to Jerusalem….” (Ezekiel 8:2-3) |
THOUGHT PROVOKING: Please let us note. GOD is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Even though GOD may opt to use different methods to show HIS true servants one thing or another. But for the most part, GOD has not changed (Compare to Malachi 3:6). The method HE used to expose HIS people to HIS prophet Ezekiel – IS THE SAME METHOD HE IS USING TODAY. Okay, back to Ezekiel chapter 8.
He took me to the inner gate – the gate that is on the north side. The statue that makes GOD jealous is by that gate…. God spoke to me…. (Ezekiel 8:3, 5) |
THOUGHT PROVOKING: Please let us note. GOD spoke to Ezekiel in order to expose atrocities that were taking place in HIS temple. And today is no different. GOD is currently exposing the mayhem that is happening in HIS houses and ministries today. For HE is the same GOD yesterday and today and forever. (Compare to Galatians 5:19-22; 1 Corinthians 6:8-11).
Ezekiel continues.
Ezekiel continues.
He said, “Son of man, look toward the north.” So, I looked…. Then GOD said to me, “Son of man, do you see what terrible things the people of Israel are doing.” They built that thing here, right next to my Temple! And if you come with me, you will see even more terrible things!” (Ezekiel 8:6) |
WOW! Let’s just stop right there for a moment. Because GOD has shown and said a lot to Ezekiel in those few lines. “… Do you see what terrible things the people…” GOD’s people were doing inside and around HIS house of worship. GOD goes on and said, no outsiders were doing this. But it was HIS own people who had BUILT these terrible things right in the mix of HIS temple. Now, at this point, we got to ask ourselves, as GOD’s people. TODAY, what are we building in the mix of GOD’s houses that are NOT PLEASING TO HIM? That is not acceptable to HIM? WE HAVE TO BE HONEST AND OPEN to the fact that we are NOT talking about MAN’S STANDARD. What man think is okay and innocent and pure. We are talking about GOD’s STANDARD. This is a good place to quote Galatians 5:9.
It only takes a minute amount of yeast, you know, to permeate an entire loaf of bread (MSG). A little leaven leavens the whole lump (NKJV). |
That is all Satan needs from us. Just a little. Just a little. A little act of disobedience. A small act of compromising. A small act with good intention but it still desecrates what is holy. We will come back to this point later. GOD goes on and says to Ezekiel.
“Son of man, make a hole in the wall….” Go in and look at the terrible, evil things that the people are doing here…. Then GOD said to me, “Son of man, do you see what the elders of Israel do in the dark? Each man has a special room for his own false god. They say to themselves, ‘The LORD cannot see us. The LORD left this country.’” Then he said to me, “if you come with me, you will see these men doing even more terrible things!” Then GOD led me to the entrance to the LORD’s Temple…. GOD said to me, “Son of man, do you see these terrible things? Come with me and you will see things that are even worse than this!” (Ezekiel 8:8, 12, 15) |
My goodness! GOD’s people were certainly full of themselves were they not?
Okay, before I get into what GOD wants to say and point out to HIS people today, HIS church today. Let's cover two more important points.
Okay, before I get into what GOD wants to say and point out to HIS people today, HIS church today. Let's cover two more important points.
god’s servants are being revealed
A season of exposure is NOT always bad. Exposure is a great thing for GOD’s houses and HIS people. Not because people are being exposed for some bad thing they are doing and even being rooted out of GOD’s house. Which is what we tend to focus on most of the time.
During a season of exposure, GOD is also pointing to something greater and more pleasing to HIM. During seasons of exposure, GOD is clearly showing HIS church and the world at large HIS chosen vessels. Those that are truly HIS and those HE is definitely using. HE is drawing a clear line in the sand between the false and the true. The profane from the ungodly. The pure from the unrighteous. The holy from the unholy. His light from the darkness. His true salt of the earth from the unsalty. GOD’s true and faithful servants are being revealed.
In a season of exposure, a clear measuring stick is being identified. GOD’s servants and sons and daughters of the earth are being exposed and clearly marked. (Keep in mind, there is a clear difference between being GOD’s servant and HIS sons and daughters). Now, what I am about to say next may sound a little awkward, but this illustration GOD gave me is a perfect depiction of what we are talking about here.
Many of you are animal lovers. And many of us are invested in our pets. We enjoy watching them play and many of us treat them like they are one of our family. We enjoy sitting back and observing the behaviors of our pets. One unique behavior all animals have whether they are domesticated or wild is their need to MARK their territory. Animals literally pee on any and everything to indicate to other animals – THIS IS MINE. GOD is no different. (Expect for the peeing part, LOL). HE marks HIS territory, HIS people to clearly show any and everyone – THIS IS MINE. HE IS MINE. SHE IS MINE. Okay, I can really expand on this area but I don’t want to get lost on a point GOD is not making this morning. So, let’s move on.
The point is a season of exposure is in actuality a great thing from GOD’s standpoint. But we as humans mostly put a negative connotation on it because we focus primarily on all the negative aspects that come with exposure.
During a season of divine exposure, GOD is asking one simple question to HIS Body. Which side are you on? Who are you really serving? And if you are really for ME, let me prune a little more off of you so you can truly reflect MY GODLY character and nature. (Compare Genesis 1:27-28).
A season of exposure is a season of pruning. Pruning HIS people and HIS church. Those who are not HIS or do not want to conform to the ways of GOD are exposed and removed. But those who are HIS, who desire and want to conform to the ways of GOD are pruned and promoted. These are the ones that will see the full manifeastion of GOD’s power. They will walk in it and exemplify themselves as GOD’s true masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).
But those who refuse to get on board with who GOD is and submit to HIS ways. They will miss it. The move of GOD. They will be left out and left behind because they want to stay stuck in their behaviors of corruption, greed, selfish motivation, unforgiving spirit, racism, attitudes, jealous spirit, contradicting and conflicting behaviors, and debatable and combated spirit. (Compare to Galatians 5:19-22; 1 Corinthians 6:8-11).
So, the real measuring line or the point behind a season of exposure is not to expose the evil works of man. MAN IS ALWAYS EVIL. THERE IS NOTHING GOOD IN US (Ecclesiastes 2:24-26). We are always being exposed to our corrupted behaviors and sinful and evil ways (Hebrews 4:13). The main purpose behind a season of exposure is to point to GOD’s true servants. HIS true faithful and obedient people. Where and who HIS SPIRIT is really resting? Those who are truly reflecting HIS SPIRIT, His nature in a well and pleasing way. (Compare to Matthew 25:21).
During a season of exposure, GOD is also pointing to something greater and more pleasing to HIM. During seasons of exposure, GOD is clearly showing HIS church and the world at large HIS chosen vessels. Those that are truly HIS and those HE is definitely using. HE is drawing a clear line in the sand between the false and the true. The profane from the ungodly. The pure from the unrighteous. The holy from the unholy. His light from the darkness. His true salt of the earth from the unsalty. GOD’s true and faithful servants are being revealed.
In a season of exposure, a clear measuring stick is being identified. GOD’s servants and sons and daughters of the earth are being exposed and clearly marked. (Keep in mind, there is a clear difference between being GOD’s servant and HIS sons and daughters). Now, what I am about to say next may sound a little awkward, but this illustration GOD gave me is a perfect depiction of what we are talking about here.
Many of you are animal lovers. And many of us are invested in our pets. We enjoy watching them play and many of us treat them like they are one of our family. We enjoy sitting back and observing the behaviors of our pets. One unique behavior all animals have whether they are domesticated or wild is their need to MARK their territory. Animals literally pee on any and everything to indicate to other animals – THIS IS MINE. GOD is no different. (Expect for the peeing part, LOL). HE marks HIS territory, HIS people to clearly show any and everyone – THIS IS MINE. HE IS MINE. SHE IS MINE. Okay, I can really expand on this area but I don’t want to get lost on a point GOD is not making this morning. So, let’s move on.
The point is a season of exposure is in actuality a great thing from GOD’s standpoint. But we as humans mostly put a negative connotation on it because we focus primarily on all the negative aspects that come with exposure.
During a season of divine exposure, GOD is asking one simple question to HIS Body. Which side are you on? Who are you really serving? And if you are really for ME, let me prune a little more off of you so you can truly reflect MY GODLY character and nature. (Compare Genesis 1:27-28).
A season of exposure is a season of pruning. Pruning HIS people and HIS church. Those who are not HIS or do not want to conform to the ways of GOD are exposed and removed. But those who are HIS, who desire and want to conform to the ways of GOD are pruned and promoted. These are the ones that will see the full manifeastion of GOD’s power. They will walk in it and exemplify themselves as GOD’s true masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10).
But those who refuse to get on board with who GOD is and submit to HIS ways. They will miss it. The move of GOD. They will be left out and left behind because they want to stay stuck in their behaviors of corruption, greed, selfish motivation, unforgiving spirit, racism, attitudes, jealous spirit, contradicting and conflicting behaviors, and debatable and combated spirit. (Compare to Galatians 5:19-22; 1 Corinthians 6:8-11).
So, the real measuring line or the point behind a season of exposure is not to expose the evil works of man. MAN IS ALWAYS EVIL. THERE IS NOTHING GOOD IN US (Ecclesiastes 2:24-26). We are always being exposed to our corrupted behaviors and sinful and evil ways (Hebrews 4:13). The main purpose behind a season of exposure is to point to GOD’s true servants. HIS true faithful and obedient people. Where and who HIS SPIRIT is really resting? Those who are truly reflecting HIS SPIRIT, His nature in a well and pleasing way. (Compare to Matthew 25:21).
the true essence behind a season of expOSure
We all know that GOD is good and just and righteous. There is nothing evil in HIM. And therefore, HE handles everything in an upright and righteous manner. GOD is patient. HE will always give us time to get it right. But when we refuse and our time has run out, GOD will respond justifiably to our unrighteous deeds. NO matter what it is or how small it is. SIN IS SIN IN GOD’S EYES.
But we have to understand this. Exposure always serves another greater purpose from GOD’s perspective. Turn to 1 Corinthians, chapter 15. The chapter opens up with a bad report – an exposure of something ‘terrible’ going on in one of GOD’s houses. It was reported to the apostle Paul of a sexual immoral case that was taking place. That a man in the church was sleeping with his stepmother. Now, it appears on the surface that this matter was properly handled by church leaders. For Paul said to them. “You are so proud of yourself….” (1 Corinthians 15:2). It is evident that these church leaders thought by simply reporting and exposing this man's terrible deed that they had done their job. But Paul says concerning the leaders’ response to this man and his stepmother’s sin. “… You should be mourning in sorrow and shame….” And then he goes and tells them what they should have done concerning this man. “… You should remove this man from your fellowship.”
We always stop one step short of what GOD expects to be done in order to keep HIS house clean and holy and pure. And then we wonder why our churches are not growing, thriving, regressing and decreasing in numbers, and not walking in true power and authority.
Paul goes on and explains to the leaders at this church. “… I have already passed judgment on this man” (1 Corinthians 15:3). We as church members are called to judge the behaviors of all Christians – of one another. Especially when individuals are choosing to live wrong. And when we do so, we don’t do it under our own name or ministry or church. Or because we got some great insight or special power to see through dreams and visions what a person is doing. No! We do so in Jesus’ name because He is pure and holy and righteous and He must have a pure and clean and holy sanctuary and church members. So, Paul instructs these leaders to call a church meeting asap; so that the power and the Spirit of Christ will visit them. And in and through that visitation, they must handle this man’s case as Christ directs them. And because Paul had already judged this man. Paul was already aware of what needed to be done concerning this man, in Jesus’ name. Paul said, “then you must throw this man out and hand him over to Satan….” (1 Corinthians 15:4-5).
Now, too many of us take this point Paul is making too far. When we see people practicing evil works, we watch and wait and REJOICE in the fact of seeing our brother or sister being judged by GOD. (Compare our reaction to the actions of heaven at Luke 15:7).
But their livelihood is being destroyed because of their poor decision-making. The complete opposite of what Paul is saying here. And definitely not what GOD wants for any man, especially HIS children. (Compare to 2 Peter 3:9). Notice what Paul continues to say to these leaders in verse 5 of 1 Corinthians chapter 15. He gives the reason as to why this man should be thrown out of the church and stripped of any responsibilities he has in the church. Paul said
But we have to understand this. Exposure always serves another greater purpose from GOD’s perspective. Turn to 1 Corinthians, chapter 15. The chapter opens up with a bad report – an exposure of something ‘terrible’ going on in one of GOD’s houses. It was reported to the apostle Paul of a sexual immoral case that was taking place. That a man in the church was sleeping with his stepmother. Now, it appears on the surface that this matter was properly handled by church leaders. For Paul said to them. “You are so proud of yourself….” (1 Corinthians 15:2). It is evident that these church leaders thought by simply reporting and exposing this man's terrible deed that they had done their job. But Paul says concerning the leaders’ response to this man and his stepmother’s sin. “… You should be mourning in sorrow and shame….” And then he goes and tells them what they should have done concerning this man. “… You should remove this man from your fellowship.”
We always stop one step short of what GOD expects to be done in order to keep HIS house clean and holy and pure. And then we wonder why our churches are not growing, thriving, regressing and decreasing in numbers, and not walking in true power and authority.
Paul goes on and explains to the leaders at this church. “… I have already passed judgment on this man” (1 Corinthians 15:3). We as church members are called to judge the behaviors of all Christians – of one another. Especially when individuals are choosing to live wrong. And when we do so, we don’t do it under our own name or ministry or church. Or because we got some great insight or special power to see through dreams and visions what a person is doing. No! We do so in Jesus’ name because He is pure and holy and righteous and He must have a pure and clean and holy sanctuary and church members. So, Paul instructs these leaders to call a church meeting asap; so that the power and the Spirit of Christ will visit them. And in and through that visitation, they must handle this man’s case as Christ directs them. And because Paul had already judged this man. Paul was already aware of what needed to be done concerning this man, in Jesus’ name. Paul said, “then you must throw this man out and hand him over to Satan….” (1 Corinthians 15:4-5).
Now, too many of us take this point Paul is making too far. When we see people practicing evil works, we watch and wait and REJOICE in the fact of seeing our brother or sister being judged by GOD. (Compare our reaction to the actions of heaven at Luke 15:7).
But their livelihood is being destroyed because of their poor decision-making. The complete opposite of what Paul is saying here. And definitely not what GOD wants for any man, especially HIS children. (Compare to 2 Peter 3:9). Notice what Paul continues to say to these leaders in verse 5 of 1 Corinthians chapter 15. He gives the reason as to why this man should be thrown out of the church and stripped of any responsibilities he has in the church. Paul said
“… So that his sinful nature will be destroyed AND HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVE ON THE DAY THE LORD RETURNS.” |
Paul speaks right in harmony with GOD’s desire for a sinful man which is stated at 2 Peter 3:9.
“… He desires none of us to be destroyed but wants all us of to be saved” – to repent. |
THIS IS THE TRUE ESSENCE BEHIND A SEASON OF EXPOSURE. Not to argue and debate or to idolize or even celebrate the downfall of a brother or sister. A season of exposure is to prune or remove what is unpure in GOD’s house because they refuse to (1) acknowledge their sin and (2) repent – completely and honestly work on changing their heart and behavior. This results in GOD having to remove certain one’s from HIS church through the actions of HIS leadership. In removing individuals, it is never GOD’s desire for this to be a permanent removal. GOD wants true repentance. HE wants people to acknowledge their wrongs, head in the opposite direction of what they were doing before, and eventually return. Return back to HIM and HIS church so that they can be saved before Christ’s return to judge His church once and for all.
Let’s compare
Alright, so let’s get into the most difficult part of this talking point.
We need to start this section by quoting Galatians 5:9.
We need to start this section by quoting Galatians 5:9.
“This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough!” |
The point we really need to walk away from when considering Galatians chapter 5, verse 9, is followed by what is said in verse 10. Paul said,
“I am trusting the Lord to KEEP you from BELIEVING FALSE TEACHINGS. |
The point Paul was saying to the church here is this. If we move just a little away from the pure doctrine, teachings, and worship of our Savior, Lord Jesus. We are more prone to go further away as we try to justify and reconcile our beliefs, customs, and traditions. We start off taking alternative methods to solve one problem for the Body, our local churches, our family, or our children. To only create another major problem.
Let’s take manmade seasonal customs and celebrations as an example. Many Christians are very much concerned about the welfare of their children. And rightfully so. We want our children to grow up safe, mature, and happy. Therefore, there is not a parent in the world that ever want their children to feel left out.
But in attempting to solve this problem within the church community, we far too often put into place practices that are too similar to the nature of this world, which GOD calls us to be completely separated from. As hard as this is for me to say. But we need to make this very clear.
Take, for example, this month’s celebration which will be practiced in many churches this month – Truck or Treat. Some called it Fall Harvest.
These customs include crafty activities creating demonic images like ghosts, monsters, witches, and other characters. None of which reflects the image of GOD. Giving out candy and carving pumpkins, which do possess a satanic act of worship to Satan as revealed through certain practices associated or tied into such holidays. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Start with such topics as All Saints Day, etc.
It is important that we seriously consider how such practices have crept their way into the church. You will be amazed by what a little open and honest research will reveal about such practices.
Now, I am not saying these things are evil in themselves. That is, church memebers getting together to have a good time and exchange gifts, candy, etc. Because they are not. But look at the similarities that many churches are doing that is exactly what the practices the world is doing for Halloween.
Let’s take manmade seasonal customs and celebrations as an example. Many Christians are very much concerned about the welfare of their children. And rightfully so. We want our children to grow up safe, mature, and happy. Therefore, there is not a parent in the world that ever want their children to feel left out.
But in attempting to solve this problem within the church community, we far too often put into place practices that are too similar to the nature of this world, which GOD calls us to be completely separated from. As hard as this is for me to say. But we need to make this very clear.
Take, for example, this month’s celebration which will be practiced in many churches this month – Truck or Treat. Some called it Fall Harvest.
These customs include crafty activities creating demonic images like ghosts, monsters, witches, and other characters. None of which reflects the image of GOD. Giving out candy and carving pumpkins, which do possess a satanic act of worship to Satan as revealed through certain practices associated or tied into such holidays. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Start with such topics as All Saints Day, etc.
It is important that we seriously consider how such practices have crept their way into the church. You will be amazed by what a little open and honest research will reveal about such practices.
Now, I am not saying these things are evil in themselves. That is, church memebers getting together to have a good time and exchange gifts, candy, etc. Because they are not. But look at the similarities that many churches are doing that is exactly what the practices the world is doing for Halloween.
Come on, guys. Do I really need to go on? So, let me repeat. A little bit of leaven spoils the whole batch.
These innocent acts by both the world and the church have a tremendous influence on us and can have some deadly consequences. In some of our communities, homes, and churches, it opens us up to demonic spiritual portals that can lead to demonic attacks of all kinds. (Compare to John 10:10). We must use wisdom and not be gullible nor naive to the tricks and schemes of the devil. None of these reflects the image of GOD. And these behaviors are no different than what GOD was showing the prophet, Ezekiel, in chapter 8 of the book of Ezekiel. “Son of man, do you see what terrible things the people… are doing in the Temple.” In GOD’s church.
My brothers. My sisters. These are terrible acts against GOD in what we are doing. False practices, customs, and traditions do not honor GOD. They are completely displeasing to HIM because a little bit of leaven is all that is required to destroy an entire body (your spirit and physical body as well as the local congregation). Believe me when I say that GOD understands the intention behind such activities as Truck or Treats. But what seems like a good idea to man will eventually only lead to the downfall of members of the Body of Christ and eventually that entire house. We saw what was the outcome of what the people were doing in GOD’s house when GOD exposed it to Ezekiel. Keep in mind, this went on for a long time before GOD decided to expose it to HIS prophet. And shortly after GOD exposed what they were to do, HE gave these ones a small window to get it right. And when they didn’t, then GOD justifiably took down these ones like a house of cards.
Please, my brothers and sisters, let this not be the case with us. Do not let our pride and attachments to such practices be our downfall. For GOD is judging HIS house and HE is sweeping it clean from all terrible things as HE did through the Prophet Ezekiel’s writings in the book of Ezekiel.
These innocent acts by both the world and the church have a tremendous influence on us and can have some deadly consequences. In some of our communities, homes, and churches, it opens us up to demonic spiritual portals that can lead to demonic attacks of all kinds. (Compare to John 10:10). We must use wisdom and not be gullible nor naive to the tricks and schemes of the devil. None of these reflects the image of GOD. And these behaviors are no different than what GOD was showing the prophet, Ezekiel, in chapter 8 of the book of Ezekiel. “Son of man, do you see what terrible things the people… are doing in the Temple.” In GOD’s church.
My brothers. My sisters. These are terrible acts against GOD in what we are doing. False practices, customs, and traditions do not honor GOD. They are completely displeasing to HIM because a little bit of leaven is all that is required to destroy an entire body (your spirit and physical body as well as the local congregation). Believe me when I say that GOD understands the intention behind such activities as Truck or Treats. But what seems like a good idea to man will eventually only lead to the downfall of members of the Body of Christ and eventually that entire house. We saw what was the outcome of what the people were doing in GOD’s house when GOD exposed it to Ezekiel. Keep in mind, this went on for a long time before GOD decided to expose it to HIS prophet. And shortly after GOD exposed what they were to do, HE gave these ones a small window to get it right. And when they didn’t, then GOD justifiably took down these ones like a house of cards.
Please, my brothers and sisters, let this not be the case with us. Do not let our pride and attachments to such practices be our downfall. For GOD is judging HIS house and HE is sweeping it clean from all terrible things as HE did through the Prophet Ezekiel’s writings in the book of Ezekiel.
Discussing Biblical Talking Points with Deaidre.
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