Over the past, at least two years, we have heard messages from GOD’s true prophets stating – “THIS IS THE SEASON OF EXPOSURE.” And exposure it has been. But when most of us think of exposure, we think of sexual sin, blatant racism, physical abuse, homosexuality, etc. We as humans love to put the sinful and wrongful acts of humans on a rating scale of these being the worst sins one can commit. And yet, concerning other forms of sins, like a little white lie. We view it not as harmful compared to other forms of sins I mentioned. How far from the truth. When we consider the season of exposure, we must look at it, not from the view of what man considers to be sinful, unlawful, and unholy. We need to look at it from GOD’s perspective. Through the lenses of GOD. What does HE constitute as sinful? And not only that. How does HE want such behavior to be corrected? And if individuals refuse to correct the behaviors of what GOD said is evil in HIS eyes, what should we do as HIS church? Better yet, what will GOD do? REEXAMINING THE WORD EXPOSUREAgain, when we as humans think of exposure we think of sins like sexual sin, sexual abuse, rape, murder, blatant racism, physical abuse, homosexuality, etc. We tend to place these forms of sins on a higher level of offense. Even in some cases, some consider these acts as sins are unforgivable. Again, so far away from the truth. We, as a Body in Christ, need to revisit what is sin to GOD. After all, the outcome of our lives is dependent on HIM and how we respond or do not respond to HIS standards; HIS laws and decrees; HIS expectations, and HIS commandments. And not the expectations of man. For man always fall short of the measuring line of obedience, holiness, and righteousness. There is nothing good in man. (Compare to Romans 3:10, 23; Isaiah 64:6). So, when GOD placed it in the hearts and spirits of HIS true prophets to speak about a season of exposure. What exactly is GOD alluding to? Just sexual sin, blatant racism, physical abuse, homosexuality, etc? Or is GOD referring to things that are much deeper than man wants to acknowledge, understand, confront, and deal with? Let’s talk about that and really get GOD's heart on this matter – this season of exposure. who really is doing the exposinG It is true and the evidence is clear. GOD’s church is being judged in this season. Resulting in many unholy acts and behaviors being exposed in GOD’s church. But before we talk about what exactly is exposed in this season that many of us are overlooking and even water dowing. Let’s talk about one exposure GOD revealed to one of HIS prophets and how GOD maneuvered through such atrocity. (Compare to Amos 3:7). Let’s read a few verses at Ezekiel chapter 8. Here we see in the opening of chapter 8, the prophet Ezekiel was sitting in his house alongside the elders of Judah. Then suddenly, the Spirit of the LORD enters the place and came upon Ezekiel. And when it did, this is what happened next. Ezekiel explained
THOUGHT PROVOKING: Please let us note. GOD is the same yesterday and today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). Even though GOD may opt to use different methods to show HIS true servants one thing or another. But for the most part, GOD has not changed (Compare to Malachi 3:6). The method HE used to expose HIS people to HIS prophet Ezekiel – IS THE SAME METHOD HE IS USING TODAY. Okay, back to Ezekiel chapter 8.
THOUGHT PROVOKING: Please let us note. GOD spoke to Ezekiel in order to expose atrocities that were taking place in HIS temple. And today is no different. GOD is currently exposing the mayhem that is happening in HIS houses and ministries today. For HE is the same GOD yesterday and today and forever. (Compare to Galatians 5:19-22; 1 Corinthians 6:8-11). Ezekiel continues.
WOW! Let’s just stop right there for a moment. Because GOD has shown and said a lot to Ezekiel in those few lines. “… Do you see what terrible things the people…” GOD’s people were doing inside and around HIS house of worship. GOD goes on and said, no outsiders were doing this. But it was HIS own people who had BUILT these terrible things right in the mix of HIS temple. Now, at this point, we got to ask ourselves, as GOD’s people. TODAY, what are we building in the mix of GOD’s houses that are NOT PLEASING TO HIM? That is not acceptable to HIM? WE HAVE TO BE HONEST AND OPEN to the fact that we are NOT talking about MAN’S STANDARD. What man think is okay and innocent and pure. We are talking about GOD’s STANDARD. This is a good place to quote Galatians 5:9.
That is all Satan needs from us. Just a little. Just a little. A little act of disobedience. A small act of compromising. A small act with good intention but it still desecrates what is holy. We will come back to this point later. GOD goes on and says to Ezekiel.
My goodness! GOD’s people were certainly full of themselves were they not? Okay, before I get into what GOD wants to say and point out to HIS people today, HIS church today. Let's cover two more important points. god’s servants are being revealed A season of exposure is NOT always bad. Exposure is a great thing for GOD’s houses and HIS people. Not because people are being exposed for some bad thing they are doing and even being rooted out of GOD’s house. Which is what we tend to focus on most of the time. During a season of exposure, GOD is also pointing to something greater and more pleasing to HIM. During seasons of exposure, GOD is clearly showing HIS church and the world at large HIS chosen vessels. Those that are truly HIS and those HE is definitely using. HE is drawing a clear line in the sand between the false and the true. The profane from the ungodly. The pure from the unrighteous. The holy from the unholy. His light from the darkness. His true salt of the earth from the unsalty. GOD’s true and faithful servants are being revealed. In a season of exposure, a clear measuring stick is being identified. GOD’s servants and sons and daughters of the earth are being exposed and clearly marked. (Keep in mind, there is a clear difference between being GOD’s servant and HIS sons and daughters). Now, what I am about to say next may sound a little awkward, but this illustration GOD gave me is a perfect depiction of what we are talking about here. Many of you are animal lovers. And many of us are invested in our pets. We enjoy watching them play and many of us treat them like they are one of our family. We enjoy sitting back and observing the behaviors of our pets. One unique behavior all animals have whether they are domesticated or wild is their need to MARK their territory. Animals literally pee on any and everything to indicate to other animals – THIS IS MINE. GOD is no different. (Expect for the peeing part, LOL). HE marks HIS territory, HIS people to clearly show any and everyone – THIS IS MINE. HE IS MINE. SHE IS MINE. Okay, I can really expand on this area but I don’t want to get lost on a point GOD is not making this morning. So, let’s move on. The point is a season of exposure is in actuality a great thing from GOD’s standpoint. But we as humans mostly put a negative connotation on it because we focus primarily on all the negative aspects that come with exposure. During a season of divine exposure, GOD is asking one simple question to HIS Body. Which side are you on? Who are you really serving? And if you are really for ME, let me prune a little more off of you so you can truly reflect MY GODLY character and nature. (Compare Genesis 1:27-28). A season of exposure is a season of pruning. Pruning HIS people and HIS church. Those who are not HIS or do not want to conform to the ways of GOD are exposed and removed. But those who are HIS, who desire and want to conform to the ways of GOD are pruned and promoted. These are the ones that will see the full manifeastion of GOD’s power. They will walk in it and exemplify themselves as GOD’s true masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). But those who refuse to get on board with who GOD is and submit to HIS ways. They will miss it. The move of GOD. They will be left out and left behind because they want to stay stuck in their behaviors of corruption, greed, selfish motivation, unforgiving spirit, racism, attitudes, jealous spirit, contradicting and conflicting behaviors, and debatable and combated spirit. (Compare to Galatians 5:19-22; 1 Corinthians 6:8-11). So, the real measuring line or the point behind a season of exposure is not to expose the evil works of man. MAN IS ALWAYS EVIL. THERE IS NOTHING GOOD IN US (Ecclesiastes 2:24-26). We are always being exposed to our corrupted behaviors and sinful and evil ways (Hebrews 4:13). The main purpose behind a season of exposure is to point to GOD’s true servants. HIS true faithful and obedient people. Where and who HIS SPIRIT is really resting? Those who are truly reflecting HIS SPIRIT, His nature in a well and pleasing way. (Compare to Matthew 25:21). the true essence behind a season of expOSure |
“… So that his sinful nature will be destroyed AND HE HIMSELF WILL BE SAVE ON THE DAY THE LORD RETURNS.” |
Paul speaks right in harmony with GOD’s desire for a sinful man which is stated at 2 Peter 3:9.
“… He desires none of us to be destroyed but wants all us of to be saved” – to repent. |
THIS IS THE TRUE ESSENCE BEHIND A SEASON OF EXPOSURE. Not to argue and debate or to idolize or even celebrate the downfall of a brother or sister. A season of exposure is to prune or remove what is unpure in GOD’s house because they refuse to (1) acknowledge their sin and (2) repent – completely and honestly work on changing their heart and behavior. This results in GOD having to remove certain one’s from HIS church through the actions of HIS leadership. In removing individuals, it is never GOD’s desire for this to be a permanent removal. GOD wants true repentance. HE wants people to acknowledge their wrongs, head in the opposite direction of what they were doing before, and eventually return. Return back to HIM and HIS church so that they can be saved before Christ’s return to judge His church once and for all.
Let’s compare
Alright, so let’s get into the most difficult part of this talking point.
We need to start this section by quoting Galatians 5:9.
We need to start this section by quoting Galatians 5:9.
“This false teaching is like a little yeast that spreads through the whole batch of dough!” |
The point we really need to walk away from when considering Galatians chapter 5, verse 9, is followed by what is said in verse 10. Paul said,
“I am trusting the Lord to KEEP you from BELIEVING FALSE TEACHINGS. |
The point Paul was saying to the church here is this. If we move just a little away from the pure doctrine, teachings, and worship of our Savior, Lord Jesus. We are more prone to go further away as we try to justify and reconcile our beliefs, customs, and traditions. We start off taking alternative methods to solve one problem for the Body, our local churches, our family, or our children. To only create another major problem.
Let’s take manmade seasonal customs and celebrations as an example. Many Christians are very much concerned about the welfare of their children. And rightfully so. We want our children to grow up safe, mature, and happy. Therefore, there is not a parent in the world that ever want their children to feel left out.
But in attempting to solve this problem within the church community, we far too often put into place practices that are too similar to the nature of this world, which GOD calls us to be completely separated from. As hard as this is for me to say. But we need to make this very clear.
Take, for example, this month’s celebration which will be practiced in many churches this month – Truck or Treat. Some called it Fall Harvest.
These customs include crafty activities creating demonic images like ghosts, monsters, witches, and other characters. None of which reflects the image of GOD. Giving out candy and carving pumpkins, which do possess a satanic act of worship to Satan as revealed through certain practices associated or tied into such holidays. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Start with such topics as All Saints Day, etc.
It is important that we seriously consider how such practices have crept their way into the church. You will be amazed by what a little open and honest research will reveal about such practices.
Now, I am not saying these things are evil in themselves. That is, church memebers getting together to have a good time and exchange gifts, candy, etc. Because they are not. But look at the similarities that many churches are doing that is exactly what the practices the world is doing for Halloween.
Let’s take manmade seasonal customs and celebrations as an example. Many Christians are very much concerned about the welfare of their children. And rightfully so. We want our children to grow up safe, mature, and happy. Therefore, there is not a parent in the world that ever want their children to feel left out.
But in attempting to solve this problem within the church community, we far too often put into place practices that are too similar to the nature of this world, which GOD calls us to be completely separated from. As hard as this is for me to say. But we need to make this very clear.
Take, for example, this month’s celebration which will be practiced in many churches this month – Truck or Treat. Some called it Fall Harvest.
These customs include crafty activities creating demonic images like ghosts, monsters, witches, and other characters. None of which reflects the image of GOD. Giving out candy and carving pumpkins, which do possess a satanic act of worship to Satan as revealed through certain practices associated or tied into such holidays. DO YOUR RESEARCH. Start with such topics as All Saints Day, etc.
It is important that we seriously consider how such practices have crept their way into the church. You will be amazed by what a little open and honest research will reveal about such practices.
Now, I am not saying these things are evil in themselves. That is, church memebers getting together to have a good time and exchange gifts, candy, etc. Because they are not. But look at the similarities that many churches are doing that is exactly what the practices the world is doing for Halloween.
Come on, guys. Do I really need to go on? So, let me repeat. A little bit of leaven spoils the whole batch.
These innocent acts by both the world and the church have a tremendous influence on us and can have some deadly consequences. In some of our communities, homes, and churches, it opens us up to demonic spiritual portals that can lead to demonic attacks of all kinds. (Compare to John 10:10). We must use wisdom and not be gullible nor naive to the tricks and schemes of the devil. None of these reflects the image of GOD. And these behaviors are no different than what GOD was showing the prophet, Ezekiel, in chapter 8 of the book of Ezekiel. “Son of man, do you see what terrible things the people… are doing in the Temple.” In GOD’s church.
My brothers. My sisters. These are terrible acts against GOD in what we are doing. False practices, customs, and traditions do not honor GOD. They are completely displeasing to HIM because a little bit of leaven is all that is required to destroy an entire body (your spirit and physical body as well as the local congregation). Believe me when I say that GOD understands the intention behind such activities as Truck or Treats. But what seems like a good idea to man will eventually only lead to the downfall of members of the Body of Christ and eventually that entire house. We saw what was the outcome of what the people were doing in GOD’s house when GOD exposed it to Ezekiel. Keep in mind, this went on for a long time before GOD decided to expose it to HIS prophet. And shortly after GOD exposed what they were to do, HE gave these ones a small window to get it right. And when they didn’t, then GOD justifiably took down these ones like a house of cards.
Please, my brothers and sisters, let this not be the case with us. Do not let our pride and attachments to such practices be our downfall. For GOD is judging HIS house and HE is sweeping it clean from all terrible things as HE did through the Prophet Ezekiel’s writings in the book of Ezekiel.
These innocent acts by both the world and the church have a tremendous influence on us and can have some deadly consequences. In some of our communities, homes, and churches, it opens us up to demonic spiritual portals that can lead to demonic attacks of all kinds. (Compare to John 10:10). We must use wisdom and not be gullible nor naive to the tricks and schemes of the devil. None of these reflects the image of GOD. And these behaviors are no different than what GOD was showing the prophet, Ezekiel, in chapter 8 of the book of Ezekiel. “Son of man, do you see what terrible things the people… are doing in the Temple.” In GOD’s church.
My brothers. My sisters. These are terrible acts against GOD in what we are doing. False practices, customs, and traditions do not honor GOD. They are completely displeasing to HIM because a little bit of leaven is all that is required to destroy an entire body (your spirit and physical body as well as the local congregation). Believe me when I say that GOD understands the intention behind such activities as Truck or Treats. But what seems like a good idea to man will eventually only lead to the downfall of members of the Body of Christ and eventually that entire house. We saw what was the outcome of what the people were doing in GOD’s house when GOD exposed it to Ezekiel. Keep in mind, this went on for a long time before GOD decided to expose it to HIS prophet. And shortly after GOD exposed what they were to do, HE gave these ones a small window to get it right. And when they didn’t, then GOD justifiably took down these ones like a house of cards.
Please, my brothers and sisters, let this not be the case with us. Do not let our pride and attachments to such practices be our downfall. For GOD is judging HIS house and HE is sweeping it clean from all terrible things as HE did through the Prophet Ezekiel’s writings in the book of Ezekiel.
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