Consecration is needed. The Church lacks a pure consecration to the LORD. With that being said, let me make the following point. GOD will allow things to fall apart when we refuse to yield to what HE is saying through HIS prophets and apostles.
If GOD allowed me to say and share everything HE has shown and shared with me about specific leaders, pastors, churches, and church leaders, most would not believe me until it happens. But what GOD shares or shows me in most cases IS NOT meant to be shared. Therefore, I don't share most things GOD shows me because that IS NOT what HE wants me to do with the information HE has given me. When HE reveals things to me, I do one of three things with that information. (1) I pray according to what GOD would like to see happen. Sometimes I pray for months into a situation GOD has revealed to me. (2) I share what GOD has revealed to me with my ministry partner, my ministry team, and document it in Newford's archive, so we have a proven track record of such accounts. And the few I share with my ministry team I do so for two reasons. One, so we can pray together concerning the matter. And two, in some cases, we discovered that GOD has given other members of my ministry team dreams that further reveal and or expose things that are going on behind the scenes that GOD wants to be addressed through PRAYER. (3) In some cases, when and only when GOD instructs me to do so, I reveal what GOD has shown me to a leader or two that can make a difference in what GOD is showing me so that if they heed GOD's counsel, everything will work out in their favor. If not, well, it won't look pretty. I share this because here's where the church is failing. When a member of a local church shares with the pastor and or other leaders about a matter that the person shouldn't know but knows. And informs leadership, this is what GOD is showing me how this situation needs to be handled, and the leadership of the local church heeds the advice - the problem is averted, or a problem is identified, and the leadership is placed in a better position to resolve an on-going problem that they could not previously identify. Now, where leadership and pastors fail is when they don't go back to that individual and inquire what else is the LORD showing you. GOD oftentimes will show pastors and leaders a key member of their congregation whom HE IS speaking through to identify witches, warlocks, and other problems that are hidden that are hindering and preventing the congregation from growing and blocking GOD's blessings upon that congregation. But man, church leaders, put so much loyalty and faith in men that they have appointed that they ignore GOD's appointments - anointed men and women of GOD. This only results in 3 things. (1) That local church have to enter right back into their wilderness season and go around that mountain for another season because their leaders refused to see what GOD was doing and what HE was saying through whom HE was speaking through. (2) Those leaders who refused to heed GOD's counsel must be disciplined by GOD, for GOD discipline whom HE loves. HE can do this in many different ways depending on their offense (disobedience) toward what GOD was showing them, their role and position of authority, etc. GOD may demote a person from their position (this can also be done by forcing a person to step down); a person can be fired; a person might be sat down for a season; expelled from a congregation; judgment can come upon them, their family, and their finances; an unexpected and unexplainable sudden death can occur; other struggles; etc. When local churches, leaders, and pastors refuse to align themselves with what GOD wants to do and what HE is saying and through whom HE is saying it through, sad to say, leaders open themselves up to demonic attacks because they give Satan legal rights to them and possibly their family for their disobedience. I have said this, billions of times, in thousands of different ways through many of my blog posts. Obedience is necessary - even more so in this season. We are reaching an hour when we have very little room for disobedience. For there is a reason why GOD is stressing strict obedience from HIS servants in this hour. Don't take this lightly because a change is coming, and if we are not completely submitted to GOD and the voices HE is actually speaking through, it won't look pretty for you or your family. It is vital we figure out who all really have an accurate track record of hearing from GOD. You would be surprised by the fact that THERE are more who do not share publicly their accurate track record of words and prophetic pronouncements than those who are publicly known. (I'm only speaking of those who have a proven track record). If there is no one in your group that you can identify that has a proven prophetic track record, I strongly suggest that you pray to GOD to lead you to a person or ministry that is actually hearing from HIM. FOR THIS IS the Issachar season and we need to be connected to individuals or ministries that possess that Issachar anointing (compare to 1 Chronicles 12:32).
AuthorThought-provoking Biblical topics. Talking Points with Deaidre. Archives
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