Israel and its surrounding nations have all become steeply involved in idol worship. Similar to what we see today with GOD’s people (both the nation of Israel and GOD’s gentile nation – HIS church). Despite this steep downfall into false worship and practices, there is hope for GOD’s people on the horizon. And we are able to see this through the working relationship between two prophets – Elijah and Elisha.
Elisha’s ministry was preparing the Church for further religious reforms than what the prophet Elijah inaugurated throughout the land. But, before Elisha was commissioned into service as GOD’s prophet, GOD sent 20 prophets of HIS to the northern kingdom of Israel and southern kingdom of Judah to turn HIS people away from false and unholy forms of worship. Despite GOD’s efforts to get HIS people to repent and turn back to HIM, not all accepted GOD’s invitation to live a right, holy, and pure lifestyle. Man loved their idols and unholy practices and ways of worship. They loved to display their lack of commitment and unfaithfulness to GOD and HIS ways. They want nothing more than to engage and indulge in their lustful ways and sinful lifestyles. They prefer to worship themselves and the way they lived. (Compare to 1 Corinthians 6:7-10; Galatians 5:16-21). As a result, only a few sincerely repented and accepted GOD’s invitation by turning away from ALL FORMS of sins and idol practices, and false teachings. Only a few truly abandon their ways. Only a few separate themselves from the world and the ways of the world (2 Corinthians 6:14:18). This was the defining line for GOD. Those who declare and repent, GOD marked them. Proclaiming these ones HIS. And those who did not, GOD left behind on the outside of HIS Kingdom to secure their inevitable fate. (See Matthew 25:32-33; John 10:27). GOD is not confused and knows who is HIS. Just like at the peak of the prophet Elijah’s ministry. Elijah thought he was the only true and pure servant of GOD left in all of GOD’s Kingdom. But GOD corrected Elijah’s erroneous view and indicated that there were another 7,000 men and women who were obedient, who refuse to bow to any false idols, and who refuse to participate in any form of false praise. (See 1 Kings 19:1-18). As the end of Elijah’s ministry came near, GOD instructed him to transfer his anointing to the prophet Elisha as his successor. We need to be mindful that GOD leaves no stone unturned (1 Kings 19:16). It was during this time that GOD had Elijah train and prepare Elisha to take over the hem of GOD’s throne on the earth. Elisha would lead GOD’s people back to the heart of pure worship. Eventually, that day came when Elijah completed his ministry course on the earth and Elisha took his place. Elisha became one of the predominant voices for GOD to GOD’s people. As a result, Elisha’s ministry was filled with signs and miracles as well as countless proclamations and warnings concerning and to GOD’s people. It was these four giftings of Elisha that aided in restoring GOD’s people and bringing about balance, peace, and healing to GOD’s people, between GOD and HIS people, and to the land. (Compare to Hosea 4:1-6). Elisha’s personal sacrifice Elisha was a man of much means. His father provided his family with much financial stability. At some point, while Elisha was working in his father’s field plowing. Elijah comes along. Very little was said and then Elijah takes off his divine mantle (his cloak) and placed it on the shoulders of Elisha. Without question, Elisha knew exactly what this divine act by Elijah meant. And without hesitation, Elisha accepted the divine calling and responsibilities that were placed on his life by Elijah, on GOD’s behalf. This required a great deal of sacrifices on Elisha’s part. But even this did not deter him. He, without delay, left the comforts of his home, family, and prosperous lifestyle to take on a less predictable role. (See 1 Kings 19:19-21). In fact, Elisha went from being one of his father’s reliable leaders and part owner of his father’s farm. To being Elijah’s humble, lowly servant where he was a student who pour water into the hands of Elijah and perform other small and humbling duties. However, if Elisha remained faithful to his tasks, it would lead to greater things. For these duties were going to train and enable him to take over Elijah’s role in the near future. But this journey was not going to be an easy one for Elisha. In fact, to test his dedication and faithfulness. Near the completion of Elijah’s ministry, Elisha was tested three times.
double portion So, although Elisha gained a lot from Elijah. And they formed a close bond. Elisha will soon have to sacrifice or give up the relationship he had formed with this very powerful, influential, and dedicated prophet of GOD. Without this unfortunate event (Elijah moving on), Elisha will not be able to succeed Elijah nor restore pure worship in the hearts of GOD’s people, nor rid the land of destructive practices, customs, traditions, or worship. Elisha understood the value of what he had gained under Elijah’s leadership. And he understood the weighty responsibility and importance of Elijah having a willing and faithful successor. Therefore, when he was tested 3 times to leave under the leadership of Elijah and return to what he knew, what he was familiar and comfortable with – his father’s farm. Elisha responded all three times. “As the LORD lives, and as your soul lives, I will not leave you!” Because of Elisha's obedience and faithfulness to his assignment, to the needs of Elijah, and to GOD. When the time came for Elijah to return to the FATHER (GOD). Elijah granted Elisha a double portion of his power – his authority. See 2 Kings 2:9. So, why is it that Elisha requested a double portion and Elijah grants it to him? We must look at Deuteronomy chapter 21, verses 15 through 17 to understand why this was acceptable in this case. It reads
Therefore, Elisha as his father’s first biological son had legal rights to inherit a double portion of his father’s entire estate and wealth. But we have to remember. Elisha forfeited that right when he chooses to leave his father’s farm to go follow and serve Elijah for an unpredictable lifestyle under the guidance and direction of GOD. But Elisha did not make this great personal sacrifice unwisely. Nor was GOD going to allow his sacrifice to go unnoticed or without its proper rewards. So, although Elisha gave up his rights to his inheritance in the natural. He gained so much more. Now, because of his sacrifice, he became eligible for a double portion in GOD’s Kingdom. Therefore, he inherited a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. Something even Elijah did not possess himself. Now, remember, there were other prophets of GOD operating alongside Elisha. But only he was granted a double portion of GOD’s Spirit (power) from Elijah. By Elijah granting Elisha’s request, Elijah was acknowledging Elisha as his firstborn spiritual son. PRAISE JAH! Now, let’s be mindful that Elisha could have rightfully asked for worldly honor, power, or authority. He could have asked for a high position in GOD’s Kingdom and even amongst men. But he did not. He understood his assignment so well that he knew he would need a double portion of what Elijah had to successfully fulfill his upcoming tasks in the Kingdom work. In response to Elisha’s request, Elijah said to him that he was asking for a difficult thing. That even Elijah did not have the authority to give nor fulfill such a request. In fact, NO MAN IN ALL OF HEAVEN NOR ON THE EARTH HAS SUCH POWER NOR AUTHORITY OR ABILITY TO DECLARE SUCH A THING OVER HIS OR HER OWN LIFE OR DECLARE IT OVER OTHERS. NONE. Only GOD can grant such a thing. So, in response to Elisha’s request, Elijah told him. “… If you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you but if not, it shall not be so” (2 Kings 2:10). This was significant because when Elijah’s time was up on the earth, he did not die a natural death nor of some disease. He was taken by the LORD in a miraculous supernatural way. See 2 Kings 2:11-12. So, Elijah was saying to Elisha. If GOD allows you to see my departure, then it is a sign to him that GOD has granted him his request. And as we know, when GOD took Elijah out of service from the earth, Elisha was granted the privilege to see and experience Elijah’s departure. elisha’s ministry |
1. Sacrifice something of significance and greater value to you. 2. Then submit yourself to someone of greater authority. That is, a prophet of GOD. All willing vessels must follow the order, in which God has put into place in HIS WORD. There is no exception to this rule. GOD HAS ESTABLISHED HIS PROPHETS AS THE HEAD OF HIS 5 FOLD MINISTRY. We must understand this or we are out of order with GOD’s arrangement for HIS houses of GOD. IT IS NOT YOUR PASTOR, APOSTLE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, OR THE CEO OF YOUR CHURCH OR MINISTRY WHO IS THE HEAD OF GOD’S HOUSE. Now, don’t twist what I am saying. Because we all know Jesus is the head of all things. But just like a husband is the head of every household on the earth. GOD’s prophets are the head over the houses of GOD not your pastor, the apostle, etc. GOD’s prophets, as Christ is, are the head of GOD’s Kingdom work on the earth. (Compare to 1 Corinthians 14:40). |
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Thought-provoking Biblical topics. Talking Points with Deaidre.
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you] (Romans 12:2 AMP).
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