Ezekiel chapter 5, verse 7 reads
Let’s stop right there for a moment. I want to speak about what is in my spirit before continuing with our reading of Ezekiel chapter 5. Typically, when I feel led to write during my Bible reading – my personal time with GOD while I am studying GOD’s Word, I traditionally write down 4 pieces of information at the top of each page.
Now, what I am about to say next might sound crazy to some of you. And that’s okay. It won’t bother me at all what most of y’all think. But immediately after that (writing my title content on the top of the first page), the Spirit of the LORD speaks to me about the things I am reading during my Bible reading time and I simply write or take dictations of what I am hearing in the Spirit and then later provide them to you in the form of a blog post. What I have described is normal behavior of the Spirit of GOD. For there are a selective few that HE speaks through this way all over the world. HE has been doing this since the beginning of time and still is doing it today in order to speak to, direct, and guide HIS people (2 Timothy 3:14-17). For GOD IS the same yesterday, as today, and HE will be forever. Compare to Hebrews 13:8. Now, with that being said, I want to explain why I felt led to mention how I write out my title information at the top of my pages before continuing with Ezekiel. After I wrote out my date, on page 1, something unusual occurred that had never happened before. Holy Spirit instructed me to look up each number in today’s date – 8, 4, and 23. So, I did and then I was given instructions to write their meaning here and then we will proceed with this writing. So, I have provided the meaning of each number below.
Now, let me say this. I am not sure at this point why GOD wanted me to provide the meaning of the numbers above. But I am sure it will come clear at the end of this writing. Did you not read In Ezekiel chapter 5, verse 7, GOD had this to say to Ezekiel about the nation of Israel.
HE continues in verse 8.
I know that was a hard word and one I prefer not to give. But I take the words spoken to Ezekiel at Ezekiel chapter 3, verses 17 through 21 very seriously. Whenever and whatever the LORD speaks, I shall deliver it, no matter who hears it or choose to reject it (Ezekiel 3:11, 27). god is just Despite what is spoken here, we need to remember that GOD IS a loving and just GOD. HE will always honor and protect those who sincerely repent and those who are HIS (HIS remnant). For the LORD said, “Yet I will leave a remnant, so that you may have some who escape the sword among the nations...” (Ezekiel 6:8; compare to 1 Corinthians 10:13). Notice the scriptures said that the remnant will ‘escape the sword.’ We need to go back to the word the LORD spoke at Ezekiel 5:2-7 and verse 12. Notice in verses 2 through 4, GOD gave Ezekiel explicit instructions to follow. And then HE provides Ezekiel with the meaning of those verses in verse 12.
But in verse 3 of Ezekiel chapter 5, GOD makes this statement to Ezekiel.
The few hairs Ezekiel was to bind to his garment symbolized the remnant – those who heard the words of Ezekiel and listened. (See Ezekiel 3:11, 27). Although these ones will escape the things mentioned at Ezekiel chapter 5, verse 12, some may still suffer some forms of oppression. (Compare to Ezekiel 5:4). Note that oppression is the unjust or cruel exercise of authority or power. Despite this, GOD will preserve HIS remnant. HE will guide and protect them from the destruction to come because of this great nation’s sin and because of the sin of HIS people. This leads us back to the numbers I wrote down and explained earlier – the 4 and 8 in today’s date. Can you see how these numbers fit into this post? I now can. Despite what must come – GOD’s judgment for
Despite the response by GOD for the Church’s unlawful deeds, the LORD will provide a way of escape from HIS judgment for HIS righteous remnant. It is then the LORD GOD will start a new beginning, a new order (see the meaning of number 8). HE will set a boundary between what is good, upright, and obedient from those who are disobedient – rebels of HIS name, HIS ways, and HIS commandments. Like what the number 4 represents, HE will separate night from day – darkness from light. Resulting in the resurrection of HIS people, HIS chosen nation from death to life.
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