At Acts chapter 7, verses 23 through 24, we see Moses as the Prince of Egypt, who went to where the Hebrews were working in the field for Pharoah. While there, he saw an Egyptian guard beating on a fellow Israelite – Moses’ relative. Without thinking about it, Moses, out of anger, murdered the Egyptian. In this discussion, we are going to learn that Moses had the right idea of what GOD wanted to do. But displayed the wrong actions, at the improper time, in the incorrect season. This resulted in Moses’ plans and effects not working out as they should for Moses nor GOD’s people. So, let’s take a closer look at these events and how can we apply them to ourselves and our families' lives today. disputes between brothers On the next day, Moses went to where the Hebrews were working once again. There he observed two of his brothers fighting among themselves. Moses attempted to intervene and try to encourage them to not quarrel. Moses said to them, “men you are brethren, why do you injure one another?” (V. 26)
So, Moses attempts to confront his brothers. But the injured Hebrew questions Moses' rightful authority by asking who made Moses’ judge and ruler over the Israelites. Then he exposes and challenges Moses' integrity by asking. “Will you kill me like you did the Egyptian yesterday?” (Acts 7:28; compare to Ephesian 5:11) Moses certainly was taken aback by this brother’s response. After all, was he not helping his brothers the Israelites by his actions? Was he not attempting to take steps to help his brothers to be set free from the yoke of the Egyptians? Today, we need to look at the actions and reactions of Moses’ efforts to help his people. We also need to consider why it is very dangerous to try to move ahead of GOD’s timing when it comes to HIS timing in delivering HIS people. The ACtions and the reaction So, when Moses realized he was exposed and many others knew about what he had done in secret. Instead of admitting his wrong or sin, facing the consequences of his sin, seeking GOD for forgiveness, restoration, correction, and the possibility of HIM getting Moses out of his bad circumstances. Moses chooses to flee to the land of Midian (Acts 7:29).
So, Moses flees instead of manning up after he is exposed. As a result, by Moses’ actions described at Acts chapter 7, verses 23 through 24, he inversely, alter the plans of GOD, which may have taken Moses off course from
Instead, Moses ended up as an alien, an outcast, far away from home and his people.
we must be ready Now, we really don’t know whether Moses, through his actions, when he killed the Egyptian soldier was acting within GOD’s plan and timing or not. The Bible does not tell us that here in these verses. Either way, Moses had to live in exile for 40 years. And as we know, this still did not alter GOD’s plans for Moses’ life.
GOD still wants to use Moses to deliver HIS people. But only after when Moses and the Israelites have sincerely repented and were emotionally ready for the journey (the process) GOD was about to take every willing vessel through to place the Kingdom of GOD burning bright within each one of them. They need to be trained to live holy, consecrated lifestyles and for the Kingdom of GOD to be endowed within them according to the will and plans of GOD and not man. But at the time of Moses’ untimely action, he nor the Israelites were ready. In fact, according to Acts chapter 7, verse 30, it would take Moses 40 years to be ready to carry the weight and responsibilities of delivering GOD’s people from Pharoah. And it was in Mount Sinai in the wilderness at the burning bush in which GOD spoke to Moses to call him into full-time service. burning busH Now, if I had seen the burning bush that Moses had seen, I know my initial thought would be – what in the world, and THEN I would be like, deuce. I’m out! But that was not Moses’ response. Moses saw the unusual phenomenon and walks up to it to get a closer look. He is amazed by what he sees (Acts 7:31). Then, when he least expects it. As he is standing there, a powerful and mighty voice comes from out of the bush. Can you imagine the confusion and overwhelming emotions that must have poured out of Moses? And yet, again, Moses does take off, running out of fear. Moses leans into this unusual phenomenon. Now, I don’t know what your background is or where you come from. But where I am from, the culture I was raised in. If anything like that would have occurred. We ain’t sticking around long enough to figure it out. NOPE!! But Moses continues to observe this bush as this powerful and overwhelming voice speaks to him. As we know, that voice was the LORD’s who was introducing Himself to Moses.
Now, I can be really animated sometimes. So, when I read this verse and imagine what Moses must have heard. I can literally hear James Earl Jones with his deep, rich, booming voice. Yall know that famous voice – the character James played as Darth Vader in the Star Wars series. Okay, moving on. Again, Moses did better than I probably would have. Or maybe it was because it was the Spirit of the LORD calling him forth at the right time, in the right season that made Moses stay and observe. From this burning bush, GOD gave Moses three simple instructions.
GOD’S TIMINg Now, we see it was GOD’s timing to set HIS people free. Moses was finally ready to carry the responsibilities of freeing an entire Nation. And although the Israelites’ mindset was still stuck in bondage – they were still brainwashed by their condition and circumstances while in Egypt. BUT they FINALLY repented. They FINALLY TURNED THEIR FACE TO GOD. They FINALLY wanted a change, to be transformed. They FINALLY wanted to live right, differently. Therefore, it was the aroma from their remorseful hearts that enticed the FATHER. They genuinely felt sorrow for the sins they committed, which led them into captivity under the stern arms of Pharoah. So, now GOD can turn HIS attention to HIS people and begin their process to not only free them physically (from Pharoah) but also mentally, spiritually, emotionally, financially, etc. A POWERFUL restoration and revival were FINALLY coming their way.
moses was god’s man Now, there is one more point I want to make before ending this blog post. And I cannot emphasize this enough. MOSES WAS GOD’S MAN. HIS choice. HIS selection. HIS anointed and appointed vessel. No other man or woman or person can do what Moses was assigned to do. Only Moses could have messed up on GOD’s plan for him and the nation of Israel by either forfeiting his right to do as GOD said. Or rejecting his divine assignment. Or by living an unholy and unrighteous lifestyle – i.e. immoral sex, acting in an abusive way – physically or emotionally, or practicing anything mentioned at Galatians 5:13-21 or 1 Corinthians 6:8-10.
It was based on and completely up to Moses whether GOD would be forced to look elsewhere for another MAN to fill the role, the need GOD had for HIS people. To deliver HIS people. god is a planner – the master strateGist This leads me to 1 Corinthians chapter 12. In this beautiful chapter is a verse that displays how thoughtful and well GOD takes care of HIS children. He is a planner and therefore, HE carefully considers our every need and places people in the rightful roles and positions and locations inside and outside the church to ensure the needs of HIS people are met. The church and its leadership have GOTTEN SO FAR OFF AND AWAY FROM THIS MISSION OF GOD. Declaring things that are not so – like the gifts of the Spirit have ceased, no longer needed. Or my all-time favorite – you need nothing but the Word – the Bible. Okay, keep on just believing that. You have a right to do so. But in time, GOD will certainly reveal to you the error of your way and stinking thinking when you and your family lose your life just as Korah, a rebellious leader, lost his life and was the cause of his entire family losing theirs as well. The church and too many leaders have made it powerless because they have gotten away from the key power tools of GOD. Let’s look at some of these and then end this post. Every believer should read the entire chapter of the first Corinthian 12 over and over again and get it in them. And then live it out in their lives. Because here GOD states the following concerning every church, every leader, every man, woman, and child that are HIS.
In far too many churches, the providence we should use in governing ourselves in appointing and confirming individuals into different roles or assignments has been abandoned. It is no longer about the will of GOD but the PROVIDENCE OF MEN. WHAT A SHAME! For 1 Corinthians chapter, 12 is so well written and planned out for the success, growth, and benefit of the entire church.
THERE IS NO MEMBER in the Body of Christ, whether small or great; young or old that should not be used in GOD’s house – when and only if a member of the BODY is operating within GOD’s timing and providence. Look at those verses closely when you get a chance. But for now, I will end it right there.
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