What, we the people, have failed to accept is that God is a just God. He blesses His people as well as disciplines those He loves. (Compare to Hebrews 12:6). Hebrews 12:6 reads this way,
Let me say that part again. He disciplines, punishes, and scourges those He loves. Let’s go back to verse 5 in Hebrews chapter 12. Verse 5 reads.
We do not want to make this mistake. In most cases, when God corrects us, He uses other servants, that is people, often time His prophets to discipline, punish, warn, counsel, or scourge us. (Compare to 2 Samuel chapter 12). And when He acts out His judgment to punish us, He often time will use tyrant leaders and dictators and ruthless nations and warfare, to administrate His justice. (Compare to Exodus chapters 1 and 2; First and Second Chronicles). As we read verses 7 and 8 of Hebrews chapter 12, God explains why discipline, punishment, or correction is important. It reads.
For if the LORD is not disciplining, correcting, chastising our bad choices, behaviors, and attitudes; when we stray from His counsel and warnings; or whenever we completely abandon His requirements, then the Scriptures make it clear here. WE ARE NOT HIS TRUE SONS AND DAUGHTERS – WE ARE ILLEGITIMATE HEIRS CLAIMING TO BE HIS WHEN WE ARE NOT. The word of caution here is to do not reject correction, the counsel, and warnings of the LORD when given. But God does not stop there when it is necessary. He goes as far as eliminating the wicked - those who violate His statutes, laws, precepts, commandments, standards. (Compare to 2 Chronicles 34:22-25). There is NOTHING unjust or unfair about how God chooses to deal with mankind as a whole and individually. (Compare to Job 36:6; Luke 18:7; Acts 17:31; 1 John 1:9). We get what we deserve, each and every time (Proverbs 1:31). god is a just god God is so fair that He lays out His actions clearly to us today by having the entire Bible written for Himself? No, for us, as a warning, an example, so we are clear how God responds to every single thing we do and speak.
Take God's people, for example, the nation of Israel, during the era of the kings. From one generation to the next, His people kept flip-flopping, limping between two opinions concerning who is God and who God is not. (Compare to 1 Kings chapter 18). As a result, they consistently got involved with false worship, celebrations, idolatry, and all forms of abominations that God hated. (Compare to Proverbs 6:16-19). Time and time again, God sent His prophets, His servants to warn His people. But the people choose to believe the many false teachers and prophets that exist because these ones tickle their ears with words and actions that yield to the pleasures of man instead of the desire and standards of God. (2 Timothy 4:2-4). Men do not want to be restricted by the rules and regulations of God that places boundaries on their activities – that is, how they act, talk, and live. They preferred to use their free will to engage in practices that stroke their ego and satisfy every sexual sensation that is known to man; then to honor God by means of acting and living holy. Unholy acts are what they prefer and therefore they sided with unholy leaders. Despite this, God still is a God of justice. (Compare to Isaiah 61:8; Psalm 33:5; Deuteronomy 32:4). And therefore, He will always act justifiably. Here is one example of a Holy God acting justifiably concerning His people.
the word of the lorD With that being said, here is the word of the LORD.
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The word of the lordWhen the LORD God imparts a word, it is meant to teach, reprove, correct, or train His servants—the Body of Christ—so that every member may be equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The LORD has appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for service, mutual encouragement, and building up the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:11). Archives
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