I was awakened early this morning by the LORD’s Spirit, as He begins to immediately minister to me with another heavy word from the LORD. So, I really need people to understand this and Lord knows I'm not trying to be insensitive. Because there is not one insensitive bone in my body. But when God places a calling on your life and you can see it and understand it clearly. Your obligation, your first priority is the things God has given you to say and or do. Nothing and no one takes precedence. You cannot be overly concerned about how people will respond or not respond to how God is moving in and through you. You must do as the LORD says, in season and out of season (2 Timothy 4:2). Serving the LORD is not a popularity contest. Ask the prophet Jeremiah, Daniel, Moses, Paul, and even Jesus can attest to this. They all were mocked, picked on, persecuted, shunned, isolated, etc (Matthew 10:22-24; 5:10-16; 24:9). All for the purpose of doing and saying the things that God placed in their hearts to do and say. With that being said, listen. the whyI've been hearing time and time again, people, we the people, mourning. Sadden over the loss of our love ones. I'm hearing people quote this statement far too often nowadays. "People are dying from left and right." And - "too many people are dying out here." That may be true. But we the people, got to seriously consider some factors concerning the increase of deaths. Because with the dreams and visions many prophets and even ministers in my own ministry are reporting, this thing is about to get worse. And two things must be clearly understood that only a few have really talked about and that’s including members from my ministry who have pleaded and preached about this several times right here on this platform. We the people must acknowledge “the why”. Why and how we as the people, as a nation, have gotten here. Now, I don't know, just based on the things we (my ministry partner and I) have been seeing lately in dreams and visions, can we the people turn things around through prayer and repentance? Because with God, He is always fair and just. He will warn and warn, and send His prophets, giving us the people, plenty enough time to turn things around BEFORE He acts out His judgment on the people. (Compare to 1 Peter 3:9; Amos 3:7; and Jonah chapters 1-4). But far too often, we the people refuse to turn around and repent. To stop doing the evil works we practice. And when we the people failed to do so, God has to respond in judgment, i.e. the Garden of Eden, Noah's flood, the Israelites being placed in bondage and slavery over their disobedience time after time, the death of King David' son, King Saul's fall from his throne, etc. Our acts of wickedness and disobedience have led we the people to destruction over and over again. we, the people todaySo, here we are today. Again, standing before our Maker and we at the cuff of His grace and mercy because we the people and our leaders of not only this nation, but our leaders within God's House - refuses to set aside their difference, their will for power and control; in order to come together, to bring the people together, and repent with a true and contrite heart to a God who can repent, change His mind about acting out His judgment on this nation. (Compare to Psalm 51). During this season of grace. I have time and time again prayed and even said on this platform many times over. “LORD! HAVE MERCY ON US!” Crying out with much fervent because God has shown me and members in this ministry the destruction that is ahead if we the people don't change our ways. But like the prophets before, who pleaded with the people before them. We too preach and warn to a deaf crowd. And we are here. Where the sand in the hourglass has almost run out. And we are about to see what real divine justice looks like when we have failed and continue to ignore the warnings of God through His servants (Amos 3:7). And I say this with a heavy heart. More so because we all had plenty of time to repent, stop what we are doing, and change our outcome before a merciful God. But we didn't! We didn't. So, this will be my final words concerning this case against, we the people, in these United States that are being judged concerning the following. For I have, and this ministry has, giving a thorough witness and spoke the will of God before the people time and time again. And now the day has come where the verdict has been prepared. And this is the case My LORD has against you, the people. God's case against the peopleHear the word of the LORD. The LORD has brought charges against you, saying:
final wordsMy heart is broken because this does not have to be. It did not have to be.
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The word of the lordWhen the LORD God imparts a word, it is meant to teach, reprove, correct, or train His servants—the Body of Christ—so that every member may be equipped for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). The LORD has appointed apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers to equip the saints for service, mutual encouragement, and building up the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Thessalonians 5:11). Archives
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