There is a promise that GOD has personally spoken to each one of us. A promise that will bring many of us a level of notoriety. Notice what the LORD said to Abraham.
Notice, it is the LORD that will make your name and your mission stand out among many. But before you can reach such heights. There is always a waiting period. Why? Because there is always a process and a long pruning season you must undergo to ensure your success. So, let’s talk about this waiting period in more detail and see how we can benefit from it. the wait begins Let’s go back to Acts chapter 9. As we recall, Saul, who was a Pharisee, was on his way to the city of Damascus to capture any Christians he could bring back to Jerusalem to jail them for their faith. But as we discussed in my last blog, Why Are You Persecuting Me. His plans were derailed by the LORD, which led to Saul’s encounter with Christ and his conversion to Christianity. As a result of this encounter, it completely changed the trajectory of Saul’s career and lifestyle. He made a name for himselfNow, we have to be mindful that Saul had already made a name for himself by the time he experienced his encounter with Christ. It was said about him at Acts chapter 9, verse 13 by the prophet Ananias.
Saul was well known. He had a certain reputation among the people that made many afraid of him. But this would soon change. For as we know. GOD always works all things out for the good of HIS people and individuals involved. (Compare to Romas 8:28). This leads us to Saul’s encounter with Christ. After Saul met Jesus on the road of Damascus and was suddenly blinded by Jesus’ bright appearance. Saul asked Jesus.
Jesus gave Saul the following instructions.
Saul had to go to a certain city and now wait there until Jesus provided him with his next set of instructions. During those 3 days that Saul sat in the house of Judas on Straight Street, we can say he underwent a complete metamorphosis. Due to the loss of his sight that was caused by Jesus' bright figure, Saul was not able to do anything. And of course, the pure shock of the whole experience left him in complete awe and dumbfounded that he was unable to eat or drink for those 3 days (Acts 9:8-9). This experience certainly left him speechless and force him to reevaluate himself and his mission – his life course. As we have learned through our reading of Acts chapter 9, that 3-day process was the key to Saul changing into a new man. (Compare to 2 Corinthians 5:17). Now, to us, those 3 days do not seem very long. But when you had gone through what Saul experienced, it may seem like a lifetime of torture. It’s like going on a 24-hour fast. For most of us, by the time we reach that first hour, we are already dreading the process. We become irritable and lethargic, and our body begins to show the classic signs that we have gone too long without food. This was no different for Saul. He literally experienced a mental breakdown from his experience. Therefore, this waiting period was going to either break him or forever change him. The LORD said it to the prophet Jeremiah this way.
This process usually, for most of us takes years. But GOD was going to take this process for Saul and accelerate the time. (Compare to Joel 2:25). He was going to root out, tear down, destroy, throw down, build as well as plant into Saul everything he needed to change his course of actions and become the vessel (instrument) GOD needed to bear HIS name to the Gentile nation, all the kings of the earth, and to the nation of Israel. Saul’s reputation was about to be flipped. His name was about to not only be made great for the LORD. But he was going to receive a new name and a new identity for Christ. As a result, of this metamorphosis, he was about to suffer many things for the LORD due to this greater name he was about to be established in and carry.
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